Completed Report against Ruby

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Chef, Apr 21, 2016.

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  1. Chef

    Chef Banned VIP

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:

    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    West 1
    Which Map:
    Which Round:

    Time of Occurence:
    around 3:20 - 3:40
    Reason For Report:
    Im just going to get right into it... I said "Ayyy lets do it nigga to one of my friends" and immediatly after saying that i was gagged, i do not have screenshots of it beacause i honestly had no idea the stupidity that was about to unfold... Anyways he gagged me and told me not to say (which i though you were supposed to give me an actual waring first) then when i was ungagged i simply asked the question "Why was i gagged i just read over the rules and there is no rules against saying the word nigga" which he then replyed with "It's an offensive word and you just said it again' so i was gagged for another full round. And then after that gag i asked "Ok are there any other banned words i can't say besides nigga" after this i was kicked for fucking harrasment... Thats right around when i started complaining in chat box where i was told that saying nigga is not against the rules and i should report him. After being told this i go back into the server to tell him what i was told (because i personally hate the report system) so i go in tell him what i was told he said (uh huh ok sure) and then i was banned for harrasment gg no re... This kid is not staff material and clearly has some emotional issues.​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:

    Person who provided screenshot and a witness: Tophats and Monocles

    Sadly the screenshot where he kicked me was corrupted just my fuckingluck :/​
  2. DarkLegion

    DarkLegion aka Alex VIP

    I will tag @Ruby and his admin @Shadow to address this report. Thank you for your patience as they will respond when able.
  3. Ruby

    Ruby Turn your wounds into wisdom VIP Silver Emerald

    Thank for taking the time to write this, please give me some time to gather my evidence.
  4. Ruby

    Ruby Turn your wounds into wisdom VIP Silver Emerald

    Now first off thank you for taking the time to bring this to my attention. I hope we can clear up what happened today and why. To my knowledge saying "nigga" on our servers is counted as harassment. So I gagged you multiple times giving you multiple warnings. And to make matters worse you had harassed me calling me "a cunt"(as you can see in the first spoiler where i gagged him) Now as you had just said "What nigga is not a bad word" I had gagged you for that the second time as I have warned you not to say that even though you didn't mean it that way. I still gagged you due to me not having discretion. Right before the ban i talked to @Noob999 saying so should I ban him for this and he agreed. We looked at your adminstats and you were banned just three days ago for the same reason "harassment" by @kynwall. I had talked to @Sinz as you said you had talked to him. He had said that " we don't consider "nigga" as a derogatory term. But really it depends on the context"nigger" or something would for sure be offensive,but in this day and age they're two different things". I had not had knowledge of that at the time so I may be in the wrong there.






    (I was recording a bit too late when he was already banned)​
  5. Chef

    Chef Banned VIP

    The ban from kynwall was kinda of fucked up too, but this was just to ridiculous you were in the wrong regardless of what i said to you after the fact. And you should really look up the definition of harrasment.
  6. Ruby

    Ruby Turn your wounds into wisdom VIP Silver Emerald

    Well after discussing this I realize I was in the wrong. Shadow will have the final verdict
  7. Chef

    Chef Banned VIP

    People make mistakes, im glad you realise you were wrong and hopefully this is a learning expierience for you.
  8. Shadow

    Shadow The art of war - subdue the enemy without fighting VIP

    Hey @Filthy Franku, thanks for taking the time to make this report.

    The main point of conflict here is whether or not the term, "nigga," is offensive or not. This is a subjective matter, but, generally on our servers unless a player really has a problem with it, this is NOT considered harassment. Nigga with an "a" is typically considered a term of endearment rather than one person trying to harass and/or insult someone else. So, unless a player specifically states that they have a problem with this word being used, we don't punish for it. On the other hand, we do consider the term "nigg**" an offensive and harassing word, and we will punish accordingly for it.

    Secondly, although it isn't a point you brought up, the way he dealt with this was incorrect as well. We do not give any mutes or gags for harassment, as the punishments go as follows; a warning, kick, then a ban. He should not have been gagging you for this.

    You are correct in saying that Ruby dealt with this situation incorrectly, and as a result of this I'll be having a chat with him to make sure situations like this don't happen again.

    Thanks for taking the time to make this report!

    Report: VALID
    Thread: LOCKED
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