Report on Opouly

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by omgtin, Jan 30, 2014.

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  1. omgtin

    omgtin VIP

    Name of Staff/Player:eek:pouly

    Server: (Which server did this occur on? West, East): West

    Time of Occurrence: 12:20 ish am. Pacific time

    Reason For Report: I was being harassed by 2 kids by the name of Purple Chamber and Toyotame hime and I don't see them get muted. But I cuss for 1 round and I get muted. Favoritism much? I have screenshots of them calling me faggot and Toyotama pm'ed me calling me a dumbass. Here's the situation I run up some stairs and I see toyotame shooting at someone. I kill him then I get a message from him calling me a dumbass. I tell opouly this and nothing happens.

    Evidence And/Or Witnesses: Toyotame and PurpleChamber were the ones who were there and harassing me
  2. omgtin

    omgtin VIP

    I thought he would be a good mod but nope. He's been reported many times and is almost always "afk" as he claims. Pretty sure he isnt afk but more like ignoring the players. I never report people but people like opouly need to go. If you are going to moderate a server at least not be afk for half the time you are on
  3. Highwon

    Highwon Owner VIP Silver

    He wasn't AFK. He was chatting with me on Steam regarding your situation. He had players messaging him to mute you. Obviously we allow players to curse but if it becomes too much of a problem where other players complain then he is going to mute you.
  4. Killamarshall

    Killamarshall Hmm... interesting.. Smite anyone?? VIP

    Honestly tin, since your resign all you have done is cause problems via harassing players and giving the staff a bit of a hard time. i have witnessed it a couple times and was getting quite fed up with it, at the time of this happening, opouly asked me to come on just so he didn't get too frustrated with you,i would have relieved him, but last night i took a day off to play another game and judging by this, i probably shouldn't have.
  5. omgtin

    omgtin VIP

    Yes but this situation was AFTER the coincidence. I came on killed someone because they were shooting at some and immediately they called me a dumbass. I messaged him on admin chat, then no response. Ok.... I message him on admin chat again still no response. Now they are saying it in public chat and he does nothing at all. Also for the "excessive cussing" I was talking about a flamer on the other server that was not there and they thought i was being racist cause i typed out what his name which was "i hate niggers" but they thought that I was saying that.
  6. omgtin

    omgtin VIP

    Soo lets get this straight. Everyone but the person reported commented on this. I get muted to stop cursing in which I did stop. I come back maybe hour or 2 later. I get harassed and no one gets punished for this. And killa if i was really getting to be a problem why didn't you mute me? I would've definitely stopped. Stuff like this has happened before and I did stop and apologize for my rash actions. Ask sinora he knows.
  7. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    Since the resignation of OMGtin, I have not had any problems with him.

    If he is swearing on the server, he should be muted, which he was, but he stopped afterwards, according to what is being said.

    Apparently where the problem happened is when other players retaliated and did the same thing to Tin. What should have happened is that those players should have been punished, as well.

    Although, this is all hearsay and I would like to see screenshots or video evidence.
  8. omgtin

    omgtin VIP

    I will show you when i get home.
  9. opouly

    opouly Regular Member

    so after the HAVOC you caused in the room bringing your foul langauge where you cited me in admin chat that "highwon said i can cuss all i want aslong as im not harassing players" proceeded 2 talk about "niggers" and also skirt around the rules of rdm bringing literally the whole room into a chaos how am i magically supposed 2 deal with who "pms you" and what ever ANYONE said to you got dround out by what kind of filth you were spouting

    i do not rember "almost always" claiming to be afk? since i dont put the afk tag in my name that would be against staff rules

    anyways i was not afk i was checking your claims with highwon ask him your self i was talking with highwon for a good bit he probally thinks im insane now

    also the reason i muted you was the whole "niggers" comment because useing that kind of language is highly offensive if not only 2 my self but the other 1/3 of the room that complained

    also i forgot too mention he was going on about "faggots" as well
  10. Enigmatica

    Enigmatica The Song Lives On Banned

    If players were harassing you in PMs, you should take a screenshot and send them to opouly or report the screenshots on the forums. We can't see private messages and you should know that, being a former staff member.
  11. omgtin

    omgtin VIP

    Yeah i was calling him a faggot and that was his name though. It was "i hate niggers" which I called him a fag for. He wasn't even in the server he was in east or west 2
  12. omgtin

    omgtin VIP

    I left because he didn't do anything about it. They were also calling me faggot and dumbass in public chat. Im sure admins can find the old chat logs. It was around 12:15 - 12:30 ish am. Pacific time to be exact
  13. omgtin

    omgtin VIP

    Also I caused "HAVOC"? All I did was cuss about a troll on another server and I killed someone because they were shooting at someone else. Then THEY proceeded to harass me not the other way around. They only type of harassment that I did cause was when brymaster4 started to tell me that I couldn't cuss then he calls me a kid so I tell him to stfu. I guess I cannot defend myself from flaming.
  14. omgtin

    omgtin VIP

    Steam is currently down for me so I am not able to post the screenshots. When it comes back on I will post them
  15. omgtin

    omgtin VIP

  16. omgtin

    omgtin VIP
    This is my recent players list. Look at the guy name boss hogg chillin. His previous name was I hate niggers. And i was referencing him but people are too dumb and thought that i was saying it when i was actually saying his name. Thats when everyone told me to stop cursing when I was just saying his name.
  17. omgtin

    omgtin VIP

    I know you can't see private messages but after the 1 pm I confronted him about it and he and purplechambers both started harassing me in public chat where everyone can see. If you look at old chat logs you will definitely find that they were harassing me.
  18. DieKasta

    DieKasta :Blackalien: Forever VIP

    Brah, you're mad. If you were less mad you might be able to get your point across better. 5+ straight posts never look good tin.
  19. omgtin

    omgtin VIP

    Yes i am mad. If people know how to do their jobs I would'nt be so mad.
  20. DieKasta

    DieKasta :Blackalien: Forever VIP

    Come on dude. You know I'm not here to make you more upset than you already are. No need to link that. Just trying to make the point that you could have handled yourself slightly better in the situation at hand and in this report.
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