Completed Report against SCARES70RM

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by MaxKittens, Jul 11, 2017.

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  1. MaxKittens

    MaxKittens Active Member

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    West 1
    Which Map:
    Which Round:
    Last round or One round before that
    Time of Occurence:
    approx 12:50pm
    Reason For Report:
    I went downstairs and left soon after, once I was coming back down I was kosed and shot by a detective. I reported him and received a false reply claiming that I was GBA.
    How is this GBA? Did you see me witness rhienor getting killed or no?​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
  2. Theinkern

    Theinkern Inkern VIP Bronze

    @Scares70rm Please respond when you get a chance.

    I will be handling this as I was on the server and deemed it invalid as I came the map after. Also @Rhienor You left believe as soon as you died from this. Do you have any footage?
  3. Scares70rm

    Scares70rm Festive Mod VIP

    alright so i killed him because rhienor had died before my eyes and i walked out and killed the guy there who shot him and maxkittens didnt shoot the guy who killed rhienor so i killed him for gba.
  4. MaxKittens

    MaxKittens Active Member

    I wasn't even in the room when the murder happened as I simply walked down the stairs as you kosed me. I didn't witness the murder either which removes the possibility of "GBA"
  5. Scares70rm

    Scares70rm Festive Mod VIP

    if you were coming down the stairs, you wouldve seen/heard your traitor buddy kill the guy. It was at the bottom of the stairs you were walking down. No way to not know.
  6. MaxKittens

    MaxKittens Active Member

    You didn't kos him until after, I was the first person you kosed on our radio, without knowng what happened. You don't shoot whoever you see kill someone else before you enough evidence to prove that he killed him
  7. Scares70rm

    Scares70rm Festive Mod VIP

    What? Wheres your proof of this?
  8. Theinkern

    Theinkern Inkern VIP Bronze

    Did you see him kill rhienor or no? The first guy. Also Did you see scares70rm witness the traitor killing rhienor ?
  9. MaxKittens

    MaxKittens Active Member

    I have evidence here: As you can see scares, you called the kos on me first, he was already dead when I walked downj the stairs. and you rdmed me
  10. Scares70rm

    Scares70rm Festive Mod VIP

    I saw the first guy kill rhienor yes.
  11. Theinkern

    Theinkern Inkern VIP Bronze

    But you did not see max kittnes see the kill as he was up in the staircase, you assumed because he was near staircase he could have heard or may seen the kill happen? Correct?
  12. Scares70rm

    Scares70rm Festive Mod VIP

    and what happened right before that video started? you watched him die
  13. Scares70rm

    Scares70rm Festive Mod VIP

    i didnt see him but he was right next to the guy who i did see kill him when i came out
  14. MaxKittens

    MaxKittens Active Member

    I was up the stairs, and you know it. I didn't witness the gguy getting shot, you did
  15. Scares70rm

    Scares70rm Festive Mod VIP

    its my word against his really, theres not enough proof
  16. MaxKittens

    MaxKittens Active Member

    I have proof and we have damagelogs and we have a video. It all clearly points towards you seeing me in the general vicinity after a murder and you thinking "Oh! I should shoot him!!!" which is considered RDM
  17. Scares70rm

    Scares70rm Festive Mod VIP

    damage logs wont prove where you were, the video doesnt show the actual death itself. so no not really
  18. Scares70rm

    Scares70rm Festive Mod VIP

    the moment has passed, get over it already. it has been over two hours. Give it up already.
  19. MaxKittens

    MaxKittens Active Member

    I have provided 3 different forms of evidence, against his "word". He obviously had suspicion and thought he had the right to act on it. This is clearly rdm. Please make your final decision for this case @Theinkern . Thanks so much!
  20. Scares70rm

    Scares70rm Festive Mod VIP

    you have 1 form of evidence that doesnt actually prove anything. thats it. your video doesnt prove anything because the actual death itself that made me kill you isnt showing, and since when do people walk backwards down the stairs? you are looking up the stairs at the start, which leads me to believe you are one strange guy/girl who walks backwards down the stairs. OR you were actually watching the death at the top of that set of stairs and looked up higher to see if anyone was coming and would harm your T buddy or yourself for gba like it was.
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