Link Spoiler: Images What's it got: +Several Explorable Buildings, including a jail, restaurants, and other businesses +An unlockable 'easter egg' house featuring a music player with several class Christmas songs +A big ol' christmas tree +Old map from the 2006 era, which should mean most potatoes can play it. What it needs: -RP map, so it will need scripted with guns and also need removal of 'Civil Protection Alarm' buttons featured inside each business. Honestly, nothing too bad. -Easter Egg house can be relocked from the inside; removal of this will prevent any potential camping issues Obviously a bit early to get in the Christmas mood, but I'd just like to throw this out there as a consideration for our Christmas event down the line. Cheers!
+1, This map brings back memories. Re-arming the map is pretty easy. And yeah removing all the annoying alarms and it's Gucci.
I've played this map on a ZS server and I've had mixed feelings about it since it usually ends up with the zombies winning the round. That being said though, I'm open to the idea of playing it on the TTT servers. +1