Answered Requirements for applying for Mod

Discussion in 'Questions & Answers' started by shadowdragoon66, Nov 25, 2013.

  1. shadowdragoon66

    shadowdragoon66 hic sunt draconis VIP

    I was wondering what the general requirements are for mod. I don't see anything that says "you need x hours" or anything like that. I also see people who post with random hours of playtime and hopes that their rep is good enough to get them mod. I very, very rarely put an app for things like this because of a lack of requirements being posted because I don't want to post an app to find out that I wasted everyone's time by not beign anywhere near the requirements.
  2. Amazing

    Amazing Veteran Member

    The actual amount of time doesn't matter. What does is that you know others well, you show respect to all, and you are familiar with the game and the rules.
  3. eduardopy

    eduardopy Banned

    But you a rule of my own, I will probably not +1 you unless you have more than 50 played hours, why? Because you need to spend more time with the community. Ofcourse there are exceptions.