Invalid Report against ShadowedAssasin

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Gunman777777, Jun 19, 2016.

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  1. Gunman777777

    Gunman777777 New Member

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:

    Your Steam ID:

    Which Map:
    Which Round:
    4-5 cant remember
    Time of Occurence:

    Reason for Report:
    He rdm me for no reason and then he leaved​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:

  2. birdapprentice

    birdapprentice Resident W hopper. Silver

    Wrong report section, moved to TTT
  3. RainyKitsune

    RainyKitsune Bark! VIP

    I could handle your report, but I've got nearly nothing to work with. No Steam ID, no evidence, not even the name of the server.

    Do you have anything else at all that might be helpful evidence? Otherwise, I might have to close this report fairly quickly. Even if you had the server, I could look at the old logs. Otherwise, there's not much anyone can do about this report.

    EDIT: I could assume this happened on EU2 due to the reported player's adminstats, but I still need things like the time it happened, or what day. Please respond to your earliest convenience.
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2016
  4. aco taco

    aco taco ghosts n' sharks VIP

    Seeing as @A Dog. Bark! is no longer able to handle this report, I will be taking over from here.

    As Dog said,
    Please respond within twenty-four hours so we are able to take care of this for you.

    Also, please remember that:
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2016
  5. aco taco

    aco taco ghosts n' sharks VIP

    Seeing as you have not replied within the given twenty-four hours, I will be marking this report invalid due to lack of evidence/information.

    Report: Invalid
    Topic: Locked
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