Invalid Report against report against aspiringsun

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Hongo, Jun 5, 2019.

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  1. Hongo

    Hongo VIP

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Which Map:
    Which Round:

    Time of Occurence:
    Reason For Report:
    mass rdm / prop rdm / false kosing on vanilla without staff on​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
    he responds to reports with this
  2. Hongo

    Hongo VIP

  3. NeverEnding

    NeverEnding It's Never going to end. Trust me on this. VIP

    Since I'm tagged, I'm just gonna leave my statement here, I wasn't rdmed by aspiringsun, but I did witness lots of random kos before round start making people follow them afterward.

    Edit to tldr it. my statement has no strength since I have no evidence.
  4. Hongo

    Hongo VIP

    ya but his false koses got me killed like 2 times u saw that right
  5. NeverEnding

    NeverEnding It's Never going to end. Trust me on this. VIP

    I did witness your death, but I can't say if it could be because of the before the round start kos or after the round kos. regardless. they did do false kos before round.

    mass rdm (did not witness as it could be a chained event) / prop rdm (wasn't there to physically witness it) / false kosing on vanilla without staff on (this on the other hand is true as he did make some pre-round and round kos(but he could be a traitor in that round) )

    Oh yeah to mention, I did notice that he or his accomplice did kill you as a traitor (while you are a traitor) during a round.
  6. acx100

    acx100 VIP

  7. Hongo

    Hongo VIP

    can someone boot this aspiring sun guy for literally advertising his report on me on my fucking report on him?
  8. Can I not be dragged into this Hongo. Aspiring did kill me once yes which I reported, however, trashman determined it wasn't rdm from his presepctive, which I get.
  9. Hongo

    Hongo VIP

    He killed you with a pig, how is that not rdm
  10. I was afk at the time technically

    Also you love trolling around apparently
  11. Hongo

    Hongo VIP

    it was not overtime + how is that 2nd line helpful to anyone
  12. It was overtime at the time

    2nd line is reference to arguing that these lines are not a kos. Calling me a T 3 times and arguing that ins't a kos is ridiculous. (For reference at the time I hadn't done anything so itd be false kos) U might have said it is no a kos once, but saying im a T multiple times and only saying that once is not enough stress on this isnt a kos.

  13. Hongo

    Hongo VIP

    Okay, can someone get Skyking out of here now. He's just trying to denounce me on my own report.
  14. You called me in to back you up, which I never agreed to. I was going to post that under aspirings report against you, but its locked. So good luck...

    Also these reports are basically becoming clutter. If a mod would be so kindly to just lock this one up like the one aspiring sun had against Hongo.
  15. Hongo

    Hongo VIP

  16. U lacked he understanding to why aspiring killed me and I replied to that.

    Things just escalated from there.
  17. Hongo

    Hongo VIP

    "2nd line is reference to arguing that these lines are not a kos. Calling me a T 3 times and arguing that ins't a kos is ridiculous. (For reference at the time I hadn't done anything so itd be false kos) U might have said it is no a kos once, but saying im a T multiple times and only saying that once is not enough stress on this isnt a kos."

    things just escalated from there, because you went off topic for no reason. someone lock and clean this thread please or I'll just have to make a new one.
  18. You asked a question to a statement I made earlier. It was meant to be a one off, but u asked for an explanation why. So I explained. Good day, Im not responding to this anymore unless asked to by a staff member.
  19. Ashes Relandi

    Ashes Relandi ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Weeb Admin of TTT Administrator VIP Silver

    Locking this thread as well. De-railing as well.
    Please contact staff if you wish to add relevant evidence to this.
  20. The Trashman

    The Trashman Member

    I am taking care of these give me some time to gather evidence and talk to my admin thanks
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