Completed Report against TheMyriadGamer

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by MaxKittens, Jul 12, 2017.

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  1. MaxKittens

    MaxKittens Active Member

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    West 1
    Which Map:
    lego fix
    Which Round:
    5 until map change
    Time of Occurence:
    Reason For Report:
    01:05.97 - DMG: Huntonian [innocent] damaged MaxKittens [innocent] for 59 dmg
    I shot him back
    01:08.67 - DMG: MaxKittens [innocent] damaged Huntonian [innocent] for 15 dmg
    01:08.74 - DMG: MaxKittens [innocent] damaged Huntonian [innocent] for 15 dmg
    01:08.82 - DMG: MaxKittens [innocent] damaged Huntonian [innocent] for 45 dmg
    01:08.90 - DMG: MaxKittens [innocent] damaged Huntonian [innocent] for 8 dmg
    01:08.97 - DMG: MaxKittens [innocent] damaged Huntonian [innocent] for 15 dmg
    01:09.05 - DMG: MaxKittens [innocent] damaged Huntonian [innocent] for 8 dmg
    01:09.05 - KILL: MaxKittens [innocent] killed Huntonian [innocent]
    I was slayed
    I saw smiley walk out of tunnel, and went down into tunnel and saw an unided body. I ran back up and shot him. He turned out inno. I claimed both of these in my report and was added two slays by myriad​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
  2. Rauno

    Rauno   VIP

  3. MyriadOfChaos

    MyriadOfChaos It was fun.... VIP

    I have seen this and will respond when i am done staffing. Also gonna tag @Smiley to give his POV from his recording.
  4. MyriadOfChaos

    MyriadOfChaos It was fun.... VIP

    As you have two reports currently active against me i will keep this quick. It is true i issued two slays on you. This is because it was your second offense of RDM, and per our rules, that is two slays. The first account happened on Dolls where you crowbar pushed 7-Minute into the mousetrap and claimed it wasnt you. You were the only one to push him and thus a slay was issued.

    The second was you claiming Smiley Passed an unid'd when he exited the underground on Legofix. According to the Death scene, there was no unid'd that he passed as he exited. Below i will put the screenshot of the report i put against you for pushing 7-minute, and the demo showing Smiley nowhere near an unid'd.


    The report Smiley made against you should appear in the demo as well.
  5. MaxKittens

    MaxKittens Active Member

    You claimed Smiley had a POV please provide that also, he walked out of the tunnel earlier and it took me a little while to decide to kill him
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2017
  6. MaxKittens

    MaxKittens Active Member

  7. MyriadOfChaos

    MyriadOfChaos It was fun.... VIP

    Here are also the logs of the given round up to the point you killed Smiley.

  8. MaxKittens

    MaxKittens Active Member

    Please provide @Smiley POV, as the demo didn't show his exit from the tunnel
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2017
  9. MyriadOfChaos

    MyriadOfChaos It was fun.... VIP

    Last edited: Jul 12, 2017
  10. MaxKittens

    MaxKittens Active Member

    Does this demo cover the entire round?
  11. MyriadOfChaos

    MyriadOfChaos It was fun.... VIP

    Yes the demo does, and after viewing Smileys demo, it shows an issue with the Deathscene. In the deathscene the unid'd that you spoke of did not show up @Guilty has confirmed that it did not show up in the demo i took of the Deathscene, but when i viewed Smileys demo, there was an unid'd to the left of the ramp near the hall way. I am unsure of why this glitch happened in the deathscene and i do apologize for the entire situation. I have not ran into this issue with the Deathscene before and apparently if a person disconnects, their body does not show up on the Deathscene which caused this situation to become what it is.

    Ive always taken pride in the job i do and always try to investigate things to the fullest. I did so to my maximum extent in this case, but because of the Deathscene issue, an error occurred causing a false slay. The RDMx3 ban against you will be lifted and voided. I am also going to issue two slays on myself to make up for the situation that unfolded. Again, i deeply apologize for the situation that took place and hopefully this can be water under the bridge for the next time we interact. Thank you for taking the time to report me, i will learn from this entire experience and hopefully we can interact on a higher note on the next go around.

    Ill leave this to guilty to finish up the rest of it.
  12. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    Apologies for the delay on finishing this report.

    As far as Smiley's evidence goes, yes it goes for the entire round. After reviewing Smiley's evidence, it seems there was an unid body that Smiley didn't identify. This shows that your actions were correct in the end as far as your reasoning behind why you killed him. My Moderator has been spoken to about this particular situation and understands to be more meticulous with looking into reports. This is a good learning experience in the end and it helps him grow as a Moderator.

    Considering you should have not been slain for this particular instance, I will be voiding your Mass RDM ban mentioned in your other report and marking this report against my Moderator as valid.

    Best Regards,
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