Completed Report against reda

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Jiggly-Puff, Mar 6, 2021.

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  1. Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:

    Your Steam ID:

    Which Server:
    West 1
    Which Map:
    Which Round:
    like 5
    Time of Occurence:

    Reason For Report:
    I saw a guy witness the death of a person and he didn't ID the body, at the time I thought he killed the person but if he didn't he ran away from the body too after looking at it so I was going to kos him either way, he reports me and I put as a response that I saw him kill and they told me he didn't kill him and that was my bad, but after that I told them that I saw him run away from the body and none of the staff in the sv (1 admin spitful and 2 other mods I think) bothered to look or answer until 1 map later when I started asking in Discord, After they finally answer Reda first said that I sent the message to late, but after I tell him that I said in admin chat as soon as they told me he didn't kill the person, reda told me that he didn't see it, I'm pretty sure this is bs cuz I brought that up like 2 or 3 times before I got slayed.

    I think this is kinda dumb because all of them ignored (or maybe they truly didn't saw it but I really doubt it cuz they were playing and not afk/spect) until I started tagging on discord and prob spitfull told him, I gave him the whole map and then waited a little in lego map to see if he could respond or something, but he didn't

    I like reda and its fun playing with him but this was so dumb and made me lose my T round!​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:





  2. ori with a gun

    ori with a gun just vibin VIP

  3. Reda-Lex

    Reda-Lex sup, China ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)/ Administrator VIP

    Hey YoAmTrash, i have seen this.
  4. Ted

    Ted The knight in white armor! Silver

    Just posting to let your girls know i have seen this.
  5. You're*
  6. danstorm

    danstorm Caaaaaaaarl, that kills people! Moderator VIP

    I was the victim in question
    I saw the deathscene, but what I thought you kosed me for was killing Spiteful. I took a good look and saw that you couldnt have seen me kill Spiteful, so I reported you. You killed me because you thought that I killed Reda, which I didnt, but I did see him die and then I hid in a room where I killed Spiteful. Now I didnt see the deathscene again after that, so I didnt pay attention if you saw me see Reda die and then run away, which I did do. And since I was the one who reported, I wasnt supposed to handle my own report when there are other mods on.

    Lastly, I do remember that Trash did first mention that he saw me run away from unided body before his 1st slay from other report. So there was a whole round of time to rehandle the report.
  7. I wasn't recording but I did saw you look at him, I was in that piano room and then I exit look upstairs and see that guy get headshoted while you were looking at him, I didn't saw a bullet from your weapon so I thought you had silenced sniper but I did see you run into that room and that's why I followed you and started shooting at you
  8. Reda-Lex

    Reda-Lex sup, China ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)/ Administrator VIP

    Ok let's start. So Danstorm reported you for a kos, you responded with "I saw you kill someone."


    I did check the shot logs, chat logs and the deathscene. It showed that you didn't see Danstorm kill anyone.
    ->Report valid

    Then after i gave you the slay you started talking in the chat, i didn't pay attention to it. Since the report was closed and it was obvious you didn't see him kill anyone.
    When i noticed the second reason, i went to check the DS for that second reason you gave me. But it was too late for me to remove the slay:

    I gave you the slay at then end of round 5. The next map you asked for an explanation at the start of round 1 and i started pm'ing you at the end of round 1.

    We didn't ignore you, but i did react somewhat slowly.

    It was only 1 time and i didn't pay attention to it immediately.

    Also like i told you, i also forgot that i gave you 2 slays, for 2 different report. I could have removed the 2nd one.

    Looking back at it, i could have done things differently:
    -Remove the slay first and re-open the report again to check for the 2nd reason.
    -Remove the 2nd slay after your first slay(I forgot you had 2).

  9. iizzy

    iizzy Pastel Pink Punk VIP

    I'd like to remind you that staff has absolutely no obligation to look for or accept reasoning past the report response. This is our protocol due to people who like to change their stories after getting slain in order to try to loophole out of a slay. Your report response was "saw you kill guy". You didn't see danstorm kill Spiteful, you didn't see danstorm kill Reda Lex (because he didn't), and your report response didn't say anything about being GBA or running away from an unIDed body.
  10. How can I loophole that? I'm not allowed to add more evidence to a report in game? I doubt him staying in spect just 1 round and look for the ds when he got killed would cause any harm, it would have saved this whole report too.

    I did thought of adding the unid part but I was too lazy to do it and I wanted to go bathroom
  11. Ted

    Ted The knight in white armor! Silver

    Just reacting that i will put a verdict tommorow (y) i promise my right hand pinky
  12. ok, pinky promise
  13. Ted

    Ted The knight in white armor! Silver

    Hey There,

    I am not loosing a pinky today :ROFLMAO:

    Let's break this up into sections:
    - The report itself
    as it was, a valid report and Reda handled it appropriately.
    After the moment somebody has responded to a report staff have no obligation to look for or accept reasoning past the report response.
    This so done to prevent loopholing (for example walking up a stairs spotting a body and using it as a backup response as a "valid reason").

    - Communication after the slay
    - there was technically only spite outside of reda who could've done the report, but we mostly don't interfere with other people's reports, so we can put our focus on other things.

    • We always ask people to either DM or to use admin chat if you want the attention of a staff member, especially if about a report. This as it stands out better then normal chat which can be cluttered.

    - After reviewing the second reason
    This makes the following conclusion:
    This report is valid on grounds that after a second review of the report a slay could've been prevented.

    We are all people in this, we all make small mistakes from time to time.

    Report: valid
    Punishment: 1 slay

    Thread: Closed

    If you have any questions regarding the report you can DM me on the forums or on discord.

    King Regards,

    Ted the Cuddly Bear :bear:
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