Invalid Report against Vorlass

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Apherix, May 1, 2015.

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  1. Apherix

    Apherix VIP

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Which Server:
    West 1
    Which Map:
    Hairy House
    Which Round:
    Time of Occurence:
    Around 10:40 A.M.
    Reason For Report:
    I was walking through the house and heard shooting so I went to investigate. I walked in to see Vorlass standing over a dead body and the body was currently on fire. When I went to go ID the body, he shot and killed me and claimed guilt by association, but I wasn't in the room when the T died. He did nothing to slay himself because he was the Moderator.​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:

  2. Vorlass

    Vorlass Steam Level Scrub VIP

    Good afternoon,

    I walked up to LoneGinger to see him with a Flare Gun out and shot him for dead. I proceeded to see you in the corner behind one of the speakers in the next room. Ginger would have been clearly visible from that location with the burned body so I killed you for Guilt By Association (GBA).

    Before I could take a screenshot of your location, your body was either moved or flare gunned by someone. I can however give a screenshot of the area where it started.


    Also you said that a body was on fire and he was burning someone long before I even got there which would also put you within that area since there were no other burned bodies other than that room.

    I shall tag @Finn to judge if I was in the right or not.
  3. Apherix

    Apherix VIP

    1. I didn't say anything about a burning body. 2. I wasn't anywhere near any speakers. I walked into the room to see what happened, and next thing I know you start shooting me. 3. What happened to innocent until proven guilty? If I was really a traitor I would've shot you by then. Honestly the guilty by association rule should be taken out because there are so many loopholes to RDM someone.
  4. Vorlass

    Vorlass Steam Level Scrub VIP

    I did see you behind the speakers but since there was no one else in the vicinity, that pretty much becomes 'he said, she said' As for innocent until proven guilty, Guilt By Association makes you guilty. As to you not shooting me, no one tells you who to kill but you.
  5. Mr. Rogers

    Mr. Rogers Lil Tokyo VIP Silver

  6. Apherix

    Apherix VIP

    I meant to say that I didn't say it in game, but I mentioned it in my post. I was saying that when I walked in, a body was on fire that was unidentified. When I went to go identify who it was, Vorlass killed me when I didn't even shoot a single bullet. I didn't shoot because it would've been RDM if Vorlass wasn't a Traitor, which he wasn't. I stayed back to wait until everything was clear so I wouldn't get shot so I could safely ID the body, but still got killed. This all happened after I heard the gunfire, then I went to go see what happened.

    So I'm guessing that avoiding a firefight is considered a traitorous act now?
  7. Ravin

    Ravin Determination VIP

    If someone doesn't shoot a T and they clearly commited a T act, then yes. You can be killed for GBA on it.
  8. Chewie

    Chewie deadrun mod VIP Bronze

    This situation happened with be but for a different occurance and I have learned from it. Moderators will always make mistakes, as will you. Whether or not this is rdm or not, it's a single rdm and we're all just have to forgive and live with it. :)
  9. Apherix

    Apherix VIP

    I didn't see who shot who, I heard gunfire and waited until it stopped. Which isn't GBA. If I saw the traitor start shooting I would've shot him, but I didn't come in until the shooting stopped. I only knew Vorlass was the last one alive because he was the only one alive when I walked in. He then killed me and claimed GBA.

    I just don't want him to get away with it just because he is a moderator.
  10. Enigmatica

    Enigmatica The Song Lives On Banned

    Being unaware of a traitorous act happening around you does not excuse you from Guilt by Association. It feels clear to me that Vorlass saw you in the vicinity of a traitorous act that you did nothing to help.
  11. Vorlass

    Vorlass Steam Level Scrub VIP

    If I felt I was in the wrong, I would have slayed myself. From my perspective, I saw you behind the speaker when I was killing LoneGinger. You were facing us so I placed you as at the scene of the crime.

    Just because I am a Moderator does not mean I place myself above the rules.
  12. Apherix

    Apherix VIP

    So it was either I RDM Vorlass or I'm guilty by association? That's messed up. I basically prevented a RDM train.
  13. Enigmatica

    Enigmatica The Song Lives On Banned

    It wouldn't have been RDM to shoot Vorlass at that moment since he had just shot someone.

    But that's not really the point. Vorlass put you at the event of a traitorous act as it happened, not afterwards.
  14. Apherix

    Apherix VIP

    The only proof of what happened was that Vorlass, an innocent, killed me, an innocent. Vorlass and I don't have solid proof of what happened. You're either siding with me or him. You're probably gonna believe the moderator more because he's a moderator. He's calling me out on GBA and I'm saying he RDM'md me. But in the end he still killed an innocent with no physical proof of GBA acts.
  15. Enigmatica

    Enigmatica The Song Lives On Banned

    His proof is his perspective at the time of the events, which is he attempting to describe here. I'm not siding with him because he's a moderator. That would be silly of me.

    You will be often caught in unfortunate situations like this where you usually have no way out other than death. The best thing to do is to talk your way out of it if you can. And be as aware as possible of what's happening around you. You'll be less surprised when you die and you won't get killed for things happening around you that you aren't aware of. It's very likely that he did in fact put you at the scene of a traitorous act, and you were simply unaware of it. You did leave quite a bit of details out of your main post.

    I know it sucks being killed, especially when you don't find it deserving, but you were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. I suggest you read our extended rules guide to learn more about GBA and our other rules.
  16. Apherix

    Apherix VIP

    I know, I've read the rules and the extended rules. I'm saying what are you gonna do about it? I think that using GBA like this creates loopholes allowing people to be able to kill other players. That and if I did kill him and someone else walked in and was innocent too, it would've created an RDM train. I've taught myself that everyone is innocent until proven guilty. I didn't shoot him because I didn't feel that he was a traitor, which he wasn't, but he still killed me.
  17. Apherix

    Apherix VIP

    And if I did kill Vorlass, he'd report me/slay me for RDM.
  18. Vorlass

    Vorlass Steam Level Scrub VIP

    Actually, no I wouldn't have. I had just killed someone. Like I said, I am not above the rules.
  19. Apherix

    Apherix VIP

    Yeah and he was a traitor wasn't he? You'd know that and I'm sure you would have reported me if this was the other way around.
  20. Vorlass

    Vorlass Steam Level Scrub VIP

    If I kill a person, someone has 5 seconds to decide if they want to kill me.
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