Invalid Report against Wink

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Canceled Fish, May 5, 2017.

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  1. Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    West 1
    Which Map:
    Which Round:
    Time of Occurence:
    Every day this last week pretty much.
    Reason For Report:
    Just the sheer amount of times wink has banned me for petty offenses that shouldn't have gotten me a ban. As an example, one admin went over details for my last "toxicity" ban and it was handled, but wink took it upon himself to tag along a day ban anyway, a day or two after the fact. Several times he has banned me for "toxicity" although I've expressed my concerns about being reported for "harassment" when I haven't done anything wrong. Regardless of how I behave, whether nice or rude, wink has a condescending, unprofessional attitude towards me. Wink should have to go through Falcor with his bans against me at the very least, because I don't think he is fit to be an admin when he blatantly shows that he favors some members of the community over others. Despite how different I may be from others, admins especially should be neutral to all situations, and I have seen the newer mods do a better job at remaining neutral in situations and remaining friendly with me, even if whatever scenario paints me in a bad light.

    It's very annoying and frustrating when one single admin starts to have some sort of power trip over their abilities as an admin, when I am having absolutely no problems with any other staff. One moderator even claims that wink has almost met his ban quota for the month, hmm I wonder why that is?​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
    Check my bans. Never took screenshots of anything, but every time wink has communicated with me, it's been very condescending and rude for no reason.​
  2. Deepsea1508

    Deepsea1508 Hyuman VIP Emerald

  3. Python~

    Python~ Young Bard VIP Silver Emerald

    Unfortunately, I will have to defend @wink's recent ban given to you in Shoutbox.

    We were both told several times by @Siddo to stop arguing. I digressed, then you stated something about me being part of the circlejerk, then promptly banned by wink.

    You had several chances to stop, yet you hadn't.

    Screenies :snaphappy::
    (for context, I said that @Dwardu shouldn't have locked Canceled's appeal because someone could have provided their evidence if they had any)
  4. This report doesn't necessarily involve you and I'd appreciate if you didn't send me emails regarding this report, since I'm waiting for an actual response from a Lead Admin.

    And you can clearly see me joking in those screenshots. The screenshots show me saying "do something nice instead of being hostile and that would instantly solve all of our problems." This implies that I don't have anything against Python, clearly. I clearly didn't even know why he doesn't like me. The only time I was rude at all was when I was asking why Python was so interested in my business, because this had been the second or third time that Python had randomly brought me up again in the SB. Then I said "Python, you joined the circlejerk and I'm not sure I could ever forgive you." How is that grounds for a SB ban? Can you not see that it's a joke? Joining the circlejerk and not being able to forgive him? That's something a 4th grader would say to try to hurt someone's feelings, and especially with my implications of joking, it shouldn't have been grounds for a ban to begin with.

    Wink, you said "weren't you just told to stop?" And yeah, I was. That's why I stopped. I was told to stop at the same time that I said I was kidding, which I said more than once. I thought Python was joking around with me as well, saying things like "your an angel, fish" and "how could anyone ever ban you for toxicity?" My last line was because, yet again, Python referred to me and said "pls don't instigate" when I wasn't even talking to him.
    Last edited: May 5, 2017
  5. Python~

    Python~ Young Bard VIP Silver Emerald

    Nobody thought you were joking

    And the only time I joked was when I said "pls dont instigate", mimicking Siddo. The "your an :angelic:" and "how could anyone ever ban you for toxicity?" was sarcasm
  6. I thought I was joking, and I thought it'd be obvious since I said it in plain english that I was joking. The first time when I asked why you wanted to know about my business wasn't me joking, obviously, but everything after that was. How come you can joke around and be sarcastic, but when I do it, it's automatically serious and toxic? It doesn't make sense. All because you said that we haven't had a "good experience" together, whatever that means! I don't recall ever having an issue with you, but when you can be sarcastic and joking around, why can't I? Very confusing situation for all, especially when you admit to also joking.
  7. john redcorn

    john redcorn strangers like me VIP Emerald

    Hey canceled,

    I'll address your concerns one by one:

    For your first ban for toxic gameplay, the admin in question didn't have footage of the full round, just the deathscene and an overview of the situation, and didn't investigate further since he was only asked for discretion not to slay. Since I received the full round including the posthumous confession of why you did the actions you did, the situations and your intentions were clear enough to issue such a ban for toxic gameplay, even a day after the situation had come and gone. A globalized day ban is quite justified for this first offense of toxic gameplay.

    For your second ban for Toxicity/Harassment, I received several demos and video clips from a member of our community, and went over them. After witnessing several instances where you harassed various other people, I went ahead and issued the ban as a last warning against this quite petty nature of yours to name call and harass.

    As for shoutbox, you were told to stop your argument with python by a fellow staff member of mine several times. When you refused to stop and kept brought up the 'circlejerk' yet again, you were banned for a day. There's no instance I can see bringing up the circlejerk' again as anything other than a sad attempt to reignite an argument.

    For all 3 bans(Sb, Toxicity/Harassment, Toxic Gameplay) I have been entrusted by the community with discretion to make the bans in cases I see fit to ensure fairness to all players, and do not need to go through my lead admin simply because a ban involves you. I've explained above why I think they are fair and reasonable in length, and can guarantee you I've looked at this through a neutral scope to ensure fairness for all parties.
    As I've said before, I try treating all players with fairness and respect, both in game and on the forums. In all forms of communication I've held with you, I don't recall a single time when I've talked down to you in a condescending nature or have acted unprofessional and rude.

    I'll leave this up my lead @Falcor

  8. The video you linked for the first report was the entire summary of what happened, so I'm not sure what you're referring to here. My reasoning was simply "accidental RDM is still RDM" and that she shouldn't have thrown the grenade. Contrary to your belief, you can't just tell me what my intentions are and actually believe it as fact. I wasn't being toxic, but the grenade shouldn't have been thrown to stop me. That's why I don't think the ban was justified, but you never gave me a chance to explain because you play favorites and don't like me.

    How can you call this "addressing [my] concerns one by one"? This goes over absolutely nothing about the entire 3 paragraphs that I wrote explaining what happened, would you please respond to that instead of saying "I went over several instances where you harassed various people" over and over? I watched all the evidence you linked, and I responded accordingly. You're just making things up, now.

    Like I have explained before, I was not arguing. The only time I said anything argumentative was when I asked why Python kept asking about my business, which I think is my right to do and isn't confrontational or argumentative. After that, I made a few jokes. How is that arguing? The circlejerk line was obviously joking, Python had JUST said "canceled pls dont instigate" as a joke, and when I joke back, it's grounds for a ban for refusing to stop arguing? Can you not see how this makes it look like you are playing favorites? Python gets nothing, not even a slap on the wrist, for saying joking and sarcastic things to me, but it's a zero-tolerance policy when I do? I think you were just happy to find another reason to ban me because you don't like me, which is obviously what you have been doing.

    I understand that you are an admin, but you are only an admin. The attitude you portray, especially in this quote alone, shows how much power you think you have rather than how much you do. I think you take "discretion" as meaning that you're allowed to do fuck-all, whatever you want, whenever you want, because you've been given "discretion." I don't think the discretion you think you have is the same amount that you actually have, and you present yourself as if you're allowed to ban people just because you want to. There is a protocol with these things, isn't there, regardless of discretion? You can't simply keep banning me because you have "discretion" and you think the instances of "toxicity" are worse than they actually are. You have made such a minute thing, a retaliation of mine against two players, into so much more drama than it needs to be. I am happy and in a good mood when nobody bothers me. You can't keep taking small clips of my half of the conversation when someone is harassing me, then go around and ban me for harassment because I'm defending myself. That's not fair to me.

    Regarding this, you try to paint me as some "evil" person, claiming my intentions and my act was "truly malicious." One's standards for malice must be really low to think that, in my opinion. I stepped on a person's grenade because I knew they were inno and shouldn't have thrown it at/around me. As you can see in your printscreen, I said that I understand why the behavior isn't allowed and at the time, and said I wouldn't do it again. I didn't say anything about it, but because you kept exhibiting your distaste towards me in the form of preemptive bans that should have waited until more evidence surfaced, I brought it up. You have claimed that I need to "mature" and "change my attitude," despite me being generally friendly with the population 98% of the time. You have only a tiny amount of evidence against me, yet you keep banning me for petty things, even when me and the person I "harassed" were joking. I believe several threads have explained that you're allowed to call people names if they're your buddy and you guys are kidding. You may say that you treat me with neutrality and respect, yet actions speak louder than words, and your actions are loud.

    And you keep saying "other players." Can you please stop saying that and making it sound like I harass and name-call everyone on the server? It's one person who has a problem with me. Just say the name and stop beating around the bush, because if that's your attempt to remain neutral, it's ironically making me look like I'm an asshole to everyone, when in reality, the only person who has ever had a problem with my style of gameplay has been zomborg. You may claim that you also have a problem with my style of gameplay, but I can assure you that I have treated you the same as I do everyone else, including zomborg, and you never had a problem with it until zomborg told you she did.
  9. zomborg

    zomborg "She's like a little Satan." - CDriscoll 2015 VIP

    " I stepped on a person's grenade because I knew they were inno and shouldn't have thrown it at/around me"

    This alone is why you were banned the first time. I had accidentally thrown it, not knowing you were following me, and you purposely altered your course to stand on top of it and literally confessed to doing so.

    Apple didn't appreciate what you said which was further shown in the demos that are linked above, yet you still argue.

    It is my choice to show wink whatever I would like in terms of our gameplay and you saying someone is "stupid" and "socially inept" because they ask you a question about why you sound the way you do is rude as well as saying someone should get their "welfare parents" to buy them a mic is rude. He didn't think it was funny, yall definitely aren't friends and I know for certain you and I are not friends.

    I have done absolutely nothing to provoke you, or else you would have enough evidence to report me. I do not claim you are following me each time you kill me, only the times where I literally have evidence of you doing so and have provided said evidence to wink and he has gone over it just as you are able to do so with my demos. You know what you're doing, yet you still continue.

    You have no screenshots of wink being unprofessional, you have no evidence of me instigating you causing you to be malicious to me; yet I have so much evidence of you provoking me, targetting me and in general being a jerk to people for really no reason.

    I wouldn't care about your style of gameplay if you simply left me alone, which seems to be an issue for you. You aren't friendly, you aren't joking, and you aren't funny. Yelling at me and calling me a "whiny little bitch" and other various names, especially since I have said nothing of the sort to you, is extremely uncalled for and rude. There's literally zero reason for you to even address me or talk to me at all. I haven't PMed you, only requested in game chat that you leave me be since you seem to hold killing me more important than playing the game how it is meant to be played.

    You stood on that grenade on purpose, you engage me negatively on purpose and you generally are rude to me as well as others on purpose. If there truly was no evidence of this, you would not be punished. Multiple people have witnessed and commented on it, including personally asking you to leave me be and even hop servers(which was his own decision, I never asked him to do that) so we could enjoy our time without you causing trouble.

    If you hate me so much then don't play on servers I'm on, ignore me on the forums and we won't have any possibility of infractions in the future. I don't care how you play as long as you just leave me alone.
  10. Gay

    Gay Banned VIP

    I've Read this and I like to mention that you do like to provoke people after they kill you. I've seen many times you get angry for someone killing you in a game multiple times and not just me. you claim everyone is out to get you but in reality your paranoid. here is some evidence of her getting angry that I have killed her in game.

    you say that you don't care about our gameplay but you persistent nag and yell at people that kill you I've seen this coming mutipal times from you alone. I even heard you say you were going to banned @Canceled Fish when you were not even a admin/mod that is very unprofessional. You make yourself the target by always yelling and aggravating people that kill you to get under someone's nerves and it should stop.
  11. zomborg

    zomborg "She's like a little Satan." - CDriscoll 2015 VIP

    Not sure what kind of evidence this is of "anger" as I don't sound angry at all- I asked why you killed me in front of a bunch people? This video even solidifies canceleds behavior as you can see him blatantly following me around as an innocent- which is why you died so quickly. Over the last few weeks you have been killing me in front of groups of others, making no attempt to kill them; just me. Asking why you keep doing it isn't me being angry. I didn't curse at you, call you names or do anything remotely hostile to you except ask you why.

    Unless you have some kind of condemning information more than me asking "why do you keep doing this?", you don't belong in this thread.

    Edit: I've played hundreds of hours of this game. If I "complained about everyone", you would have ample evidence of my supposed hostility.
    Last edited: May 6, 2017
  12. Pacifist

    Pacifist Cynically Insane VIP Bronze

    Let's not forget that the person being reported here is wink, not If you have any evidence that may help the report, please present it. Otherwise, stay out of it.
  13. You clearly aimed and threw the grenade at the rock right next to you so it'd land at your feet. Don't pretend it was an accident.

    I never said you couldn't show wink your demos. In fact, I encouraged you to because you have a habit of blaming people for following and obsessing over you and the video evidence you provide has no evidence to back those claims. I've already explained how the welfare thing was a little far, as well as the reasons for my other actions as well, if you would read my previous posts, and you don't need to bring it up again. Sure, calling someone stupid is rude, but is retaliation to someone being inconsiderate and rude considered toxicity now? And as for the Appleking scenario, you don't get to decide who my friends are. I've tried to make amends with you several times, and you will not attempt to reconcile your differences with me. I don't even know why you never liked me in the first place, this only started 3 weeks ago. I do not have to know someone and friend them on steam to be "friends" or friendly with someone. By the way appleking and pineapple king were acting, it seems as though we had the same personality. We were all laughing and saying "can we please uhhhh get a perma ban on Canceled Fish?" and "uhhh where's the gag on this Pineappleking...?" We were obviously not being serious. I agree that the welfare thing is a bit too far, but I was trying to make a joke and right after I said that, I immediately said myself that I went too far.

    You never provoked me. I know you keep messaging the admins, you say it in voice chat even. And honestly, you really do claim that I'm following you every time. I don't have to twist the rules and my gameplay for you. I understand that I can't chase you around in preround or target you first every round, and I will hardly ever follow you anyway, but if I end up being next to you when the round starts, or I encounter you in a map (which is often because most maps are pretty small), I'm gonna target you. You kill me half the time anyways because you're a better shot than most innos, I'd target the admins or mods, etc, first in a group always also for this reason.

    You say you wouldn't care about my style of gameplay if I left you alone. Do you really expect me to just never kill you or defend myself and others from you ever? Lots of people think I'm friendly, lots of people think I'm joking, lots of people think I'm funny, that's their opinion. You can have your opinion and not be rude to me when I kill you. I called you a "whiny little bitch," which I shouldn't have, but this was only because you constantly say that I'm obsessed and you were yelling at me in voice chat. What do you mean there's no reason for me to even address you? You had just spoke TO ME about how I was following you. So I'm just supposed to listen to you get butthurt about me killing you and I'm not allowed to talk back? You had constantly PMed me in the past, until I gave you a final warning to stop, and you stopped, but you think it's okay to just use voice chat to yell at me every time because "it's public chat." At this time, you were literally talking to people in SHOUTBOX about how I was inciting harassment against you or something. I wish I'd gotten the screenshot. Some people were yelling at you on the server and you told people in shoutbox it was because of me for no reason. You are clearly manipulative and lying on this report to try to make me look like the bad guy, when in reality, I do play the game how it's meant to be played and that's why I live, and you die, and you cry, like every other inno that I get to kill that round.

    What's the point of this even? I admitted to standing near it on purpose. Accidental RDM is still RDM, I thought. What, just because it's you it turns into toxicity, oh right. And that one act of "toxicity" is enough for a 1 day ban? I think wink was actually trying to say, "enough of this shit, Canceled," to me really quick without actually gathering enough evidence for a 1 day ban. Standing on an inno's grenade shouldn't be enough for a 1 day ban, and the only reason it was turned into a 1 day ban was because it was zomborg who threw the grenade. That much is obvious.

    This is the thing, I DO ignore you. YOU join the servers I'm on most of the time, YOU talk about me in shoutbox and bring me up, like the other night, YOU address me on voice chat after I kill you. I'm not simply going to leave you alone because you think it's harassment if I kill you. I don't chase you down or single you out and follow you from preround. When I meet up with you in the middle of the map, I'm not even allowed to say hello to you apparently. It's ridiculous.

    In this video, I followed you for short distances and then left to go check others barns, until I met up with you again. You can see the delay before he kills you and before I kill him because I hadn't actually been following you. The "anger" is in you saying, "UGH! Seriously? WHY do you keep doing this?" The inflection in your voice and the tone you give off obviously shows that you think it "keeps" happening, and as Jewtwo has said, he is not the only one who has dealt with you doing this to people. You don't have to scream to be angry. Also, you never even had a clue that I was behind you in this video because I wasn't even following you the whole time. If you'd somehow turned to the left and turned around to go the opposite way, you'd have surely said something about me following you.
  14. Jewtwo's input solidifies zomborg's behavior against others that is the same against me. I'm sure other people would testify that she's acted that way. This report is against wink because I don't believe that the one instance of standing on a grenade is enough toxicity, given my recent good behavior, to be given "discretion" as a 1-day ban, even though another admin had already looked at the situation. It's ridiculous and obvious that zomborg said something to him and wink wanted to take action about it, without any actual evidence that I had been doing anything against the rules or harassing zomborg in the first place. As for the second 1-day ban, one of those I was joking, one of those I was upset because someone had been very rude and inconsiderate in the first place, but I don't think retaliation by calling someone "stupid" and "socially inept" is enough for a 1-day ban either. As far as the situation with zomborg that ties along with this second ban, I was definitely a bit upset, which is why I called her a bitch and a witch. This would not have happened, however, if zomborg hadn't already been talking about me in shoutbox for no reason and yelling at me in the game in the first place. If she had left ME alone, none of this would have happened. I'm not about to collect evidence and waste my time to get her banned for yelling at me for "following" her, but I don't ever bother her in voice chat or anything or say anything rude at ALL unless she addresses me first. It's ridiculous that I'm getting the punishment for this.
  15. zomborg

    zomborg "She's like a little Satan." - CDriscoll 2015 VIP

    I didn't "clearly" do anything, I was going to push the rock as I did every other round on that map and misclicked. I never even looked behind me. Regardless of MY intention of throwing it, you altered your course to stand on top of it and when Guilty tried to talk to you, you said you did it on purpose to get me slain. You could have avoided it, but you wanted to go out of your way to get me slain for something that wouldn't have even been RDM in the first place had you not been standing there waiting for it to blow up. There is no defending this, you confessed doing it to get me slain and got upset with Guilty when I was not- nobody is putting words in your mouth or making this a he-said-she-said; you literally said the words yourself and have to take responsibility for your actions.

    Appleking expressed his distaste for you on Assault, even before you made the welfare joke. You only said you went too far after Atlas said it was out of line. Wink obviously used his own observation skills to determine whether or not it was out of line due to the full demo being provided.

    "You never provoked me." That's correct- I don't provoke you. On Dolls, you found me and waited because you knew you were going to be a traitor and shot me at the very start of the round- that's recorded and can be proven. I've died thousands of times in this game and I only have an issue when you make it blatant you're not simply playing the game, but you have an ulterior motive to single me out. There have been plenty of times where you kill me and I say nothing to you.

    Not once have I stated you can't kill me or anything of the sort- I just want everyone to play the game it is meant to be played, which does not include killing me in a group of people knowing that you will die for the simple fact of being able to kill me. If I "constantly PMed you", provide proof. Because that's not true whatsoever. I gave up attempting to reason with you and talk to wink if I feel like there's a problem. I don't "yell" at you, either. Just like with JewTwo, me asking you a question or saying something to you doesn't mean I'm yelling. It being something you don't want to hear doesn't make it yelling either. I can't manipulate demos. I can't alter video evidence.

    The only reason it is toxicity is because you directly stated you did it on purpose. It's not just the act, it's the reasoning behind it. If it was an accident that you turned 90 degrees and stood on top of it until it blew up, I would have been slain- but it wasn't. You did it on purpose and repeat it again here. THAT is why it is toxic.

    I do my best to be on servers without you, but I prefer more populated ones and if you're there then I'm not going to completely avoid it. You aren't so important that I should avoid playing a game I enjoy. There have been multiple instances in which you see me and do chase me down or follow me pre-round so you can shoot me right away; @Lex and wink warned you for such behavior prior to any of your bans. That's their decision to warn you- if they didn't agree with me, they wouldn't say anything.

    Considering you don't know me very well, you don't understand the difference between me being angry and me essentially rolling my eyes in voice-form. It had happened quite a few times, @PanzerShrimp as my witness here for both you and JewTwo but JewTwo doesn't matter much in this specific report. You're correct- I had no clue that you were following me because it's not a natural habit for me to look behind me unless I feel like I have a reason to. At the time, I didn't feel like I had a reason to so it was no problem. That's not the point of what I said at all.
  16. zomborg

    zomborg "She's like a little Satan." - CDriscoll 2015 VIP

    The only thing I have to say about this is start collecting evidence then. Because so far, I am the one providing all of it yet you have all these accusations and statements with no proof. I know you record your gameplay, or at least do occasionally as you have provided videos before. I suggest you record your gameplay with me so you actually have some basis and not proof-less accusations that mean nothing because you can't prove it either way.

    If I am such a "wicked witch" to you- prove it and report me.
  17. Show me when this happened. Because, from my point of view, he was joking and he had the same personality as me, as I explained in my entire paragraph you apparently skipped. I said it was too far at the same time or before Atlas said anything.

    The only evidence you have for that is me shooting you in the back when the round starts. If you can get footage of the actual death cam, you'll see that I had just come up the ladder a couple seconds before the round started and you just happened to be there. There's no "ulterior motive" here, YOU get singled out sometimes, SO DO OTHERS. That's how the game is played, especially when I am a traitor.

    If I'm a traitor and I want to shoot you first in a group of people, I'm allowed. I do that to other people too, sometimes it's easy to shoot people and say you had DNA on them or something and get away with it. That's part of the game. I'm not "providing proof" for anything, but I know for a fact you PM'd me and you even had your friends PM'd me, as you've admitted to on shoutbox. You can lie all you want, but last time you lied on shoutbox about not bragging about reporting me, I caught you on your lie and posted the video, so how are you someone that can be trusted anyway?

    Yeah, I did say it on purpose, because what I thought was that accidental RDM is still RDM and you clearly pulled out the grenade and aimed it at the rock next to you. I already explained these intentions, and you have obviously not read them, you're a broken record.

    Provide this evidence of me chasing you down, then, because I know for a fact that you always record your demos. You seem to be perfectly able to provide evidence for the other encounters, so PLEASE provide evidence for these oh, so many instances where I've followed you or singled you out. Wink never warned me for this. I contacted HIM. I PM'd him with concerns about you constantly harassing me on the mic about me "following you" and wink told me that if I wasn't targetting you, I'd be fine. Something along those lines, I didn't take a screenshot. He never contacted me because you contacted him. I cannot recall a time with Lex contacted me, but feel free to correct me, @Lex or @wink

    I'm not going to take you up on your petty challenge. I don't care about you at all. You're just someone who hinders my gameplay because you don't like being killed. I don't want to waste my time on you when you don't RDM, you just simply abuse your mic to abuse everyone who kills you.
  18. Agent A

    Agent A Veni, vidi, vici VIP Silver Emerald

    I'm locking this until @Falcor comes to a decision or @wink has anything else to say. This report is about @wink , not @zomborg .

    Temporarily lifted so @Canceled Fish can put a video for wink to address. Other parties, please do not post here to continue the fight.
  19. One last thing. This video is taken after I killed zomborg and got shot in the back running away from her. You can hear zomborg say "really Canceled? I'm talking to wink tomorrow, you're fucked." This scenario wasn't used as evidence for toxicity, of course, because I'm allowed to kill whomever I want as a T (and she was surrounded only by AFK people in spawn). I think this video shows that zomborg is clearly contacting wink and wink is using toxic back seating to make his discretion based bans, and his actions are not neutral. Wink has already been warned before for preemptive bans like this, in Jannpa's report against him, so that's why I assume he doesn't include videos like that anymore, yet he still uses his "discretion" to ban me on offenses that are not worthy of a 1-day global ban because he thinks his discretion is a way to get around this. The video shows zomborg and wink's true relationship, which ties in with this report and is the sole reason, in my opinion, as to why I was banned.

    The video:
  20. zomborg

    zomborg "She's like a little Satan." - CDriscoll 2015 VIP

    Here is the part that you left out as to context;

    You found me while I was afk around at least 1 other afk- waited around for the round to start to see if you were a traitor and killed me immediately, leaving the other afk alive and running from the scene.
    Considering at this point this was normal behavior for you and you were spoken to about it multiple times from multiple different staff members, regardless of whether you want to acknowledge that or not doesn't make it any different, and I got annoyed.
    At this point we had been playing for a few hours where you were being extremely negative and toxic so yeah, I got a little frustrated- but don't crop out the part that caused me to have an issue in the first place.
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