Review on "10 Cloverfield Lane"

Discussion in 'Off Topic Discussion' started by Waka-san, Mar 31, 2016.

  1. Waka-san

    Waka-san VIP

    My review on "10 Cloverfield Lane"

    "10 Cloverfield Lane" is definitely "must watch" for anyone who loves good thriller/sci fi or just good movie. It's basically thriller inside sci fi setting. And it's something new in terms of pacing and storytelling.

    So, movie starts with main herone getting in a car accident, next thing she knows is that she woke up in a bunker with a guy who telling her that everyone outside are dead. Good start, right? :D Well it'll get even better. :D "Monters come in many forms", keep that in mind when you'll watch it. You gonna be surprised, I guarantee it.​

    Also, this movie has nothing to do with "Cloverfield", but it has some similar wibes. J.J. Abrams stated that "10 Cloverfield Lane" is not in the same Univerce as "Cloverfield".

    I'll give this movie 9/10 for all exept ending. For ending I'll give it 7/10.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. Waka-san

    Waka-san VIP

    Heavy spoilers ahead!!! Don't read this, if you want to see the movie!!!

    It is actually makes sence if they are in the same univerce. In First movie this big moster came from space, so it just can be aliens screwing with humanity to see what they gonna do about this giant thing. And then attacking with full force.

    God dammit this twist tho, I never would've expect Howard to be fucking maniac, I thought he's just too paranoid etc. (well movie didn't clearly says that he's actually a maniac, but cmon, we all know he is :D)

    And "ending" part with aliens, molotov destroys alien ship? Srsly? :D
  3. Waka-san

    Waka-san VIP

    Yea, I screwed up with a title. Can it be changed to just "Review on "10 Cloverfiel Lane""? :D
  4. Noctorious

    Noctorious Your Best Nightmare VIP Emerald

    You can edit your own title I think
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. Waka-san

    Waka-san VIP

    Yeap, just didn't notice :D