Completed Report against sora

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by lupe, Oct 10, 2014.

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  1. lupe

    lupe VIP

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Which Server:
    Which Map:
    Time of Occurence:

    Reason For Report:
    uhh i was sharing opinion and i got kicked and she also rdmed for no reason whatsoever she doesnt take her job seriously and when people get rdmed she does not slay them .​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
    well deluxe atmosphere got banned for no reason when he stated that he would kill himself with an incen and told them to get back but peoplr purposly jumped in and killed them selves and he got baned for 3 counts of rdm​
  2. Sora

    Sora S-Senpai notice m-me! VIP

    You said that I was the "worst mod evur." and called me a bitch. I took offense to those statements, and I DID warn before kicking you. Also, Deluxe got banned for Mass RDM 3x via incen. Just gonna tag my admin @Thorn and @Nena and @BasedBlake since they were there at the time. Lastly, the reports were being taken care of by BasedBlake, not me.

  3. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    Hello Lupe,

    I am sure that @Sora will reply at their nearest convenience. Being the person that was there, I could tell that this would cause a problem. I have no knowledge of the reason you were kicked and I do that Sora was dealing with RDM reports. Sora issue a few slays and bans after logging onto the server.

    Refer to the
    white text for the Rules of Engagement when throwing grenades as an innocent:

    ROEs for Innocents or Detectives Throwing Grenades
    1. You must warn your teammates with one of the two given, in-game, chats.
    2. You must have the intention to kill a traitor who has either committed a traitorous act or has been called out.
    Note: If one of those two main requirements are not present, and you damage someone other than yourself, then it is RDM.
    The issue was that Deluxe decided to kill himself via throwing a grenade and, while he did warn, he did not have any intention to kill a traitor; he announced what his intentions were over chat.

    This situation was disputed by a few people in-game; Deluxe, not being one of them. Deluxe was actually reasonable and accepted his punishment. However, after his ban is when you were kicked, you and a few others continued to speak of the situation; in a not so friendly tone, as well.

    I am more than certain that Sora was performing her duties appropriately as @Nena, one of the server admins, was teaching our newest
    Trial Mod, @BasedBlake, how to moderate the servers.

    Edit: Deluxe has since been unbanned, which I have no issue with. I would have even stated that had he went through the process of making a ban appeal. This issue is that rules are rules and they must be upheld. Which they were; even in your case. I am actually happy that Deluxe handled things the way that he did and now knows where he went wrong.
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2014
  4. fateburn

    fateburn 自分のためが VIP

    Hey lupe

    I was there too and after sora warned about your attitude, you keep using improper tone to speak with him , hence that kick was legit and report found invalid .

    Thanks for your report.

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