Invalid Report against Sir Lemoncakes

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by BlackSpiderMan, Jan 3, 2015.

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  1. Name of Staff/Player:
    Sir Lemoncakes
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:

    Which Server:
    West 1
    Which Map:
    Teen Room & Dolls
    Which Round:
    4-0 until map change, 1 round into dolls
    Time of Occurence:
    8:45 pm
    Reason For Report:
    I am reporting Sir Lemon Cakes for Abussive behavior and falsely banning me. What happened was people started drawing on the wall on the map of teen room. A player got mad at another player BEFORE I started drawing for drawing swatsikas. I start to draw "420 blaze it" and the player road_runner RDMs me because he thinks I'm about to draw a swastika. And at the moment OTHER players were ACTUALLY drawing swastikas and weren't being warned anything. road_runner was slain and I continue to try to COMPLETE drawing "420 blaze it" but a T killed me. Then when about the 3rd round started the dude RDMs me again. Then after he is slain Cithulu the Moderator tells me and I quote "whatever you are doing to get the players mad stop".(through type) I respond with "I'm not doing anything wrong and even you don't know what I'm doing thats wrong."(through my mic). Then Sir Lemon Cakes joins because she calls him there and he tells me. "I don't know what your doing but you better stop before I GLOBALY ban you,". "What are you even think doing because I'm lost." Then he replies, "Your drawing Hatred symbols," even though he JUST joined in and did not even have ANY of the details. I stop drawing all together and then the map switches to Dolls. The first round of Dolls starts and I am introduce in the begining of the round to a ban for:
    Drawing Hatred Symbols
    Histoy of Bans on the server
    I started a private chat and he says he got aproval from Event Horizon for the ban, but I am suspecting he twisted the story to seem as if he was there the whole time when really he barley had details. He did not even see me draw Once. He also told me THE NEXT TIME which I had stopped drawing all together already.
    I find this unfair and abusive because:
    1.He had False details about the story.
    2.Other players TRULY were drawing swastikas and were not even warned. Sir Lemon Cakes claims they were but he wasn't even there and I was and they were not warned voice OR text wise.
    3.My History of Bans should have NOTHING to do with the situation
    4.I wasn't even able to speak my side because he kept inturuping me when I tried
    5.He said the NEXT time it happens; when I had stopped drawing ALL TOGETHER but yet he STILL globaly bans me.​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
    Witness: Detective Doge, Cithulu (or however you spell it)
    Screenshot Proves what Sir Lemon Cakes said in private chat:
  2. tz-

    tz- feelin it VIP Emerald

  3. Sinz

    Sinz crumble VIP Silver

  4. Sir Lemoncakes

    Sir Lemoncakes Don't trust the other guy. The cake IS a lie. VIP

  5. Enigmatica

    Enigmatica The Song Lives On Banned

    The reason their punishments were not nearly as severe is because you have a history of trolling and RDM. You also have 800 hours on our servers and know the rules by now. The actions carried out tonight were approved by me.

    @Cthuluhoop has witnessed herself some of the drawings you made, so your statement here is false. We had the evidence we needed to carry out this action. Apparently this has been a problem with you in the past as well so it's not the first time this has happened. @Sir Lemoncakes believed that your trolling, loopholing, and RDMing ways were being toxic to the server and asked to be approved for a global ban across all servers due to tonight's final straw. I agreed with him upon being informed of the situation and approved of the ban.
  6. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    Just a note I would like to add: You shouldn't be drawing symbols that can cause other players to get the wrong meaning and feel insulted. We already had the swastika problem with a former member of the community (who was promptly banned during the time) and we certainly don't need it to come back.
  7. BigBoyMansion

    BigBoyMansion Banned

    This is all I can say. People kept bashing on @BlackSpiderMan, it began on community pool, he broke the T-tester, which in turn, caused the Detective to start shooting at him, he was able to kill the detective. Then people started claiming he was RDMing, he kept telling them the same thing but people refused to listen and continued to harrass him, I'm not sure if he left the server or not, but he was absent for around a couple maps. But then when he came back, I'm not sure if others brought it back up or not. I'm pretty sure that the swastikas weren't even making people mad, because people started drawing it. Also, I'm not 100% sure, but I think there was actually someone drawing swastikas PRIOR to BlackSpiderman. He never harassed anyone. People just kept saying they where actually offended because they wanted him banned, because of the incidents that happened in community_pool. I think Cthulu thought that people where offended by the swastikas because when he joined he was being bashed by the same players and some people just joining in. Here's what she said. It's pretty understandable how she confused people getting offended by the swastikas. When there was warnings given to BlackSpiderman, people began saying stuff like "This offends me because I'm Jewish." I will admit, I was drawing on the walls as well. I drew a swastika and then changed it to boxes. People did keep bashing BlackSpiderman even though he did nothing wrong, I have constantly been trying to tell the admins that he was the victim, not the instigator.
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2015
  8. Sir Lemoncakes

    Sir Lemoncakes Don't trust the other guy. The cake IS a lie. VIP

    @Cthuluhoop is the primary witness as to your artistic ventures, so I'll have her respond to the main point of your ban. To be honest though, the bulk of your ban was with regard to your massive history of causing problems for the server and breaking the rules. This was merely the straw that broke the camels back. Nearly everyone on the server (except Doge) were backing up my mod's comments about your involvement in the drawing of swastikas. (Doge was also involved from what I now understand and will be talked to) You were asked to stop, and continued despite that. You have earned this ban a thousand times over for your continued trolling, rule breaking, and intentional skirting of the rules.
  9. zomborg

    zomborg "She's like a little Satan." - CDriscoll 2015 VIP

    The issue on community pool had nothing to do with what happened on teen room. The RDM reports that I got were all saying how offended they were and regardless of whether they were actually offended, I have to take that seriously. I had to slay multiple people because Detective Doge and yourself thought it would be funny to draw swastikas. After a round I was confused, then I stopped to watch you all and what you were actually drawing. I warned you to stop drawing swastikas and yet you still did it, leading to more RDM and more slays.

    You requested an admin, I got one. You requested a lead, I got one. Neither of which gave you the answer you wanted even when you admit to the fact that you were drawing offensive things after being asked repeatedly to stop by me. Not only did you disregard my warnings, but you kept doing it and only stopped when Sir Lemoncakes arrived. Saying "oh I was drawing boxes" isn't an excuse because you can make it look like one thing and then after you're done, change it to look like boxes. You were purposely going out of your way to draw something offensive and you got the reaction you wanted. I fully support your global ban and I hope that it gets you to rethink this kind of behavior when your ban is up.

    You know the rules and you definitely know better. Acting ignorant to those facts now just won't work for you.
  10. Enigmatica

    Enigmatica The Song Lives On Banned

    Report is closed.
  11. Sinz

    Sinz crumble VIP Silver

    This report has been reopened for further investigation in light of the lack of evidence provided by the staff member who banned you.

    If any other witnesses would like to share their experience, please do. And feel free to tag those witnesses @BlackSpiderMan.

    The duration of this ban will also be reduced, regardless of the final verdict.
  12. tz-

    tz- feelin it VIP Emerald

    I wasnt there personally, and I'm not particullary taking any persons side here, however with personal experiences the reasons why the players were getting mad at @BlackSpiderMan were most likely because he was ruining their drawings with his drawings. According to him and Detective Doge he wasn't drawing the swastikas so he was most likely messing with other peoples drawings and thats why they were getting mad at him.
    You can't punish someone for something that you think they did, just like how you can't kill players if you think they did something.
    I'm not taking anyones side, Im just trying to reveal a new perspective on the situation at hand.
  13. zomborg

    zomborg "She's like a little Satan." - CDriscoll 2015 VIP

    I was the one that handled all of the reports and ALL of them against BlackSpiderMan were about him drawing swastikas. Regardless of whether people had their drawings ruined, he still was doing something extremely inappropriate even after being told not to. I visibly witnessed him doing it, though I only screencapped one which is what I showed @Sir Lemoncakes that led him to coming onto the server. That drawing, however, had been ruined because he was RDM'd by someone because he, again, was trying to draw a swastika.
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