Report this part of the rules

Discussion in 'Rules and Protocol' started by Bob, Mar 23, 2014.


Do you think it should be removed?

  1. Agree

  2. Decline

  1. Bob

    Bob Member

    Punishments are subject to change under an admin's discretion.

    I find that stupid if a has a grudge against you, or doesn't like you. You can receive a longer ban than people who were hacker or ghosting or mass rdm x3 etc. I just think Highwon should remove it or set up lengths for these admins changing stuff. Just unfair for the people who are disliked by a admin and get a ridiculous ban because they are disliked. I met a guy on the server and he told me there was a guy who got banned in January for mass rdmx3 and will be unbanned in April. Myself got banned for staff harassment and player harassment for 120mins without a warning or a kick because of the rule.

    I just think you shouldn't have this rule until none of your admins are bias towards other players and have one mission to treat everyone equally and have a better community not one that admins can have different rules in there mind and punishments.
    • Dumb Dumb x 2
  2. Carned

    Carned ✘o ✘o VIP Silver Emerald

    How have you met a player who is banned until April? They can't be on the server if they are banned.

    And the rule is dependent on your History as a player and how serious the offence is.
  3. Bob

    Bob Member

    I met a guy who told me about the guy who got banned in January to April.

    I have on ban because I refused to switch my name which was a false ban by a staff member he didnt get in trouble because of the staff feels bad for his problem and then killamarshall bans me for 120 minute with out a kick or warning. Which would be abuse but because of this dumb rule it wont because someone who doesn't deserve admin gets away with it.
  4. Bob

    Bob Member

    but it does make sense the staff say no because they don't want everyone treated the same.
  5. Carned

    Carned ✘o ✘o VIP Silver Emerald

    I read over your report and it seems you were gagged, now for harassment the rules follow a Gag and Ungag, Round long gag and then a ban.

    But if killa feels you continued to harass him or other players through adminchat or just regular chat he is allowed to ban you if you are disrupting the server, which it appears you were.
  6. Bob

    Bob Member

    but you don't understand not only about the abuse that happen to me its about people getting different ban times because of a admin decision. Kind of dumb that admins can decide to change things and not change things but then again you guys don't want people treated the same.

    Someone can be banned for MASS RDM longer than the HACKER can be banned for.
  7. RhazhBash

    RhazhBash Professional Button Presser VIP

    The reason people get longer bans for mass RDM than for hacking is because those people all have multiple offenses. A first offense of mass RDM would never be as long as a first offense of hacking, but sometimes a fourth offense mass RDM can be longer than a first offense hacking ban.
  8. The Seventh

    The Seventh Bloom. VIP

    The rule is fine, it's there for cases when the situation may deviate from what normally happens and so admins are able to better make the punishment fit the crime. If admins were adjusting punishment out of personal spite, they would not be admins. They worked their way there by showing that they have excellent judgement and have the ability to make decisions on situations that don't always match the norm. Admins make punishment changes when they feel it is necessary and when the punishment may not normally fit the situation, not because of grudges.

    If I'm correct in who you're talking about with the Mass RDM ban until April, there were many more factors that played into that ban other than just Mass RDM. Keep in mind staff have to take into account past offenses, and that person had also broken other rules to have their ban extended.
  9. Enigmatica

    Enigmatica The Song Lives On Banned

    The reasons admins have discretion (not moderators, only admins and up) is because the MOTD only lists punishments for things up until the 3rd offense. After that, admin intervention is needed for a harsher punishment. Additionally, if players appear to be breaking server rules with clear motive or intent, and no sign of actually wanting to be a positive member of the community, it gives us the option to punish these players more harshly for their actions.

    With that stated, if any admin is ever found to be abusing their powers and displaying favoritism or bias towards a player for personal reasons, then that person is not fit for being an admin and should be disciplined accordingly.