Invalid Report against SpitefulVenom

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Hacker Nation Anonymous, Jan 19, 2016.

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  1. Hacker Nation Anonymous

    Hacker Nation Anonymous The Voices Have SPOKEN! VIP

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    West 1
    Which Map:
    Which Round:
    3 and on
    Time of Occurence:
    around Noon
    Reason For Report:
    The war between The Islamic State aka ISIS and (Russia, USA, China, Africa as a whole, several areas in Indonsia as well) is the realiest most serious threat being made towards the US then any other have since Pearl Harbor. I realize many don't know what is going on, but If you even look it up at all you will see we are very much at World War 3 now with ISIS claiming it possesses Weapons of Mass Destruction. In a post made by Anonymous (A Hacking organization set of taking down any electronic function that ISIS can use) They state how ISIS are disturbed and mentally rot menaces. I post a couple quick small posts on their latest update and I receive a Mute. I have decided to post the video as a whole for your viewing in chronological order. I feel the way this was handled was beyond wrong. My uncle was Killed today! TODAY! Overseas at War in Syria AGAINST ISIS. And I receive a Mute because it was annoying topic to the mod on duty and then it was spamming, and then I was told I am dumb for using the word Anonimity... Which IS A WORD mind you, so I state how it appears that player has a smaller vocabulary base, and I WAS told to stop. Not this other guy. Idgaf where @SpitefulVenom comes from, but I will NEVER stand accused supporting ISIS as he claimed. Your actions and then refusal of even a sorry or anything after this news my last Uncle dies today to these sick savage assholes was beyond outraging and then singling me out yet again, though I have done NOTHING wrong but stand up and say how I FEEL on my opinions, and That was not an issue to call trolling to stop me from talking though I had barely said anything. I am tagging @Darktooth and @Disruptionz to bring another example to the situation we have on report with @Highwon as well. This targeting over an issue that Promotes the Demise of the Terrorist Militant Group Isis will not be tolerated. I don't want some corny response, this is getting old. Maturity needs to take place over your own ignorance. Evidence below and i'm done talking today I am so mad. Liek WHAT Spite, YOU GONNA KICK ME FOR TALKING ABOUT MY NAME!!!!!!! The first 2 comments of spam and annoyance to you were spaced out over more than 30 seconds. That is hardly spam in anyway at all. Then while you hear and see many nazi and gay and other such real offensive terminology being used against me and others, I inform that Anonymity is a word and am AGAIN only one warned as the video shows. This is too much, I feel it needs to stop. tomorrow keep this open until then.​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
  2. Sinz

    Sinz crumble VIP Silver

  3. Hacker Nation Anonymous

    Hacker Nation Anonymous The Voices Have SPOKEN! VIP

    Get to the point? I felt all areas of the topic needed to be laid out along with the fact I was doing nothing before any this happen. I appreciate a little more respect, especially form you Sinz.
  4. Hacker Nation Anonymous

    Hacker Nation Anonymous The Voices Have SPOKEN! VIP

    I can imagine a few other things like, Thanks for taking the time to gather evidence and be thorough. Expect more from you Sinz
  5. Spitefulvenom

    Spitefulvenom So long TTT! Administrator VIP

    so i actually have more of the convo but i dunno how many pics i am allowed to use in a post so 5 will do i initially muted him for saying "Stand and fight or pass your pitiful existence in to the eternal fire pit of Islamic militants" now to me that sounded like he was saying is propaganda so i gave him the mute as you can see in the screenshots he then said it wasnt and i told him exactly what i just wrote here however he spammed admin chat for 2 maps atleast and as you can see i was not inappropriate in any way
  6. Hacker Nation Anonymous

    Hacker Nation Anonymous The Voices Have SPOKEN! VIP

    Propaganda really? My Uncle just died to These assholes and That was the call fro Vengeance by Anonymous. ALl these things were said that fall into an inappropriate category, I state The Positives Side Statement in comments, and get Muted. no warn nothing. That was out of protocol and I felt it was really rude. So being a mod i try to explain to you, and as it shows you just brush it off, I had no where NEAR done anything that warranted that action
  7. Hacker Nation Anonymous

    Hacker Nation Anonymous The Voices Have SPOKEN! VIP

    I bring up a point in regards to a real serious thing Happening in our world this very day. And I am muted for it, while the prior war Nazi comments, the anti gay/ gat bashing goes on without a word. I state simply there is indeed a real word as I said and get told RIGHT in the middle of Nazi comments to stop. ISIS isnt some stupid blah blah look at chat, I had just gotten the news my uncle lost his life in a suicide bomb in Syria and this was my favorite groups Comment in turn. Here some info weather u read or not, this war is real and when they make it to YOUR front lawn, dont throw it in chat propaganda. No u still target me. Have fun:

    ISIS’s attacks in Paris, the deadliest targeting of civilians in France since the end of World War II, will change the political and security landscape of Europe irrevocably.

    President François Hollande has promised a merciless response. Borders have been sealed — in direct contravention of the Maastricht agreement signed more than 20 years ago that within the European Union, national boundaries would be dissolved.

    And most consequential in the short term, since it now appears that at least one of the terrorists posed as a refugee, Western governments are reassessing their immigration policies.

    But what does this mean for the United States? Is America less vulnerable because of the greater distance between our country and the ravaged territories of the Middle East and North Africa?

    Recent trends in law enforcement and intelligence indicate that we aren’t safer. On the contrary: The probability of a Paris-style attack has dramatically increased.

    As part of its support to law enforcement, the Threat Knowledge Group has been collecting and analyzing the open-source information on ISIS arrests in the United States. Since ISIS, the organization that used to be al Qaeda in Iraq, captured the city of Mosul last year and declared the creation of the new caliphate, scores of people have been arrested in America in plots connected to the new “Islamic State,” and FBI Director James Comey has already testified that there are ongoing ISIS investigations in all 50 states.

    But more importantly, in just a 20-month period, 74 adults and eight minors have been interdicted by law enforcement for connections to ISIS, including four killed on US soil. These numbers translate to a 300 percent increase in terrorist arrests in the United States compared to the average monthly arrests of al Qaeda suspects since the 9/11 attacks of 2001.

    On the one hand, this is a good thing, since we’re arresting dozens and dozens of terrorists before they can actually execute a deadly attack like the recent Paris atrocity.

    But on the other hand, we wouldn’t have to be arresting these jihadists if ISIS wasn’t recruiting them so efficiently and effectively that they’re finding three times as many willing volunteers as al Qaeda ever did.

    But there’s one truly disturbing facet of the increased arrests. Poring over the open-source details of the indictments and subsequent official reports, we find the following:

    Of all those intercepted, almost half (48 percent) were planning to leave the country and fight for Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and ISIS in the Middle East. These are the people who belong to the category the FBI euphemistically refers to as “travelers.”

    Another 19 percent were arrested for being facilitators, the talent-spotters who weren’t going to fight themselves, but who identified potential jihadi recruits and eventually provided assistance for them to be “deployed” as terrorist operatives.

    But the majority of the remaining ISIS suspects, a full 28 percent — or almost a third of all those arrested in the United States — weren’t secondary facilitators or had any intention of leaving the United States to fight for ISIS in Iraq or Syria.

    These people had decided that the most effective way for them to serve Allah and ISIS leader Abu Bakr would be to kill Americans here on US soil. By bringing the war to the “infidel” in his homeland, they would better serve the new theocratic empire of Islam and strike terror into the heartland of the enemy.

    To this we must add the unclassified estimates that put the number of foreign fighters globally recruited by ISIS at more than 22,000. Of those, 4,000 are estimated to be Westerners — including Americans — on Western passports that allow them full freedom of movement. As a result, the threat to America is clear.

    Paris won’t be the last event of its kind, and America isn’t immune from such horrific scenarios. Since the caliphate was declared last year, ISIS has upped its game. If there ever was a JV team, it clearly wasn’t ISIS, but rather al Qaeda.

    As a result, it’s more important than ever that the Islamic State be taken seriously as a threat not just to our partners in the Middle East or our allies in Europe, but to America herself.
  8. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    I'm in agreement with @Sinz . If you're going to make a report, you're expected to make a report with the basis of being serious about it. Gags/Mutes can also count as an initial warning as per the MOTD. You were warned about the entire topic to stop and even watching through the entire videos you uploaded, I can see that you were trolling and even spamming about the entire topic. Let's go over the basic definition of Spam based on

    (lowercase) Digital Technology. disruptive online messages, especially commercial messages posted on a computer network or sent as email.

    Your message was clearly disrupting the gameplay experience and this is why you were muted and eventually asked by @SpitefulVenom to stop. Even now, you're posting the same content in the report over and over. If you want to troll, I suggest you start trying to troll somewhere else. This report on my Moderator is invalid.
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