Resurrect the old maps!

Discussion in 'Maps' started by The Infamous Doc Holiday, Jul 15, 2016.

  1. Everyone is sad to see the classic maps gone. I almost committed suicide over the exodus of Alps. And instead you added lazertag? Reely?

    This is the future. There is no reason why we can't implement a scrolling page for the map vote, and have them all there. Why remove maps anyway? Everyone enjoyed them! Why does it hurt to just leave them and add new ones as well? Like I said, scrolling page. @Panzer already added a poll, so I won't. But seriously. Reupload the classics maps.

    P.s I didn't pay attention, so they may already have been, but if not, remove the minecraft maps from the custom servers. There is no reason to have them there when there is a minecraft server.
  2. Togo ✿

    Togo ✿ Nobody Gets it VIP Silver

    some of them were remove because bugs and problems. But if they did get removed for those reason im all for them coming back