Completed Report against TheDerpyPixel

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Mr. Watermelon, Apr 30, 2016.

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  1. Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    West 1
    Which Map:
    67th Way
    Which Round:
    Time of Occurence:
    12:30ish AM Pacific
    Reason For Report:
    Propkilling as an innocent on two people myself and Fox who was a T at that moment.​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
    First let me tag @TheDerpyPixel and @Sith Master Revan because they will both be mentioned in this report.

    Let me explain the events, and how they unfolded because I don't think TheDerpyPixel will argue against my version of the events. Just if it is actually prop killing or not.

    Both Pixel, Fox, and I were downstairs by the tester along with other people. Pixel was in the far room that has an automatic closing door with watermelons, a couch, desk, and other props in it. He positioned the couch multiple times underneath the automatic door so when it would close, the door would shoot out the couch. One of those times it killed me. As I was standing in the hallway.

    After the couch was in the hallway he moved the desk underneath the door. Fox (a T) then tried to kill him for prop killing. As they were fighting he ran into the desk killing Fox.

    I asked Pixel after the round why he killed me and fox with props and he went on to say that it isn't prop killing because "The game chose to kill you" or something along the lines of that.

    That ends the events in question. So now it comes to if that is actually prop killing or not. I'm pretty positive that what he did is in fact prop killing but I might be wrong so please tell me if it is. I see it like an inno getting the axe to be electric and killing people with it on rooftops. I would think that he knows it is prop killing too because as he is a VIP, played many hours on the server, and seems to be a frequent prop killer, now trying to loop the rules.

    For evidence other than my account of what happened I only have a few screenshots I took after he killed me and as he killed fox with the prop. I asked Sith to post the logs so you can see he was inno and that both myself and Fox were killed by props. Below you will find the links to the screenshot:
  2. I put the couch there so that people can't go in the room because it jams the door.

    I saw multiple people do this ,even when staff was online. So, I didn't think it was against the rules.

    I didn't mean to launch the couch at you. The couch randomly flies in any direction. It even killed me once. I wasn't trying to kill anyone.

    And the thing with Fox. He walked into the prop and killed himself. I didn't kill him.
  3. Yeah I agree with everything you said. I just thought doing that still is prop killing. It would be like putting a rock at the bottom of a pool of water, causing people to died on it. I always thought prop killing was if you effect a prop so it directly kills a person as an innocent either intentionally or unintentionally. I think I also did the same thing a while ago (year or two ago) and thought I got a slay because of it, but I might be remembering.

    I think it just comes down to what constitutes as prop damaging/killing and if this counts as it. With my conversation with Sith at the time I felt like he wasn't sure if it counts as prop killing or not. But it might have been that Sith was too busy keeping the server in check to understand what exactly happened.
  4. J.T.Ripper

    J.T.Ripper Ughuuuu. VIP

    @Sith Master Revan is getting tagged so we can clear this up. Yes, this is prop-killing, and yes @TheDerpyPixel this is a valid report against you. The reason is, you placed the prop, you're responsible for the deaths following. As you admitted to these acts, and that you did in fact kill two people with it, I will have to say that you are required to receive two slays for this, as there was staff online at the time.
  5. J.T.Ripper

    J.T.Ripper Ughuuuu. VIP

    The player has taken the two slays in stead of a ban, I will mark this complete and lock it now.

    Thank you for helping staff keep the servers fun and clean for everyone.

    Report: VALID

    Thread: LOCKED
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