Invalid Report against Yoko

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Ravin, Dec 24, 2015.

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  1. Ravin

    Ravin Determination VIP

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    West 1
    Which Map:
    67th Way
    Which Round:
    Final Round?
    Time of Occurence:
    Around 8:00pm
    Reason For Report:
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
    Claimed I did not ID bodies/Was standing next to bodies and that he came into a room and did not see me come up a ladder. The demo shows he saw me directly come into the room, face the body and ID it. He claimed also while talking to him, "you had been standing there" and "I did not know."

    The report was a bit different, so I do not blame @Alisae for needing some time to work on it. Due to the nature of the person in question I am filing against, I decided to have another look at it.

    There also may not be a report screenshot from her, due to it being the final round.

    I have also had @C.A.Anna look into it, she confirmed as well he is looking right at me as I come up the ladder, conflicting with his story.

    Last edited: Dec 24, 2015
  2. Ravin

    Ravin Determination VIP

    I will go ahead and tag @Miie Bae as well on this report.
  3. Anna

    Anna before we fade VIP

    Hello there Ravin,

    Thanks for taking the time to report this on the forums. I have spent quite a bit of time viewing the demo that you have provided to me and have come to a conclusion of sorts however before I come to a final verdict, I require a response from you @Miie Bae . If you could respond to this ASAP and explain your side of the story thoroughly that would be greatly appreciated. When this happens I will then provide my final verdict.

    Thank you,
  4. Miie Bae

    Miie Bae VIP

    Uh, lol ravin if you didnt hear me I even said if you really wish it to be you can let the mod that was on at the time slay me... by the way the mod that was on at the time was Alisae
  5. Miie Bae

    Miie Bae VIP

    Basically on the map 67thway near the ladder coming out of the underground testing area I entered the passageway going into the ladder section on the topside, seeing Ravin staring at bodies which where unidentified, and by the time he started to identify them I had already started shooting, although when I came in the passageway he was staring at them, and I, not knowing he was identifying the bodies started shooting, however I only saw the icon on the top right pop up AFTER I started shooting him I ended up killing him and he made a fuss about saying as he was identifying bodies I killed him then he filed a report and kept the report til the next map and by the way @Ravin it was 2nd to last round not last round if I recall correctly and @Alisae was the mod active at the time if she wants to have any opinion on this then she is ovbiously free to comment
  6. Anna

    Anna before we fade VIP


    Once again I thank you for taking the time to report this on the forums. I also thank you @Miie Bae for your response. Now after watching the demo over several times, each time slower than the last and using the drive function that allows you to move around in the demo, I was able to pin point some key moments that were difficult to distinguish when I first watched it. I will now note these key moments that are extremely important in deciding if Yoko was loopholing or not.
    • Tick 18174:
    This is important as this is the moment where Ravin has first reached the top of the ladder and has just almost got off of it. After using the Drive function I was able to see that at this pointno one, not even Yoko was looking through the exit out to the street.​
    • Tick 18211:
    This is where Yoko first comes into the field of view of the door, however, Yoko is looking out onto the street and is not looking inside to where Ravin is. At this point Ravin is off the ladder and is facing the un IDed body of the detective and the IDed body to the right of it.​
    • Tick 18219:
    This is where Yoko finally turns to face the open door and now has Ravin in her plain sight. Ravin is still standing next to both un ided bodies.​
    • Tick 18280:
    This is when Yoko decides to shoot you, Ravin, for not IDing the bodies. Now it is true that just as this occurs, Ravin ID's the bodies of the Detective however, Yoko has stated that to her, you were just staring at the bodies. Because of this she killed you.​

    In the end she killed you because of the un ided bodies that she saw you standing next to and it looked to her as if you were not going to do anything about it. Had things been different, had Yoko seen you climb up the ladder and watched you walk to the bodies and stop there and then decided to kill you anyway, even when it was obvious that you were actively IDing them then I would have been wary of this situation but due to the fact that all she saw was you standing next to un IDed bodies and that's why she killed you, I see no malicious intent in this. Of courses she could have chosen to not be so trigger happy as I know many a time I will be standing above the body and will be trying to ID it but it just will not do so. It is a pain of course but it could also be avoided if people were to be patient just a second longer.

    It is in this case, @Miie Bae that I caution you and urge you to be more careful in this regard. Ravin was standing on the bodies looking at them and he was IDing them and had you waited just a few more seconds things may have turned out differently. For arguments sake, let's say Ravin walked over the bodies and did nothing to ID them. Had this been the case, I wouldn't have cared that you killed him as he would have been blatantly ignoring the bodies. However, looking at the report at hand, he was standing there; trying to ID them and you just mowed him down because he was with the un IDed bodies. Doing this over and over again can come across as a rather toxic way to play the game. Yes you would be following the rules but you would also in turn be testing them and pushing them to new limits. Because of this I would love to see a game play style change of some degree to ensure things like this don't happen again. Yes you can kill people for not IDing bodies but of course, like I stated, there is a fine line between following the rules to a tee and pushing the boundaries and I would rather you not do the latter.

    In regards to this:
    We can't just go ahead and slay you just because someone wants you to be slain. There has to be proof and the likes. Because, in this case it had been word vs word until Ravin brought the evidence forward, there wouldn't be much that Alisae could have done at the time. Had she issued a slay she would have actually been abusing her power due to the initial nature of the report. This is why it was brought to the forums.

    All in all my verdict for this report is that it is Invalid. However I would like to see a change from you Yoko. Continuing to do these sorts of things can lead to a pretty hefty punishment due to the toxic nature of this way of playing the game. Try to be less trigger happy in situations like this. If either of you have any more questions feel free to contact me via steam or the forums.

    Once again thank you and take care,

    Report: Invalid
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