Request the Glowing Hotfix from Highwon

Discussion in 'Off Topic Discussion' started by TheyTHinkImNinja, Jul 15, 2014.

  1. is there any way we can get the hotfix for the glowing outline, my friend has a small server that i shall not name, and we would like to have the patch for it because were getting anoyed of it. i wouldnt ask if i didnt think it would be bad if made public, just wanting something to fix THE LINES!
  2. It’s due to changes in the lua/includes/modules/properties.lua file. Around line ~162

    hook.Add( “PreDrawHalos”, “PropertiesHover”, function()
    if ( vgui.GetHoveredPanel() != vgui.GetWorldPanel() && vgui.GetHoveredPanel() != g_ContextMenu ) then return end
    local ent = properties.GetHovered( EyePos(), LocalPlayer():GetAimVector() )
    if ( !IsValid( ent ) ) then return end
    local c = Color( 255, 255, 255, 255 )
    c.r = 200 + math.sin( RealTime() * 50 ) * 55
    c.g = 200 + math.sin( RealTime() * 20 ) * 55
    c.b = 200 + math.cos( RealTime() * 60 ) * 55
    — halo.Add( { ent }, c, 2, 2, 2, true, false )
    end )