Invalid Report against Sokimori

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by TheRealDankpool, Nov 10, 2016.

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  1. TheRealDankpool

    TheRealDankpool New Member

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Which Map:
    minecraft b5
    Which Round:
    Time of Occurence:
    Reason For Report:
    Excessive harrasement and verbal abuse​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
    *DEAD* Django Unchained: you RDM him soki
    *DEAD* Django Unchained: I am a co founder of a server, dont argue rules with me kid
    *DEAD* Honey Bunches of Goats: I jumped off the tower because someone said there was c4. Thats all you saw
    *DEAD* sokimori: lol
    *DEAD* sokimori: gets mad
    A$$ CH33KS: radical is proven
    For more info on our other servers, type !servers
    *DEAD* sokimori: breaks out the word "kid"
    *DEAD* Honey Bunches of Goats: Im just saying man.
    *DEAD* Django Unchained: nobody got mod
    *DEAD* Honey Bunches of Goats: Dont kill on sus
    *DEAD* sokimori: not you retard unchained
    *DEAD* Django Unchained: YOu are obviously just a kid if you cant understand how rules on a video game worked
    *DEAD* sokimori: white knight fuckboy
    *DEAD* Django Unchained: It was me that said it
    *DEAD* Django Unchained: you salty cunt
    *DEAD* Honey Bunches of Goats: lol, lets not argue now.
    *DEAD* sokimori: You are obviously a fucking retard if you can't think logically.
    *DEAD* S for Screwed: poor gilneas
    A$$ CH33KS: no more bomb
    *DEAD* Django Unchained: You are resorting to slandering me because you are wrong
    *DEAD* Django Unchained: Don't try and act like you are superior to me
    *DEAD* sokimori: No, becuase you're wrong and a retard.
    A$$ CH33KS: An unidentified body is a Traitor!
    *DEAD* Honey Bunches of Goats: lmao. stop
    A$$ CH33KS: WTF
    Less Retarded name (STEAM_0:1:70452238) has left the server.
    *DEAD* Honey Bunches of Goats: who cares. whats there to argue about...
    A$$ CH33KS: YEE
    *DEAD* sokimori: "This kid is dumb" alright you fucking degenerate go hang yourself
    Visit our forums at
    *DEAD* sokimori: llmao
    *DEAD* Gillneas: yeast infection
    *DEAD* Gillneas: lmao
    MasterKushKing420 #triggered (STEAM_0:0:42290301) has left the server.
    Radical: sus af
    *DEAD* sokimori: cancer of the earth white knighting on Gary's Mod
    *DEAD* Django Unchained: dont argue rules with me kid]
    *DEAD* sokimori: Stay virgin bro
    *DEAD* Django Unchained: NEver called you dumb
    *DEAD* Django Unchained: that is a copy/paste of what I said
    *DEAD* sokimori: You actually did twice
    *DEAD* Django Unchained: I am posting this to forums so please flame more
    *DEAD* sokimori: But yaknow you can actually be autistic if you want, I mean that's all you dude.
    *DEAD* sokimori: Alright. Do lmao
    *DEAD* Django Unchained: Please, talk more shit. Just makes the admins job of banning you easier
    A$$ CH33KS: RADICAL ?
    *DEAD* Honey Bunches of Goats: lol enough
    *DEAD* Honey Bunches of Goats: just relax both of you
    *DEAD* sokimori: Let everyone see your dumbass getting butthurt over a video gaming and filing a complaint against someone.
    *DEAD* sokimori: See how far that gets you in life.
    A$$ CH33KS: Adam is a Traitor!
    *DEAD* sokimori: lmao
    A$$ CH33KS: Adam is a Traitor!
    A$$ CH33KS: Adam is a Traitor!
    For more info on our other servers, type !servers
    *DEAD* A$$ CH33KS: nope
    *DEAD* sokimori: lol kids so nmad
    *DEAD* A$$ CH33KS: adam was t
    *DEAD* Django Unchained: It will go exactly as far as it needs to, you getting banned
    sokimori: LMAO
    sokimori: You're such a cucked ass white knight​
  2. Agent A

    Agent A Veni, vidi, vici VIP Silver Emerald

    Do you have a screenshot of the said conversation? This is mainly because copy and pasting the chat can be easily forged.
  3. Agent A

    Agent A Veni, vidi, vici VIP Silver Emerald

    Since you have replied to report against you but not here, I will be marking this thread invalid. If you do have screenshot of the conversation or video of the conservation, please message me on the forums.
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