Repulsel Mod/Admin Abuse

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Anonymous, Jul 29, 2013.

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  1. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Repulsel Slayed me and IAmAhnuld. He did this because we killed him because he called a false kos. As far as I know a false kos is traiterous. Repulsel was indeed a traitor solidifying his mod abuse.
  2. IamAhnuld

    IamAhnuld Regular Member

    I confirm. You can close my post or merge it with this.
  3. MatthewC102

    MatthewC102 Member

    This was admin abuse they killed him for false kos so he slayed them
  4. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Not exatcly sure how to merge.
  5. IamAhnuld

    IamAhnuld Regular Member

    I was talking to whichever admin sees this.
  6. Repulsel

    Repulsel Member

    I'm gonna explain what happened. I was a traitor, and I had picked up a dna scanner. I use it on a body with dna on it, and of course it points to a fellow T that is elsewhere. I declared beforehand that I had picked up a dna scanner and that I was using it. I then call KOS on King Hobo(an innocent) who was with CpDub and IamAhnuld, and I proceed to shoot him. He dies and they check the body and of course he turns out to be an inno. Then I try to tell them that it must've been an rdm on King Hobo's part and I asked them to check the dna scanner. I walk to them with a dna scanner in my hand and they shot me before I reached them for "calling a false KOS". It was either of them was ghosting and knew already that I was a traitor, or it was an rdm on their part. So I slay them next round for rdming. Then, they choose not to listen to what I had to say and just complain and called me "butthurt for outsmarting" about the slay and said they were going to report it here. So here I am.

    What they clearly didn't understand was that if I had a dna scanner and used it, it shows the person who had killed them. Also, one thing I forgot to mention was that I asked them to stand still before using the scanner. I would've understood about them killing me if they had checked the dna scanner that I was holding, but they disregarded my position and immediately shot me to death. If you guys have anymore to say, do post it below, as I'll try my best to explain thoroughly about what was going down. I'm a diligent mod that tries to go through everyone's rdm slay requests and whatnot, and I don't just slay for no reason.
  7. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    You were trying to reason off of a traitorous act. For example, I throw a grenade (which is traitorous) as a traitor or innocent, and try to reason with the people attempting to kill me based off of what I did. If they did indeed kill me, if I was a a mod/admin I would not slay them for rdm. I think this is how it should be. I did a traiterous act and that is by all means a call for a kos. No different with a false KOS. I don't understand why you slayed both of us, it was uncalled for and not reasonable in my opinion, and I think the fact that Ahnuld and Mathew felt the same way, this should be investigated.
  8. Repulsel

    Repulsel Member

    Did you not understand that the reason why I slayed you guys was because you guys fired and killed before I was able to drop the dna scanner and have you guys check it? Like that is that sole reason why I slayed for rdm, because you guys had no idea that I was a T unless,of course, one of you guys were ghosting.
  9. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    "Oh he killed me for false kos they must be ghosting". That makes no sense. Like I said before, YOU WERE REASONING OFF OF A TRAITOROUS ACT. The innocents don't have to listen to you and can kill you for doing something traitorous, am I correct? That is enough evidence, which is why it wouldn't be an RDM.
  10. IamAhnuld

    IamAhnuld Regular Member

    Your reasoning was irrelevant. You had us kill an innocent, the DNA didn't matter. WHY hobo had DNA on him would matter and you had no explanation. Your reasoning was irrelevant and flawed, I saw through it and you got upset. Not good modding.
  11. Repulsel

    Repulsel Member

    I never said you guys were actually ghosting. If you guys were, the punishment will be much more severe, but obviously you are not understanding the point im trying to make across.

    Let's say that I was actually an inno, and it actually showed that Hobo had RDMed another inno before I had used a "picked up" dna scanner. For me it shows that there is a DNA scan showing that Hobo had killed a fellow innocent. So I call out a KOS on Hobo and we check his body as it turns out to be an innocent. If I was an inno and as I did when I was a T that round before you guys were slayed, I would try to prove to you guys that I was an inno and show you guys the dna scanner as you guys are calling me out for false KOS. But then you guys kill me as im walking to you guys holding the dna scanner, just like the round I was killed as a T. It's the same concept, except that I was T, but it would be RDM for both of you guys who shot, because you had no hard evidence that I was a T or an inno. Like, if that is hard for you to grasp CpDub, then I have no more to say.
  12. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    You accused of ghosting, which is why I responded to that accusation. "If that is too hard for you to grasp Repulsel, then I have no more to say". There really isn't more thats needed to be said. I talked to trash and Highwon about this and they agreed we don't have to listen to your reasoning. A traitorous act is a traitorous act. End of Story. Besides, if you dropped the DNA scanner allowing us to look at it, it would be a prime time to kill us both as we are distracted. I do believe this also played a role in our decision, not to mention the FALSE KOS. I have no more to say, I have my plea and you have yours. I will let the people in higher places than I sort this out. To me it is blatantly obvious what should happen.
  13. Repulsel

    Repulsel Member

    Why are you bringing up ghosting again? I said there was no way for you guys to have solid proof on me that I was a T, so it was an RDM or one of you guys could have been ghosting and had known for sure that I was a T. It's not the end of the story, dropping the dna scanner for you guys to check was the right thing to do regardless of me being a T or an inno at the moment. You can't just kill on suspicion like you were thinking "if you dropped the DNA scanner allowing us to look at it, it would be a prime time to kill us both as we are distracted" that itself proves that it was an RDM.
  14. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    It would indeed be an RDM if that's all that happened. The facts are you were killed off of false kos, you were not killed based off of suspicion of the DNA scanner. I never said that. It is obvious why you were killed. I'm not bringing up ghosting either, you are, and I replied to your accusation, 'nuff said. There was no reason to slay us for RDM.
  15. Repulsel

    Repulsel Member

    From what you just said, I now can end the conversation knowing that 4-5 replies from myself repeating the same thing is not enough to help you understand yourself in my own shoes. I even tried explaining to you about a possible situation where Hobo had indeed RDMed a fellow traitor and had DNA on him, but you obviously did not consider anything besides an accusation of me being a T for calling out false KOS and killing me without hard evidence, thus the RDM slay for killing me before I was even able to explain to you guys and show you the DNA scanner. You are also not understanding the roles of Innocents and Traitors in the game of TTT. I have played on this server for 80+ hours and I do not, I repeat, I do not just slay for reason and strictly follow the rules.
  16. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    I'm done making replies. As I said before, I have my plea and you have yours. I'll let those in command sort it out.
  17. Derpy

    Derpy Active Member

    Apparently to other admins (Detector) It dosent meen shit if you say "You can even check the dna scanner for yourself" as he done same thing with me or well similer.

    A false kos was called on me I said "wait I can show you the bullets in my gun" Detector still came up and shot me with out giving me a chance.

    It's the exact same thing so they did not deserve any slay at all.
  18. Toclosetoyou

    Toclosetoyou Regular Member

    Derpy you were not there stay out of this post.
  19. Sir Lemoncakes

    Sir Lemoncakes Don't trust the other guy. The cake IS a lie. VIP

    It was relevant to the post though, a mod set the precedent that you are not required to ask to see the scanner before killing for a false KOS. If the mods get away with it, and under 90% of other circumstances no one would be slayed, no slay should be given. A rule that only applies when it benefits the mods is simply not a rule that should be there at all.
  20. roflcatl33t

    roflcatl33t Member

    yeah i read through all of this and i think repulsel needs some discipline of some sort
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