Denied Ricox's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Ricox, Sep 5, 2015.

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  1. Ricox

    Ricox Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    I was actually absolutely confused by the ban. I was playing in the EU server and I recall killing at least 4-6 innocents based on a traitorous act they committed.

    2 of them were in the exact round I was banned - both of them RDMed an innocent (I reported them and they both got marked for a slay). The previous innocent I killed was a mass RDMer that had killed 5 other innocents (got him by DNA & a traitorous act), he was banned by Anna. I also damaged two traitors in my traitor round in crossfire (I was mowing down all the innocents and the traitors were all bunched up with me in the map where you have the sword in the basement with the stairs, I apologized to them afterwards, but it was inevitable as innocents were hunting me down for slaughtering several detectives).

    Another incident much earlier than these was when I saw a traitor engaging an innocent (allegedly, the traitor shot first so I assumed he was one). I helped him kill the traitor, then the innocent went on to shoot another person who came out of nowhere absolutely unrelated to the shootout, so I killed the person shooting him (who turned out to be an innocent, no idea why he shot him).

    I'm not sure what were the other friendly fire incidents I had that would lead my karma to be so low. I didn't even notice I had such low karma as I never do, but the server was filled with RDMers (despite so many bans over the past maps they still keep coming) and I inevitably had to kill them.​
    Evidence of Innocence:
    Not sure how I can provide evidence on this one. I wasn't expecting to be karma banned, otherwise I would have saved screenshots of all the damage logs.

    Beard Core was online at the time and so was an admin whose name I don't remember precisely. I wasn't slain a single time during that map's playtime, so I believe there is no reason to believe I RDMed anyone - all kills were either from DNA or traitorous act, and one incident of crossfire (didn't kill anyone, though, was a shot with shotgun from close range to lower body that turned the traitor from "Healthy" to "Hurt").​
  2. Ricox

    Ricox Member

  3. GrimmyGod

    GrimmyGod VIP

    Hey there Ricox,
    You were actually banned by the console for karma being under 600. It is a 1 hour ban. This appeal will be denied and you can play again in a hour! I know it happens sometimes, I have been Karma banned myself actually. Just need to be careful in the future.

    Also you can view bans here.

    Ban: DENIED
    Thread: LOCKED
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