Invalid Report against Report against Oh Wonder and Puddles

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Dudewrath_Exalted, Jun 24, 2015.

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  1. Name of Staff/Player:
    Report against Oh Wonder and Puddles
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    East 2
    Which Map:
    Dolls / Office
    Which Round:
    Round 5 / 2
    Time of Occurence:
    8:10 PM
    Reason For Report:
    I am reporting Oh Wonder for mass rdm mainly, but he also spammed me with Private Messages. I reported him several times, and when a moderator (puddles) came online, I asked for help right away, and Oh Wonder was not slain. I was rdm'd again by Oh Wonder, and reported it and he was never slain. I asked why and puddles said that he responded with "Crossfire", because a detective walked into the room after he had rdm'd me.

    I am also reporting puddles, because she asked me to report her if I wasn't satisfied with how she handled the situation so, yeah. Aparently I was also banned for spam by Puddles, which is completely unfair treatment as she ignored my case, ignored my report and didn't even slay the perpetrator for spamming me while he was online, nor did she ban him when he left the game, even when I provided a steam ID, and I can't even get ample evidence due to the map change, and the haste of her banning me.

    Oh and by the way, I couldn't get Puddles' steam ID because theres about a thousand Puddles that show up on steamidfinder.​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
    I don't have any evidence of Oh Wonder rdming me because it was on a final round of a different map, and I'm not sure how taking screenshots of dead bodies would help my case. I also don't have any video recording software, but I did take screenshots of Puddles asking me to report her here.
  2. Oh and update, I was banned for spamming, when it is a "3rd time" offense when I'm not even sure if I've been reported or warned for it in recent history.
  3. zomborg

    zomborg "She's like a little Satan." - CDriscoll 2015 VIP

    Greetings Dudewrath.

    When it comes to the "mass RDM" that you requested me to ban Oh Wonder for, I had no proof since it was on another map and you didn't provide me with any other information. I asked you why you wanted him to be banned and told you that I saw no proof in my logs that he had mass RDMed. This is the first I heard of it being on a different map. Our conversation will be included below the rest of this report.

    However, when it comes to your report on Office, this is the response I was given, which I explained to you.

    At that point I went to the logs, which are below;

    Granted there are about 20 seconds between when he shot you and when he got to a point where he could shoot the detective(s), there is a lot that could have come into play that was also included in his response. He said the detective went around the corner, which depending on which corner he could have been able to turn a few places to where getting in an area he could be shot would take a while. Office has plenty of corners and different passages to "hide" in.

    I understand why you would be frustrated and feel like he RDM'd you, but his response lines up and I had no reason to believe that he intentionally RDM'd you. Crossfire is an unfortunate part of the game.

    As for the ban, an image was posted in shoutbox;

    I asked @Toxin what I should do in the situation since I was not online at the time and he said to ban you. The ban for spam is 8 hours, which is what I gave to you.

    I think I touched all points, please feel free to add something else and I will have my admin @Muffin look over this report.

    Last edited: Jun 24, 2015
  4. I mean, I was trying to set this report up and I come back and you've banned me so I couldn't even get my evidence to help me.
  5. Muffin

    Muffin Fresh Baked VIP

    This report against my Moderator has been found invalid. It would seem from her evidence that she acted appropriately, and performed as she was taught. Thanks for the report.
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