Report On: Nope Trash

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by BreakCustoms, Jan 30, 2014.

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  1. BreakCustoms

    BreakCustoms The Lovely Son Of Carned VIP

    Name of Staff/Player: Nope Trash.

    Server: (Which server did this occur on? West, East): West

    Time of Occurrence: (Make sure you include your timezone and map with round number if necessary): 9:55 EST

    Reason For Report: (What did he/she do?):eek:n the map Bowling. I saw a player named "Solid Diamondz" Start T Baiting me and I Start shooting at him and A person named "SpagehtiNoodlez" Got into the crossfire and also it was pretty dark. I reported it and I felt bad for Noodlez and gave him/her 600 points even though it was his/her fault. So Nope Slays me for 2 rounds and he starts arguing with me and finally he removes one slay. After he still brings it up and i was about to say something and what I Heard from nope was "SHUT UP!" right in the middle of me talking. after a few seconds of him saying that The whole server was quiet and Nope realized what he did and i said "Excuse Me?" And he said "No I Didnt Say Shut Up?" But every heard Nope say it. Honestly for a mod to this honestly needs a Demote.. Its Untoleratable and very rude to do that to a memeber.

    Evidence And/Or Witnesses: (Screenshots/Video Recordings/Players That Witnessed The Event): Ask Anyone. And I Mean EVERYONE.
  2. Robert! paulson!

    Robert! paulson! Well-Known Member

    Nope Trash will reply as soon as he is able, in the mean time i witnessed this, at no time did Nope Trash tell you to shut up unless you guys were spectators and i was alive. Second of all i want to add you shot first, followed by Solid Diamondz shots, that is all i have to say. We will wait for Nope Trashes reply. Thank you.
  3. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    Could you provide any better evidence? Screenshots, videos, or names.
  4. BreakCustoms

    BreakCustoms The Lovely Son Of Carned VIP

    Umm Spaggehti might of heard it but. It was pretty broad. The whole server went quiet.
  5. Shades

    Shades VIP

    Nope could have been Nicer, Yes.
    Not enough for a demote, an apology would be in order though.
  6. BreakCustoms

    BreakCustoms The Lovely Son Of Carned VIP

    No. You dont tell some member to "Shut Up" And get away with it? Its very rude
  7. Robert! paulson!

    Robert! paulson! Well-Known Member

    Once again i did not hear this throughout your conversation with Nope Trash
  8. Gonz

    Gonz Chill... VIP,eWmwuqG
    So that was your response to the report. You didn't say anything about diamond. Your response is basically telling me you killed on suspicion. The you said you were trying to kill diamond after I slayed you. A map before this you also changed the story after you were slayed. I'm guessing you're just trying to get out of a slay. As for me telling you to "SHUT UP" I never yell at players and never insult or harass players. The round was in preparing so everybody was talking at once. I was trying to talk to you asking why you shot Spaghetti, since you gave me two different stories. I said "So why did you shoot him then?" I'm guessing when I said "shoot" you thought I said "SHUT UP". You then said don't tell me to shut up. I asked who told you to shut up, not knowing you though I said it. Then you said you shouldn't tell people to shut up as staff, then went afk to write this report. You have been rdming all day, and Robert can back me up on that.
  9. Gonz

    Gonz Chill... VIP

    Ironically, you were the one being a bit rude to me : P
  10. Amazing

    Amazing Veteran Member

    I'm sorry, but I have to side with Nope on this one. It can be very stressful when someone is yelling at you because you slayed them and you have 100 other problems to deal with. I must admit, I have said "shut up" before, but to everyone yellin into their mics and with a please. Another thing is that you were probably not exactly nice to Nope. It is always best to listen to what you are saying yourself before reporting someone for saying something "rude".
  11. Gonz

    Gonz Chill... VIP

    But I didn't tell him to shut up...
  12. Amazing

    Amazing Veteran Member

    And even if you did, there's nothing wrong with it. This guy just needs to grow a thicker skin.
  13. BreakCustoms

    BreakCustoms The Lovely Son Of Carned VIP

    Ok I may have not been detailed on my report. BUT DONT you ever tell anyone to shut up. It's un acceptable.
  14. BreakCustoms

    BreakCustoms The Lovely Son Of Carned VIP

    And yes I was being rude to you after you told me to shut up. Why wouldn't I? I honestly don't take that from anyone. Maybe if you were joking I will let it slide. You boldly said "SHUT UP!"
  15. BreakCustoms

    BreakCustoms The Lovely Son Of Carned VIP

    If you will apologize then this will be ended
  16. Gonz

    Gonz Chill... VIP

    Uh...No I didn't? I can't convince you that I didn't say that obviously since you're angry with me, but at least I think people know that I'm not like that and never disrespect players. I might joke around with people I know and are friends with, but never to some random player.
  17. Enigmatica

    Enigmatica The Song Lives On Banned

    While I wouldn't personally tell a player to shut up, Nope Trash acted in his right based on the report response. When rebutting a RDM report, you should include as much situational information as possible.
  18. Robert! paulson!

    Robert! paulson! Well-Known Member

    Why are you continuing to decide not to acknowledge the fact that two people are saying that "shut up" was never said during this conversation, once again unless i was alive
    And you both were dead, but in no case did i hear Nope say those words, are you sure you may not have misunderstood him?
  19. BreakCustoms

    BreakCustoms The Lovely Son Of Carned VIP

    Just stop. Come on now the whole server heard it. the whole server went quiet for a few seconds and I said what did you say to me? You never replied.....
  20. BreakCustoms

    BreakCustoms The Lovely Son Of Carned VIP

    Nope was the only one talking.
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