Finished Road to Recovery Giveaway

Discussion in 'Giveaways' started by Brahma, Feb 16, 2016.

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  1. Brahma

    Brahma Homecoming. VIP Silver

    Starting off myself right this time and I will be doing a giveaway i never have done before. After making a new introduction, I also decided to give something people might want.

    Contents of Prizes
    1. A rank of your choice either Elite, VIP+, or any DR Rank around 20$
    2. Any game within 25$ of your choice (You can wait for a sale if you like)
    3. Any League of Legends skin around 975 RP, you better be playing the game too
    Eligible Rules
    1. You need to be active on the forums, or servers and teamspeak. If you're barely returning or just returning for the giveaway, don't bother entering. True members can get in, unless i decided to make an exception.
    2. You need to have an account that has been around no later than February 5, 2016.
    3. You may enter for others, but I will limit the cap to 3 so others can get a chance at winning.

    Also to enter, comment down how you managed to successfully recover from a terrible state and became who you are today.

    There will be 3 winners and those 3 winners will have a choice of the contents above.

    Giveaway will end February 28th, 2016 <---- on my birthday, feel free to say happy birthday aswell :)
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2016
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    GRYPHN ♫ Thanks for the Memories ♫ VIP

    I would love to have the chance to win, If I win the LoL skin, Id gladly give the win to @Shadow BUT, If its the rank or Steam game I would love the opportunity.

    I recovered from a stressful past with help from those around me

  3. Teapot

    Teapot BSoD VIP

    I remember a time when they had to remove 4 of my teeth to get braces. Apparently I had too many teeth so they had to pull some out to get my braces on. After the operation, it was hell. I was literally throwing up for the whole day and the fact that my mouth was bleeding caused my throw up to look red didn't help at all so I just continued to throw up. It was a horrible day but the next day I felt like I survived hell. Good thing I was HOOKED on anistisia so I didn't feel anything but the throwing up part was the one that hit the most. Oh well, at least the oral surgeon was happy right?

    Anyways, thanks for the giveaway Obrahma. I hope I beat everyone. Kekek
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  4. I have recovered after a terrible state of suicidal depression and now today i just don't care what others think of me. If i win the LoL skin give it to @Shadow however the rank or steam game i will take kindly.
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  5. Grace

    Grace 真夜中 VIP Silver

    After battling many years of sadness; Friends are what helped me recover to who I am today, and I wouldnt be here without their love and support.

    and for that special day; Happy birthday! I hope you have a wonderful day :shamefullyembarrassed:

    If I win, I'd love elite.
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  6. CorallocinB

    CorallocinB Animeme lord VIP Silver Emerald

    Let's see, where was a low point. I suppose to get my future on a proper path I was exceptionally lazy early in High school... I got my first job later than most high schoolers, same with my license, never did any extra curricular activities, and never took anything harder than an academic course (Difficulty scale: Academic, Honors, AP). I decided around the end of year 2 of HS that I'd challenge myself more which would hopefully produce a better future outlook. I decided to take up harder classics, try out for baseball, and around that time get my license and job. I doubt I'd be where I am right now if I didn't test myself then and so I turned out much better than I thought I would since then.

    Next task: Reduce my introverted nature.
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  7. hello my friend

    hello my friend ciao amico mio VIP Silver

    Honestly the best way to recover is to surround yourself with people you like/love. Spend time with them, laugh, play games and do stuff together. When you feel a little better talk to someone, don't be afraid to open up with your problems. There are countless people I can imagine here who would gladly help you with that, @C.A.Anna is the one I think about when I consider this subject.

    The road isn't easy but there's always sunshine after darkness. :)

    Also on this note, I'll be entering this giveaway for @C.A.Anna
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  8. Steven

    Steven VIP Silver

    I remember during the final year of secondary school, I almost missed the deadline for submitting my work. I was literally stressing out over it, but the thing is, in situations like this you need to look past the worry and generally you will be provided an outcome that in most cases works. What I did basically is contact a friend and explain to him what I was going through and how I felt which allowed me to release much needed tension and stress while him providing an outcome by offering to help me complete the work.

    Now of course this isn't saying that everything in life will work out like this, but the problem is we need to push past the bad things to reach the good things. There will always be ups and downs but when we push through that it's what makes us strong.
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  9. Chris Benoit

    Chris Benoit New Member

    Damm, 6 days off. Good luck to the winner!
  10. Alpha Wolfy

    Alpha Wolfy Nocturnal VIP

    I remember suffering from a "personal" issue about two years back. At that time, I wasn't really social like I am today and did not really open up to people; usual isolation scenario. Once the summer started, I ended up going away to a camp or getaway for about a week. I hung around the group of people, who were also a part of the program i was in, and ended up forging friendships with most of them. We all ended up exchanging info after the program ended and to this day, we still talk from time to time even though we all live quite some distance away (two or three live in a different state from mine.) This may not seem like a huge moment but this was truly an unforgettable and life changing experience for me and helped influence me to become more open to people and less cynical. Getting to know someone can really have a strong impact on you.

    Thanks for the giveaway Brahama!
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  11. Shaddoll

    Shaddoll Okay doomer. VIP

    Entering for myself. The key that I've found for recovery is surround yourself with people that you know will help you out. Cut ties with those who are toxic to you. My friends started getting into drugs. I was never that person who was totally against them, but it started to become all they talked about. They also started getting into trouble while I was with them. It pained me, but I had to cut them out of my life. If I hadn't they would have landed me in jail. I eventually created a new friend group that I still hang with to this day.
  12. Sarkastix

    Sarkastix Well-Known Member

    I am entering for @Sarkastix

    The key is to be with people that care about you, and not care about what others think.

    Always think positive and not negative, there is always hope

    I would love elite

    Thanks for the giveaway
  13. Fluffy

    Fluffy Banned

    I Want To Enter To Win Please :p
    To Me The Way To Recover Is To Talk With People, Make Jokes, Have Fun!
  14. I've never been able to recover because I have always been put down again, but that's my fault because meh it takes work to be good
    I have seen you offer an easy way out so heres some bribe money for @rog the dog
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  15. I had a really stressful time with my home life. The way I got out of it was going to my sisters haha. Thans for the giveaway! Happy birthday!!!!!!
  16. Smash

    Smash Baka VIP Silver

    Recovered from a bad personal life and extreme depression 2 years ago thanks to a lot of help from people I let get close to me. Happy day of birth.
  17. Zigles

    Zigles Rule #1: Never trust a Zigles VIP

    Entering myself here and I would love Elite.

    I recovered from extreme depression and suicidal thoughts by surrounding myself with people I cared about and by distracting myself with mindless games. My friends played a big part in my recovery and some choices I made, including breaking up with my girlfriend, also helped me towards my recovery. And now I'm here, still sad about my girlfriend but I know it was for the best. :)
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  18. Mason

    Mason VIP Silver

    From a terrible state?
    The only time I was in a terrible state that really got to me was when I was younger and I used video games as my escape, but I don't think that's good advice so you probably shouldn't listen to me.
    Whenever I get stressed out over something I usually just end up playing videos games so I feel better and don't have to think about whatever it is that's stressing me out.

    Also some real advice though, I stopped being friends with the people I had been friends with for 7 years and my girlfriend and surrounded myself with a different crowd and I'm in a much better place than I used to be.

    So I got that goin for me.
    • Old Old x 1
  19. Azaelus

    Azaelus I want to break free VIP Silver Emerald

    I'm notorious for leaving my schoolwork to the last minute and just before the submission deadlines, even big assignments. Trust me, don't leave stuff to the last minute, it gets really stressful and you don't want to pull 3 all nighters in a week trying to finish that researched 2000-3000 word essay. I almost fell into a near state of depression and stress in December when I had 3 3000 word researched essays due. I had no choice but to take that step and tell my parents. Of course they berated me at first, but they helped me get on the right track and I successfully handed in all of my tasks on time.

    After all the constant nagging from my parents, I realised something: I'm getting nagged not because they hate me for leaving assignments to the last minute, but because they want me to succeed. They went out of their daily lives just to push me into finishing my assignments. If they hadn't bugged/nagged/annoyed me for 2 weeks just to finish those 3 works off, I wouldn't have gotten my 2 offers from my two prime universities in the UK.

    TL:DR: Almost screwed up 12 years of education, parents nagged me, and I was put back on the right track.

    Respect your parents guys, you don't know the amount of shit they go through just to make your life successful. :).

    If you see this mom and dad, thank you so much.
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  20. ArcticFox29

    ArcticFox29 Creator of lag. Silver

    Terrible state? Lemme just add something to this real quick...

    Possible trigger warning (?)

    Alright, so my entire life I've struggled with depression, social anxiety, panic disorder, bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder, insomnia/night terrors, among other things. Ah, personal stuff!
    I wasn't diagnosed (and didn't seek help) until about a year ago when I went away to university. Well, uh. My mental health deteriorated significantly due to stress of school and being on my own, and not being medicated for the first semester kind of sucked. When I was medicated, it was the wrong medications that uh, made everything so much worse. TL;DR - self destructive habits (putting it mildly) that formed themselves when I was 12 resurfaced way harder than ever before, and I ended up being pulled out of university and was put into a mental hospital for 4 months. (I promise the story gets more positive!)
    Obviously, really bad. The hospital helped, but I did have a few breakdowns while there. After that, I started seeing a few different, highly regarded psychologists and am still in therapy and heavily medicated. I eventually started community college, where I am now. Tried working in between the hospital and community college, but that's another story. It didn't end so well, even though I loved the work.
    As of right now, I think I've left those bad times behind. I'm currently looking into one of the best, most competitive art universities in the US, and the best part? They want me, for their game design program AND for their photography programs. I have to work my ass off to get in, and work even harder once I start, but I think I FINALLY turned my life around. I actually just met with them in person yesterday, so that was awesome.
    Chasing the dream, yo! :)

    I don't know. It feels weird going from struggling in every aspect of life to getting my shit together enough to chase my dreams. We'll see how it turns out.
    I still kind of worry that I will never fully move on from what I did while away at university originally. The things I did damaged some of my organs, and the amount of scars are unreal. But, everything has to get worse before it gets better.

    For now, I'm just enjoying being staff here and trying to take it easy with school.

    On a lighter note...
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2016
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