Completed Report against "sage" and his master "wink"

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by BESTIRAQIGAMER, Jan 28, 2017.

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  1. Name of Staff/Player:
    "sage" and his master "wink"
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:

    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Which Map:
    snow house thingy
    Which Round:
    5th maybe
    Time of Occurence:
    Reason For Report:
    hihi im iraqi.
    its a long story but please bear with me because the more details the more accurate of results we can get.
    yesterday i was chillin in EU2 trying to get ppl to donate to my lotto (which we won)
    sage was the online mod (good mod GG ez pz)
    see the map has a small house very small rooms.. so me and 3 others were in the room.
    ppl in the room (me"iraqi" , Detective, and two other ppl)
    now please keep in mind the room is small we are all 1-2m away from eachother .... 3.2-6.4Feet (for our fellow mentally challanged).
    now its a small room and one of the two guys shoot the detective. i go ape on him and kill him .. i proceed to kill the other person in the room for Gba.

    now is it clear ?
    very small room i see a T act .. i take it down and take down the other person who is 1m away from it.

    here is where it gets intresting the other person that i killed "the gba guy"
    his head was a bit off means that he might have not seen the act.

    i had to talk to the mod @Sage (geat mod gg ez) and he said i should serve a slay since the Gba guy didnt really see the act even tho he is 1-2m away from it.

    we had alot of back and forth he had to ask his master @wink
    wink also had alot of back and forth about the slay.

    if im honest i got at least 4 times to get my slay on then off i was on a rush to get off the pc since it was 4am .. the report had to take at least 30min. (i wish i have taken the slay tbh i was really sleepy i play gmod all day no life plz)

    sage is a good mod he said we need to discuss it and stuff if u need to leave we can issue u the slay later we can even discuss that shit .. he added me on steam after saying "haroooka is a good player".

    and today i got the slay from the sage "the good mod ez gg"
    and thats why im making this report

    i have way more further insight and more questions to be answered once i get to know wink and sage point of view.

    and please keep inmind both of these mods are great at what they do i have nothing personal just felt unfair to get a slay.​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
    i wouldnt concider this evidance but this is a good player and an Exmod he knows rules well id like to share his play of GBA in his game. (dont read my comment)

  2. Salem

    Salem VIP

    Tagging @Sage and @wink for their responses and their lead administrator @Falcor for the verdict.
    Please remain patient while waiting for a response.
  3. Sage.

    Sage. VIP Silver Emerald

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    As you can see from the evidence provided in the spoiler: the victim never witnessed any of it, and in fact didn't see the crime scene until you finished @SuperUnHappyFace off.

    After confirming with wink: it isn't considered GBA only by sound, no matter how far or near; they must watch it occur - as I've already explained to you through steam and in-game. I'd provide the screenshots of our communication, however it isn't necessary considering you've come to consensus regarding that portion.

    As you've already said: it took about a day to draw a conclusion; seeing as you had to leave at the time, we were able to settle an agreement on how this would be disputed. As it played out, I've been guiding you towards the end result on steam as I was being informed by wink; afterwards asking if you were able to serve your slay - which you then served, willingly.

    I do apologize for the inconveniences this' caused, although it was the appropriate reaction.
  4. wonderful sage "good mod ez gg no ez"
    we have lots of rules tho the logic behind them can prove that the call that mr wink "good admin no ez" is wrong ..
    we kill afk ppl for standing on un ID bodies .. did they see it ? the player is afk he doesnt see shit and the body can be behind him yet we take him down ..
    just like passing bodies u might be lookin to the sky and walk on all kinds of bodies .. we take u down. we dem boys

    next time i team T with nilz i can just stand in a corner and look at the wall and ill get away from GBA because i didnt witness it ? too bussy crowbaring the wall drawing my peepee.

    do Tacts really need a witness ?
    doesnt proximity play a role ?

    id say proximity play a bigger role than players face direction

    hola we dem bois if you know what i meaAn
  5. john redcorn

    john redcorn strangers like me VIP Emerald

    Hey @BESTIRAQIGAMER thanks for taking the time to file this report against me today,

    Since my moderator Sage posted the evidence above and I have a better understanding of the scenario now, I'll keep this nice and brief: You served a false slay, set on by me through my moderator Sage. This is my error, as I should of tried to get a better understanding of the scenario and asked more questions before jumping to conclusions based off my assumptions. As compensation, I will serving a slay for the miscommunication that caused the false punishment.

    This report is invalid against my moderator Sage, as it was ultimately my decision that caused the false punishment. As you've already stated, he is a fantastic mod and you shouldn't hold this against him. My grand master @Falcor will now decide whether or not this report is valid against me.

    Thanks for understanding,

  6. Falcor

    Falcor ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ VIP Silver

    Hi Bestiraqi,

    After reviewing everything and talking with wink. It's clear you were given a false slay.
    wink stated nicely what happened on his part and he takes all blame in this situation.
    I've talked to wink about making sure he has a clear understanding of when asked about situations like this. So we can avoid this in the future.
    I'm sorry for any inconveniences you had on the server.
    This report is Valid. and wink will be serving a slay for the error.

    Thank you and Apologies,
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