Invalid Report against Rsancho23

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by iRookie, Dec 18, 2014.

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  1. iRookie

    iRookie Member

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:

    Which Server:
    West 1
    Which Map:
    Which Round:
    2 round before map change
    Time of Occurence:
    12:00am -7gmt
    Reason For Report:
    Killed me for no reason and then left.
    I posted two pictures, one of the chat so you see there was no KOS on me, the round just began.
    The second one shows the damage logs, so you see I damaged no one.
    I have no access to the shot logs but if a mod seems then they'll see I didn't shoot once.
    I know you can also see the time when someone ID's bodies, so you know I didn't pass by any unid'd body since the idiot did not ID anything after he killed me, other than me of course.
    He has been kicked for harrassing me before and I take this as another form of harrassment, please tell him / her to stop​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
  2. rsancho1123

    rsancho1123 Active Member

    oh hello Cabeza, thank you for taking the time to report me, i have not been harassing you in any way, we have had a problem between each other, mainly with you rdming me, and i was not kicking for harassing you at all. That round, i witnessed you running past an unidentified body at the bottom of the closet, it was my instinct to kos you. i am sorry that you might have missed the body, but i killed you for it, since i was a Detective there was no need for me to ID the body you walked past. it is not required for me to do so, furthermore i did not leave the game, i was karma banned, i did not have the opportunity to respond to your report, i am sorry about that, however i do not think that my actions should invoke you to call me a "idiot" that is my response, i have nothing else to respond with. i have no screenshots becuase i was karma banned (as you have in your screenshot) i did not leave on purpose, i am sorry that i killed you. however i was right in my doing, and will stand by my words. have a great night, i will await the admins and mods decision tomorrow morning. :) its pretty late you should sleep soon :) i am hurt by your insults but i will forgive you, because you think you were rdmed, and i know how that feels.
  3. rsancho1123

    rsancho1123 Active Member

    also, please show the evidence of my harassment towards you, once i was warned by a Mod over 4 days ago after i thought you rdmed me, and you lied, i havent harassed or said anything mean to you thereafter.
  4. OkaiD

    OkaiD *-* VIP

    Hey @iRookie it seems that the player has claimed that you had passed an unidentified body. Seeing that the player was also karma banned after he had played that round as well, that would have beein their punishment. Sometimes players don't see the bodies and they get called out for it, however it is not rdm. If this player had rdmed you the punishment would warrant a slay this would not be a form of harassment. Do you have any evidence to show that the player had harassed you?
  5. rsancho1123

    rsancho1123 Active Member

    also please include a date and estimated time that you screenshot of my harassment was taken
  6. Gonz

    Gonz Chill... VIP

    Also, it wasn't necessary to refer to rsancho as an idiot. I wouldn't suggest harassing the player that you are reporting.
  7. The Law

    The Law You fought the law and the law won. VIP Silver Emerald

    @rsancho1123 has claimed that you passed a unidentified body during the round giving him a legitimate means of killing you. It does appear that rsancho was being a bit overzealous during that map with killing players for traitorous acts, which resulted in his karma ban, and that was his punishment for killing too many innocents. This report against rsancho has been found INVALID.
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