Completed Report against Wink&Mr Disco

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Togo ✿, Apr 3, 2017.

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  1. Togo ✿

    Togo ✿ Nobody Gets it VIP Silver

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Wink&Mr Disco
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    West 1
    Which Map:
    Which Round:
    Time of Occurence:
    Reason For Report:
    @wink- false ban, abusing power
    @Mr Disco- unprofessionalism as a staff member​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
    To start this off I would like to say that I am in the wrong on some of my action.
    To start us off here, I was giving my first warning by Wink for spamming. No screenshots need I was spamming in my own thread . I only needed a few more post to make it on the top message board, so I posted there a few times. This was harmless and didn't affect anyone besides me. I thought this would be a good place to post a few post to get my ratings high enough to be on the list since @JackThePumpkin spammed way more than me and he didn't get warned, he a staff position. My big issue with this ban is @JackThePumpkin was never warned for spamming around 50 messages for the same reason but when I post ten messages I get a warning. To my knowledge, no spamming rules have changed from when Jack posted his posts to when I posted mine. To recap why I feel like the warning is unjustified, Jack did not get warned when spamming tons more messages than I did. The spamming rules to my knowledge haven't changed since that time so why should I be the one getting warned when he didn't under the same set of rules.

    My second warning in my opinion in more unjustified than the first. I was warned for "spamming" on @wink profile. I only made 4 posts on his profile. The first was a toon link joke because his name was toon link. This post was removed shortly after. Other jokes like it got to stay on his profile.
    For example, [​IMG]
    The next post I made was a comment on @STONEY profile post. Stoney posted this meme.
    My comment was "this is going to be removed since it goes against wink". Like I predicted wink deleted this too. Seeing this I posted "Ayyy lmao @STONEY". Which end up getting deleted too. I got this alert.
    At this point I was pretty confused on why I was told to stop, I said wink names in shoutbox a couple time to see if he explain it to me with no response. My posts were breaking no forums rules in my eyes and I wanted and explanation so I posted this on his profile.
    Hoping I would get an explanation to why I was getting told to "stop" because I wasn't breaking any of these rules.
    Instead, I got this message.
    A very threating message that told to delete my post. I didn't comply because my post broke no rules and shouldn't be removed. Then I got my second for "spam" warning and was banned.
    Wink if my post were considered "spam", why wouldn't this be spam.
    Now to why I am reporting @Mr. Disco, I come back to the forums to find this post by him.
    This post is highly unprofessional for a staff member to make.
    1. It starts more drama
    2. It is harassment, calling me a "cunt biscuit"
    3. It did nothing to clear up confusion and is a highly unprofessional post for staff to me making
  2. Togo ✿

    Togo ✿ Nobody Gets it VIP Silver

  3. john redcorn

    john redcorn strangers like me VIP Emerald

    Hey Togo,

    Let's get right into this. You had three active forum warnings points, which led me to issuing you a day ban from our forums:

    Warning #1 was for this post. Pretty straight forward, clearly breaking our ban appeal commenting rules to slip in your opinion, which is clearly against our forum report/appeal commenting ruleset you very well know by now.

    You've discussed your second warning above, which was along the lines of resurrecting a thread just to spam in it.This is the post you grave dug it with awhile back,, This is the post you were warned for after I saw you making 15 spammy, low quality posts that served literally no purpose than other to raise a number. According to the TTT extended ruleset, Spam is defined as "irrelevant or inappropriate messages sent on the Internet to a large number of recipients" . Since one of the things clearly listed in our Forum Rules as not allowed is spamming, which is what I chose to warn for in this case due to the fact the posts were irrelevant and low quality in nature, not achieving any other point than to raise your message count artificially. Since I was not a staff member six months ago when Jack made his posts, I decided against warning him as the previous administration may of discussed the matter privately with him.

    The third warning was for this post. As you stated above, you posted on my profile 4 times this week. Each and every time, I deleted it, since it's my choice what to display on my profile after all. It got to the point I deemed your posts as relatively targeting me in nature, especially when you say this around the time you post it. Given the fact I asked you to stop twice, and you refused, I issued a warning as I would of done with anyone else, regardless of who the victim was. Thinking about it, this warning should be updated to 'Inappropriate Behavior', and I'll go ahead with that after this report is finished.

    I'll tag @Falcor to go over this. I suggest in the future you take your time to go over our forum rulesets and adjust your behavior accordingly.
  4. Mr. Disco

    Mr. Disco Jeff Lynne is a musical genius. VIP

    To be clear togo I wasn't calling you a name. (like a cunt biscuit.-- That was actually just a un-needed comment that I added in to add a meme sense to it. ) I was just memeing. I actually didn't think you'd find that offensive at all, for that I'm sorry. Regarding professionalism, even though it was in a non staff situation and a meme manner, I am still supposed to represent this community on a professional level. In this case I have failed, I apologize to you and the community. I'll let my admin @Pacifist finish this part of the report up for me, and decide what will happen. I will delete the post so it doesn't cause any further problems.
  5. Pacifist

    Pacifist Cynically Insane VIP Bronze

    I've had a talk with Mr. Disco. This won't happen again.
  6. Mr. Disco

    Mr. Disco Jeff Lynne is a musical genius. VIP

    you damn right it won't. xd
  7. Togo ✿

    Togo ✿ Nobody Gets it VIP Silver

    Will respond to this when I get home, please don't make a verdict yet before I'm finshed debunking his points
  8. Togo ✿

    Togo ✿ Nobody Gets it VIP Silver

    "I'm directly involved I swear"
    Still didn't answer my question.
    Why give me a warning when I only posted like 10 messages and he went over the top and posted like 40, is it because he's a staff member right now. Also, you say "previous administration may of discussed" like you didn't check. Jack spammed far worse then me in the same context and I'm the only one who is getting consequences, not fair if you ask me.
    make your profile staff only if you don't my posts (which didn't break any rules) on it.
    I wasn't targeting you, I was roasting everyone. Also if that picture was considered "targeting/harassment" why wasn't I warned.
    My posts on your profile didn't break the rules or "targetted" you so I didn't take them down because of that.
    still, hasn't answered this.

    I did nothing wrong
  9. Togo ✿

    Togo ✿ Nobody Gets it VIP Silver

    I was using your post as an example, I basically did the same thing and I was banned for spam. Nothing aginst you.
  10. Togo ✿

    Togo ✿ Nobody Gets it VIP Silver

    this doesn't need a warning, yatty is involved
    he is a witness
  11. john redcorn

    john redcorn strangers like me VIP Emerald

    Your first two warnings are perfectly valid, and I've already explained them. The previous administration overlooked Jack's actions and handled it on their own accord, I see no reason to handle it six months after the fact. Because of this, the one day ban, which can be issued for two active forum warning points due to admin discretion, is still valid and not voided.

    After seeing the screenshots from my lead and comparing them to mine(which had no time stamps another than (x minutes ago)), I'll remove the third warning point, as I thought they were more excessive in nature than what they were and a warning point is a little unnecessary in this case. I'd still like to give you a less severe warning here to stray potentially targetting a user in the future, especially with comments like the one you made in shoutbox.
  12. Togo ✿

    Togo ✿ Nobody Gets it VIP Silver

    So your telling me if you spam 40 messages six months ago it would be overlooked and wouldn't effect your chances of getting staff, but if you spam 10 messages right now its an automatic warning.
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2017
  13. Hoping I would get an explanation to why I was getting told to "stop" because I wasn't breaking any of these rules.

    As you said yourself when you didn't break any rules, you did. That meme could be counted as disrespect and or harassment.
  14. Togo ✿

    Togo ✿ Nobody Gets it VIP Silver

    If you read the report, you could see that I did not post the meme I simply just comment on it.
  15. Falcor

    Falcor ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ VIP Silver

    Hey togo,

    Sorry for the delay in my response.
    I've reviewed this report, messages and talked to wink.
    The warning for spam on a thread is valid. You grave dug an irrelevant thread to spam.
    For Jacks spam, issuing a warning for something 6 months ago is uncalled for.
    As for the second warning, for the messages on winks profile, this was unjustified.
    I talked to wink about this, after I looked at the posts. And the warning point for that was removed.
    I feel this warning point was hastily issued and easily avoidable.

    As for the other warning point that added to your ban.
    You said this on a appeal
    Completely valid warning was issued for this comment.
    I'd like to point to the Sticky in Ban Appeals which has the rules for posting
    Due to the warning system a 1 day ban was justified, having 2 points in less than 2 weeks. Although, your ban wasn't issued until after the false warning. If the ban was going to be issued, it should have been handled after the spam warning.

    I have talked to wink about this to an extent already but will be going over this situation again.
    This report is Valid.
    Due to the 2nd spam warning being false, and this situation not being handled appropriately.
    As well as Disco being unprofessional and making uncalled for states as a staff member. If he wanted to make comments like that to or about someone he could have done so privately. I take full responsibility for his behavior, and apologize.

    Thank you for taking the time to bring this to my attention.
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