is there any way we can get the hotfix for the glowing outline, my friend has a small server that i shall not name, and we would like to have the patch for it because were getting anoyed of it. i wouldnt ask if i didnt think it would be bad if made public, just wanting something to fix THE LINES!
It’s due to changes in the lua/includes/modules/properties.lua file. Around line ~162 Code: hook.Add( “PreDrawHalos”, “PropertiesHover”, function() if ( vgui.GetHoveredPanel() != vgui.GetWorldPanel() && vgui.GetHoveredPanel() != g_ContextMenu ) then return end local ent = properties.GetHovered( EyePos(), LocalPlayer():GetAimVector() ) if ( !IsValid( ent ) ) then return end local c = Color( 255, 255, 255, 255 ) c.r = 200 + math.sin( RealTime() * 50 ) * 55 c.g = 200 + math.sin( RealTime() * 20 ) * 55 c.b = 200 + math.cos( RealTime() * 60 ) * 55 — COMMENT THIS PART OUT — halo.Add( { ent }, c, 2, 2, 2, true, false ) end )