Reporting Mango Tango, Newo and Cupcake Mayhem

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by The_Ballerina, Oct 13, 2013.

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  1. The_Ballerina

    The_Ballerina Banned

    Hi there,

    I'd like clarification as to why I was slain in a game where I called KOS on myself. While I am the false KOSer by calling a KOS on myself, it is in fact a legit KOS on a false KOSer.

    I was told that I was causing mass RDM. But since people have legitimate reasons to kill me, it cannot be constituted as RDM since they are killing a false KOSer on a legitimate KOS.

    Please provide a greater explanation as to why I was slain and why this was not a case of mod abuse for a false slay.

    Thank you!
  2. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald


    So if you're an innocent, calling a KOS on an innocent for no apparent reason, you will be slain. If the innocent does something traitorous and deserves to be killed, then it's no big deal. You are calling it at the beginning of the round on yourself for no reason, causing players, mostly innos, to kill you and lose Karma. I know you're trying to find a loophole in the system and use it by trolling the server, but this is Serious TTT, and I'm fairly certain that your recent acts are not in a serious manner.
  3. The_Ballerina

    The_Ballerina Banned

    But the innocent IS doing something that deserves to be slain for. Calling a false KOS.

    So it's OK if I wait a while before calling it since you're implying that doing it at the start is the problem?

    I'm actually not trying to troll the server.

    I figured out that if you call false KOSes on yourself enough times, then people won't act on real ones since they aren't sure if it is real or not. Which is supremely valuable as a T. I actually managed to pull of a beautiful Jihad because of this. This is not trolling, it is strategy.
  4. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    You asked for me to respond again, so I will. I personally think that you have been trolling this whole time; in my opinion your "strategy" isn't a very good one, considering that you're inno more than a traitor.

    You seem to be trying to find a loophole in the system and troll the server by calling KOS on yourself as an innocent, cause another inno to kill you and lose karma.

    Like I said before, I would slay an inno for calling a KOS without reason on anyone, because that is what RDM is; if you call a KOS on someone and they haven't done anything traitorous, then it is considered RDM. You are the inno calling the false KOS on yourself, another Inno, without any reason to. It's a troll move and Newo, Simply, and Myself have watched you do it all night. Please try a different strategy to avoid being slain.
  5. The_Ballerina

    The_Ballerina Banned

    But a false KOS is a KOSable offense. The KOS is legit. The KOS is being called BECAUSE IT IS A FALSE KOS. There is a clear and simple reason there. Additionally, it is not RDM since the KOS is legit and other players killing me is legit.

    Since I am an innocent the majority of the time (just like everyone else), people will always hesitate in killing me.

    The validity of a strategy is not grounds for you to slay me. If a strategy does not work, it is my decision as the player and not yours to prevent it.

    For your decision that it is a "troll move" to make sense, then you will have to outline the definition of troll move. After all, so much behaviour on the server could be considered a troll move that if you are punishing me for this troll move, you will have to start punishing others as well.
  6. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    The validity of the strategy is not grounds to slay you, that's right. You are being slain because you're calling a false KOS on an inno.
  7. The_Ballerina

    The_Ballerina Banned

    But it's not a false KOS since the KOS is being called on the false KOSer.
  8. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    This isn't inception. You are, in fact, calling a false KOS on an innocent; I will slay you each time for the offense, up to the third offense, then you will be banned for 24 hours.
  9. The_Ballerina

    The_Ballerina Banned

    I never said it was inception. There is nothing to do with inception here at all. The matter is very simple.

    The KOS is being called on an innocent that is calling a false KOS. Calling a false KOS is a traitorous act. The KOS is legitimate.

    Also, I cannot be causing mass RDM since players are following a legit KOS.
  10. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    I'm done trying to explain my reasoning with you. I will let either Highwon or the admins take care of it.
  11. The_Ballerina

    The_Ballerina Banned

    Now I have been banned.

    In the round that I was banned, I called a KOS on myself for running around with an explosive barrel. There is no question of the KOS being false or not.

    This is mods abusing their powers pure and simple. The people responsible should be held accountable for their actions.

    EDIT: For grammar
  12. Cupcake Mayhem

    Cupcake Mayhem Uncuffed VIP

    You hurt someone with that barrel and multiple offences of false KoS I banned you. The other guys didn't do ANYTHING and you brought them into this.
  13. The_Ballerina

    The_Ballerina Banned

    Can you please show the damage logs that show I hurt someone with that barrel? Regardless, hurting someone with a barrel is not a bannable offense anyways. There are constant prop fights on the server. Are you going to ban those people too?

    Also it has already been established that the false KOSes are not false since they are being called on a false KOSer. The KOSes are therefore legitimate.

    You could say they are false because they are called on an innocent, BUT they are being called on an innocent performing a traitorous act. Namely, giving a false KOS.

    Are you going to continue abusing your powers? Because that is all you are doing now.
  14. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    I just want to point it out that you're the only person who has established that.
  15. The_Ballerina

    The_Ballerina Banned

    It is established since you cannot provide any logical argument against it.
  16. Angelx

    Angelx Always Innocent VIP

    It count as attempted rdm, which is slay/ban if repeated.

    All you been doing on the server is stupid stuff that ruins the experiences for others.

    When you're Inno: you false kos yourself & others causing chain inno deaths.

    When you're traitor: you jihad without warnings and kill 2 - 3 + t buddies with you.
  17. The_Ballerina

    The_Ballerina Banned

    Therefore AngelX anyone participating in prop hitting/prop fights should be banned.

    How can you presume to speak for others AngelX? You simply have your own experiences that you can vouch for.

    I NEVER false KOSed others. Also, when I do false KOS myself, it is a real KOS since I am false KOSing.

    I took the punishment for for that incident. Therefore it should have no bearing on this conversation.

    AngelX, you have done nothing but serve to try make this conversation a discussion of my character rather than the actions I am being banned for. Please provide actual useful input next time, otherwise I will simply ignore you.
  18. Angelx

    Angelx Always Innocent VIP

    1. No.

    2. You false kos yourself nearly EVERYROUND, to the point where it's mic spamming.

    3. So you're accepting what you've done? Why you're reporting the staffs?

    4. This is useful input(maybe not for you), I'm providing info that says the staff aren't abusing.
  19. The_Ballerina

    The_Ballerina Banned

    1. Great reply. Super useful. Maybe expand that point?

    2. I stopped mic spamming. I only KOSed enough to the point that it was necessary. In fact, I even started typing so that I don't have to use the mic. Also, how can it be mic spamming if it is related to the game? I am providing valid information the players need during the game.

    3. I'm accepting that I am calling KOSes on myself. However, please try to understand the following before you comment on this again:
    - I am an innocent calling a false KOS.
    - However, the KOS is on a person calling a false KOS (me).
    - The KOS is legit because it is called on a person doing a traitorous act (me, calling a false KOS)
    - Therefore my KOS is legit and NOT false.

    4. It is useless info since it is of a completely different incident which has already been resolved. You only bring it up to try and make me look bad. You are trying to attack my character rather than arguments. You are using Ad Hominem, the lowest form of arguing and thus completely useless and unproductive.
  20. Angelx

    Angelx Always Innocent VIP

    Not bringing it up to make you look bad, just letting the staffs know what you've been doing. Also I'm not arguing :) simply providing facts, I'm done here. bai
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