Completed Report against wink

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Janppa, Feb 27, 2017.

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  1. Janppa

    Janppa VIP Bronze

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:

    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    West 1
    Which Map:
    forum lands
    Which Round:

    Time of Occurence:

    Reason For Report:
    @wink Unfair ban.
    How is following someone around who is a detective harassment? That's also the only time i have ever followed as detective and its not harassment at all. I was actually killing traitors and having her back not looking for an excuse to kill her or thats what ur suggesting anyway.
    Wink is saying im intentionally rdming as an innocent which is not true at all
    . Evidence of this below.

    Ur assuming based on the choppy demo that im somehow following her in this clip and looking for an excuse to kill. All i did here is go downstairs because i hear shooting and see randomly shooting at that guy who is id:ing a body so ofc im gonna kill her. Arent admins supposed to be neutral and not take sides?

    You are taking this out of context. I said that in terror train (feb 19) incident where this was indeed a case and now ur using this in some random dust 2 incident which also btw happened BEFORE (feb 18) i said that quote.

    As for the traitor kills, in ttt ur supposed to be able to kill whoever u want however u want. If u were any familiar with my playstyle u would know that i dont care about witnesses because not everyone plays complete stealth gameplay and im not afraid of getting kosed. Ur using multiple clips of me killing her across multiple maps probably split between multiple days too.
    Ur also saying i killed her 3 times that map. And offer no proof of those instances and they probably werent at the start of the round.
    This whole ban seems like u have just put some random kill vids in an attempt to give justification to an unfair ban because u just want to protect ur friend.
    Also i asked multiple times that would stop messaging me with salty messages after she dies. Unfortunately i havent screenshotting these because im not looking for an excuses to get people banned... i asked her to stop messaging me in the chat but she kept doing it. How does she hold the power to warn me to stop doing things but when i tell her it goes to deaf ears and doesnt respect my wishes. Staff such as "wink" are obviously treating people differently.
    For that "bitch" video after the round ended she asked me to stop calling me that and i said np and didnt aftewards.

    I would also like to ask milo why she warned me and wheres her evidence to warn me? I never even saw that warning.

    No one in TTT should cry about dying to TRAITORS!
    Thats the traitors job.

    Dont use biased evidence to ban me.​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
  2. Scotty

    Scotty Heroes come and go, but legends are forever. VIP Bronze

    Just to get it to there attention as well I will be tagging @Falcor
  3. Salem

    Salem VIP

    Considering I was the one who issued the initial warning and you are expressing confusion, I will provide my screenshot.

    This warning was sent shortly after I had asked Wink to get on the server and help since you and Zomborg had been going back and forth with one another about you targeting her round after round.


    I can also look for my screenshots of you two going back and forth with one another as I do have evidence of that as well- if it's going to be needed.
  4. Janppa

    Janppa VIP Bronze

    No im not interested in seeing a screenshot. Im interested in seeing based on what grounds did u warn me? U cant just pull a warning out of ur ass right? What caused u to warn me? U can't just warn because she said that he did that right?
  5. Salem

    Salem VIP

    I warned after checking several death scenes and after my administrator Wink spectated you several times and noticed you going out of your way to follow and kill another player. He told me to issue the warning after we discussed it- so I pmed you the warning.

    It was not something I randomly decided to do and I had more to go off of than just one players words against another.
  6. Janppa

    Janppa VIP Bronze

    Please show these death scenes to prove ur case, right now its just word vs word.
  7. zomborg

    zomborg "She's like a little Satan." - CDriscoll 2015 VIP

    Multiple scenes were shown to you in the ban appeal. Milo, wink, @Frosty and other mods that I've asked for deathscenes from have seen that you specifically follow me to kill me or wait for me to do something traitorous so you have an excuse to shoot me.

    My demos are choppy because you can't get names when you pause the video, so it's hard to properly show that you were the one following me unless we go based off of skin.

    You have every right to follow me when I am "suspicious", but I do nothing that's genuinely suspicious in my gameplay except wander around like everyone else. Why is it that you choose to follow me over all of the other aimlessly wandering individuals? There have been multiple instances over many weeks where you follow me because I am suspicious, I kill a traitor and you somehow always get me in crossfire. Even as traitor buddies, you somehow kill me in crossfire

    I have PMed you about the issue once- you asked me to stop PMing you, so I didn't again. I am free to use public chat to ask someone to stop, per the advice of wink, so it is known that I don't appreciate being followed and targetted. Yes, you are free to kill whomever you would like as a traitor but when you follow me around pre-round, either knowing you bought T or hoping that you get it freely, you instantly kill me regardless of who is around. If you don't find me pre-round, you search for me and kill me over any others, again regardless of who is around.

    The fact that this happens literally every single time we play together is a problem. I made it known that I don't like it, you continue to do it even after I ask you to stop and a staff member asks you to stop, yet you will not. Why can't you leave me alone and play the game like a normal person? I don't understand this obsession. Hopefully going forward things change.

  8. Janppa

    Janppa VIP Bronze

    Show me these instances when i kill u in crossifre when u kill a traitor? Again ur just talking but u have no evidence of me doing anything like that. I proved that i wasnt following u as innocent in that dolls recording. U just assumed i did.
    This traitor buddy instance is that time u got hit by my triple harpoon i guess? Well u know accidents happen i had 250 ping because it was west server and u ran infront of a innocent i was trying to get so its ur own fault. So dont bring useless arguments into this unless u have some evidence about that? If you are so insecure about being followed around when ur a detective then u have some serious problems and there is no rule that says following a detective is against the rules and there is no case where i have tried to look for an excuse to kill u when u were a detective. Ur just looking for excuses to report people for anything when things dont go ur way. Don't say i always get u in crossfire when its not true at all.
    Again in this game mode ur free to kill whoever u want. How is killing regardless of who is around an argument? I do that with other people too its really funny to kill someone in a middle of group when nobody notices. Its part of the game and if u are not ready to die in this game then u shouldn't play it. There is no "u cant kill rule". I'm killing u as a traitor and ur complaining about that. I havent rdmed u at all which would be bannable. U should be the one starting to play the game and stop complaining about every single thing that doesnt go in ur way. Its getting old.
  9. zomborg

    zomborg "She's like a little Satan." - CDriscoll 2015 VIP

    What about this video?

    Or this video?

    Or this video?

    Or this video?

    What about you calling me a bitch after you kill me?

    What about this video from the 21st where you shoot at me literally the moment the round starts instead of the other individuals in the area including an afk?

    What about when you trapped me in a room pre-round, knowing you bought traitor, so you could kill me immediately?

    What about here where you follow me around, lie about being proven and then threaten to shoot me when I tell people that you in fact are NOT proven? You weren't protecting me, you were following me.

    Here is another video from Assault- you see me and you shoot me immediately regardless of who is around.

    Do you have your version for all of these other than the two from your specific perspective already?

    What you aren't understanding is intention behind these videos.
    You aren't intending to simply play the game, you're intending to kill me specifically before anyone else.
    Following/trapping someone pre-round so you can shoot them literally the second the round starts.

    Just as you ask for proof of you doing those things, multiple videos have now been provided- where are your counter videos to show us we are wrong?
    The videos in which you kill me in crossfire as a t buddy are lost in my demos- I have hundreds of them since then. Also no, I wasn't counting the triple harpoon as Opalium himself is the one that deemed it invalid. There is enough evidence without me needing to go through more hours of demos.
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2017
  10. Daddy Nexxus

    Daddy Nexxus Toxi-Fessional VIP

    • Do not comment on reports/appeals you're not involved with.
    I'm gonna take the flak for this.

    You're literally trying to find a reason to complain, and this shit is ridiculous. I like you, Zomb, you know that. You seem pretty all right to me, but this is dumb. I'm just gonna point out a few things and then take my warning.

    Lay it on me, team.
  11. Janppa

    Janppa VIP Bronze

    Again all of these vids are me killing you as a TRAITOR. U obviously have been saving everytime i have killed u within several weeks and then using that as evidence. If i decided to target a player and upload everytime someone kills me and compile them as evidence i could make it look like someone was targeting me easily aswell. U are asking why i dont shoot afk before u ? Why would i shoot afks first when they are no threat because they dont shoot back so why would i shoot an afk in front of several moving players who will shoot me if i shoot afk instead of shooting an active player before. And also u dont know if the person next to u were a traitor aswell. Ur assuming i only shoot u but why do i almost always have about 10 kills when i play as traitor if im only killing you?
    Locking you in a room to kill u ? Everybody does that, you are the only one complaining about it. I have died countless of times like that and i have never reported someone for doing that because its part of the game.
    I asked for evidence that i have "rdmed" u in "crossfire" when ur killing a traitor? Yet u have none. I didnt ask for videos where i kill u as a traitor thats the whole point of the game and its not against the rules to kill u.

    Oh the typical excuse. So ur accusing me of rdming u and u got no evidence of this. Why should they believe u and not mark is as word v word.
    Also i dont know why ur bringing that "bitch" incident again when i already addressed it.
    I also addressed following u when ur a detective and ur bringing it up again. Did u even read what i wrote earlier?
  12. zomborg

    zomborg "She's like a little Satan." - CDriscoll 2015 VIP

    You aren't understanding the point of why you were banned in the first place. No matter how many times people repeat it to you, it's going to end in willful ignorance.

    We don't play together frequently, but when we do this kind of behavior is present. These videos have only been about a week/week and a half where it has been consistently bad enough for me to ask wink to help.

    Prior to contacting wink is when the traitor crossfire happened probably 2+ weeks ago. I play a lot. I have literal hundreds of demos since then. If it is crossfire, it isn't rdm which is why you aren't slain. Making something look like crossfire is easy.

    You say you coincidentally called your sister a bitch instead of me, but why queue your mic at that exact moment if you weren't talking to any of us? It's simply coincidence that you kill me, after making it known how you feel, then call me a bitch? I don't believe you.

    You could have 20 kills as a traitor, but the point of this whole thing is that you are targetting and it is clear as day.

    Clearly nothing is going to be established here so I think this thread should be locked until wink can actually reply. Evidence has had ample time to be provided and there is seemingly no more.
  13. john redcorn

    john redcorn strangers like me VIP Emerald

    I have seen this and will be responding as soon as possible, at uni. Please be patient.
  14. Janppa

    Janppa VIP Bronze

    Again u say some traitor crossfire thing happened 2 weeks ago but i dont know what happened i dont remember this, nobody knows so why do u keep bringing that up with no evidence?
    We already talked that bitch thing out on the server, u said u dont appreciate being called bitch and i said np wont do it again so why do u keep bringing this up AGAIN. That is the only time i have ever insulted u on the servers i believe so can u get past that and stop crying about it. Don't take everything so personally. Most of us are having fun playing but u dont seem to be having fun, ur just looking for things to whine about. Ur claiming im target rdming u which im not. I may be killing u as a traitor but thats not against the rules.
  15. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    Since this has gotten pretty repetitive, I'm going to lock this until @wink can respond.

    If any parties involved have any further evidence, please PM a staff member to re-open this.

    Thank you.
  16. john redcorn

    john redcorn strangers like me VIP Emerald

    Hello @Janppa,

    Thanks for taking the time to report me for my verdict on this appeal .

    You received a 1 day global ban for toxic gameplay for your rather malicious gameplay after the warning given my moderator @Milo. The warning was not given off 'her word', it was given after I gathered the two dust 2 videos seen on the previous appeal where it's indisputable to deny your true intentions. Since I did spell everything else rather nicely there, I'll go on to address your concerns here.

    You were intentionally targetting her, not rdming her. There is no case in my evidence where you rdmed her at all, you were just waiting and following for the right time and the right reasons to kill her 'legitly'. I'm sorry it seems that I painted the picture wrong with that detective video, but you do need to understand that in context with the other videos, I hope you can see why I may suggest that be the case.
    Here are the 'unchoppy demos':
    You seem to be keeping eyes on her, but keeping your distance and maybe hoping for an instance where a traitorous act is committed, which does happen.
    She doesn't hold the 'power' to warn you, she holds the 'power' to tell you that she is uncomfortable with something, which I she gave me to show that, in context, she has expressed discomfort with your gameplay. From the evidence I have, she does stop !p saying you when you tell her you feel uncomfortable with it, feel free to come to me if that wasn't the case, I'm sorry you feel I'm treating people differently.
    As a traitor, you actually cannot kill 'whoever you want however you want'. I would suggest looking at our !motd and extended rules if you truly believe this, as there are a whole bunch of t specific rules. Harassment, in the case of targetting, could also fall under a 'constraining rule' for your gameplay especially in case that's excessive as this. I understand you don't care about witnesses and the stealth mechanics of our game, but you still go out of your way to kill one player over all the other potential options, time after time, whether it be across the map with a Gauss rifle or locking her in a room and taking her life immediately. And since she does take offence to this rather exotic gameplay, it can be deemed harassment, especially when paired with the 'bitchhhhh' and what not.

    I'll be unlocking this report to give you a chance to respond once again and tagging my lead admin @Falcor
  17. Janppa

    Janppa VIP Bronze

  18. Falcor

    Falcor ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ VIP Silver

    Hi Janppa,

    I have reviewing your Appeal and this report.
    wink will be Voiding this ban but I do feel a serious warning is needed.
    Killing zomb is one thing, but if you are continuously following her around and targeting her it will be seen as such and further action will be taken.
    If you are not targeting zomb this shouldn't be a problem.
    And I hope it isn't in the future.
    This ban was done hastily and the proper route would be another serious warning.
    I've talked to wink about this and he has voided your ban.
    I will also express to him how we can avoid this in the future.
    Apologies for all the trouble and thank you for coming to the forums.

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