Completed Report against Tupacula

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by acx100, Jan 13, 2015.

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  1. acx100

    acx100 VIP

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:

    Which Server:
    East 2
    Which Map:
    Which Round:

    Time of Occurence:
    5:38 CST TIME
    Reason For Report:

    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:

  2. Tupacula

    Tupacula Member

    You have one picture of the WHOLE DAMN THING. He's Rdm'd me on multiple accounts, sworn his fair share, and is generally an ill tempered person from what I've seen so far. Demonic Society is the current Mod in East 2, ask him what's been up.
  3. Orion

    Orion He is Exalted Administrator VIP

    I'm a witness, and sincerely, you could've told @DemonicSociety to mute him, warn and unmute him again if you felt offended.
    Use asay to tell him that you got offended, since the chat goes so fast on a full server.
  4. Tupacula

    Tupacula Member

    Bringing this here because you got your feelings hurt is totally uncalled for by the way, there IS a Mod. !Report <---
  5. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    This report has been found valid. @Tupacula , just because it's one instance does not mean that it doesn't make your words any less offensive. This isn't the first time you've been seen disrespecting another player before (@Polt<3 can definitely attest to that). Consider this your warning to stop disrespecting another player considering your toxic behavior is becoming a serious problem.
  6. Ellitagious

    Ellitagious The sight of the stars makes me dream -Van Gogh VIP

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