Approved roger22390's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by CrankShade, Apr 3, 2014.

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  1. Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    I don't even know what it's for. Please unban unless there's a reason.
    There isn't even a punishment of 4 days in the rules.
    Evidence of Innocence:
    I don't even know what it's for. Please unban unless there's a reason.​
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2014
  2. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    I banned you initally for your first RDM&LEAVE offense. You left while you were supposed to be slain because you killed someone who had nothing to do when you were getting shot.

    Here's the link -->

    Unfortunately, I don't have the copy of the reports, but I do remember that you didn't answer and then you left soon after like 2 rounds. That's what caused me to ban you.
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2014
  3. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    Honestly, your adminstats are virtually clean and because I don't have the report on you, I'm going to to accept your appeal and let you off with the amount of time that's passed by. In the future, make sure to ask a staff member if you have an incoming slay on you and always stay for the full round if you get slain.


    Topic will be locked at your acknowledgement. You should be able to return to the server now.
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2014
  4. Ok 'preciate it. I don't remember too well, but it mighta been that I saw only him as I was getting shot, or he was in the crossfire. In any case, I don't RDM, I kill with good intentions. Please lock thread.
  5. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    Topic locked: Appeal Approved
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