Completed Report against Raiq

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Rice and Chicken, Apr 28, 2016.

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  1. Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    West 1
    Which Map:
    Dolls, Minecraft, Canyon, 67thway
    Which Round:
    Several different maps, however Canyon and Dolls were back to back maps.
    Time of Occurence:
    about 11:00 pm tonight we were on Dolls, before that was canyon, and I do not have the time for Minecraft.
    Reason For Report:
    I have joined this server just a few days ago, however I noticed that there was a consistent problem with one of the players, which from the report you can tell is Raiq.

    He is constantly aggressive to other members, he is often breaking different rules on the server, and seems to argue with the women/children of the server. Tonight he argued with candy about her decisions as mods, as if he knew the rules better than she did. Candy can come in here and support my claim, or I can upload more footage if need be.

    The first day I joined one of your mods, I believe his name is Finite was in the server with Raiq, and Raiq was going on about how he would be a good admin and such. Yet, I see constant toxic behavior from this player. Finite can back up this claim of my first day, or not, I know it happened. Ever since this night I started recording every time Raiq was on because it is a constant thing with him.

    So onto the evidence of multiple rules being broken.​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
    All of this evidence was recorded after his previous report thread. Where he claims to never prop damage players, as well as been punished for harassment of the player who reported him.

    In this video is just one instance of him insulting/harassing another player.

    This video shows him trying to bribe players to say racial slurs by using points you receive playing on seriousgmod servers. Even if he is not serious, that is something you do not joke about in a community.

    In this video Raiq as the table prop damages a traitor. After the traitor kills me I go to the table and confirm that Raiq is the the table. If you need more evidence, I can upload a video of Raiq admitting he was that table of this round. I gave this video to the admin who dealt with the previous report, but he did not want to view it as it did not pertain to that report, so I'm including it in this report.

    Here is a video of Raiq actually prop killing me. Earlier in this post I referenced the thread that previously reported him and his claims that he would never do this. This backs up my statement in that previous thread, that he does indeed prop kill.​
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2016
  2. J.T.Ripper

    J.T.Ripper Ughuuuu. VIP

    I will be looking into this... Also will be tagging @Raiq so they may give their side of the story.
  3. J.T.Ripper

    J.T.Ripper Ughuuuu. VIP

  4. Bogdanoff

    Bogdanoff VIP

    @J.T.Ripper allowed me to post on this report as I am a witness to this behavior.

    So for the past 2-3 days I have played with Raiq. I have seen him harass other users as this report has stated, and he also tends to argue with the moderators, as this report as stated. If he feels that a ban or a slay or whatever is unjust then he will go on and on about it, arguing with moderators and even harassing other players who defend them. He also called serveral people faggots (you can censor this word if you wish), and goes really off the handle if anyone mentions furries (even if it is not related to him) and like the report has stated, goes out of his way to harass other players. Just yesterday I witness him get rdmed and he proceeded to harass the rdmer for multiple rounds (a staff member wasn't online during this time).
    I do not try to get other people banned, but Raiq really needs to be punished for his behavior.
    He was also propblocking the vents on the map cs_assault, and when the staff memeber who had warned him to him to stop had left, he resumed propblocking (although the map was different, so he couldn't block the vents instead he blocked the t room door on innocentmotel)

    Note that this is purely my experience of playing with him
    I am not here to get other people banned, but I feel that Raiq has failed to follow the rules of this server and I see him go out of his way to harrass other players. A punishment should be in line due to his excessive rule breaking and harassment of other users.
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2016
  5. Infinitely Finite

    Infinitely Finite The future is always blank. VIP

    Hello @Rice and Chicken ,

    I will give you my opinion on all of your evidence, each piece individually. With the first video there isn't enough context displayed for any punishment. The second video isn't very mature but I don't think it goes against any of the rules, unless they are telling someone to directly harass someone else, making it harassment to the targeted person. The third video exhibits a stealthy way of RDMing, you did a nice job catching it, that would be 1 count of RDM, and if he said he didn't do it, I'm fairly certain that it is considered loopholing in that scenario (denial of RDM). The fourth video is kind of iffy because you had ample time to react to the prop. And you were also hitting the picture stand with your crowbar, which breaks it causing it to fall on you it seemed like you were trying to get him to kill you. BUT it's still considered RDM even if you knew that it was a possibility. It also displays that he does this often, good work capturing evidence. However I will not make a final decision on his punishment as I do not think I am the most qualified person. Thank you for taking all this to make create this report.
    Infinitely Finite

  6. I noticed in the final video that it appears as if I'm crowbarring the picture, however I look at the guy on the door frame, and if you watch my crowbar moves, I spell out the word hi on the wall for the player on the door frame to see. Idk why it appears as if I was hitting the picture frame in the video. I recorded it from a demo using shadowplay, so I guess it's something wonky with demos.

    For the first two videos, it is just two instances I have gotten, showing his bad behavior. It's a constant thing, and from what Big Boss has posted, and what you have posted in the previous thread, and what I have personally witnessed, I have to believe he does this on a daily basis.

    Thank you for your thoughts on my post.
  7. Bogdanoff

    Bogdanoff VIP

    Oh and people might not have seen this, but Raiq was also propblocking the vents in cs_assault, a staff member had told him to stop, after the map change (the staff memeber left), it changed to innocentmotel, he propblocked the entrance to the t-room (the one in the bathroom that opens up, like a trap door) using the vending machine prop.
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2016
  8. Raiq

    Raiq VIP

    I love how you're editing your videos to make all the comments look bad, Please, post the ENTIRE videos next time, instead of snipping out small bits and pieces to your fancy. You're take the comment "10 points to whoever says the most racist thing" out of context. I was clearly sarcasm, because of the simple fact people were being idiots and the guy was spamming chat with N bombs. The comments against @candycanecore was arguing about the fact that racial slurs period cannot be used on the server. Candycanecore said that only if it offends can it be deemed racist, but that's not the case. The dude was consistently spamming N bombs, so I said the 10 points thing at a stab to that argument. Also, it was not just me that stated that, and multiple individuals were in fact arguing with her last night in regards to that, funny how you didn't post a video of that though!

    You see, I've only gotten legitimately upset when I am watching people continue to loophole and abuse/outright lie to administrators. While I do tend to get "worked up" I think you fail to realize that I am not legitimately upset. The only time that I do get genuinely frustrated is when I watch people like Psuedo prop kill four people on Minecraft, and moderators don't do a damn thing about it despite multiple people reporting that they were prop pushed because of lack of "evidence" As a matter of fact, I've been stockpiling videos myself of people doing just that on my youtube with shadowplay! Once I compile enough, I'll gladly drop the evidence that isn't trimmed and snipped to suit my fancy (aka ENTIRE ROUNDS)

    Chicken and Rice, I was specifically asked by a moderator if I felt that you were a bit too good, to which I replied that I felt your shots were suspect and you could be using an aimbot. Ever since I vocally stated that you've constantly harassed me to include baiting, killing me as an innocent then making up bullshit to moderators, ect. So I can see why you've got a vendetta against me. While I might prop block, the first two videos do not show me doing ANY damage to an individual. Matter of fact, they jumped off the ladder and hit the table, which THAT caused the damage. The last video where I killed you with the picture, I was actually in it the entire time trying to expose you/get it off. I didn't PURPOSELY KILL YOU with a prop, I do not do that.
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2016
  9. Raiq

    Raiq VIP

    Except that it was me and two others that were crawling down the hallway with the vending machines. You do know you can shoot at them, right? I also stopped when the staff member told me to stop, so please stop lying, or post proof of such occurrences.
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2016
  10. Raiq

    Raiq VIP

    I do not say the word "faggot" ever, nor have I ever. It's been explicitly stated that word is offensive and will get you kicked, but by all means make it as extreme as you'd like. You seem to not really understand my personality at all, so I really suggest that if I somehow offend you, that you simply mute me, because you're the only person that has so far told me that you have a legitimate problem with how I talk/goof off. Numerous people have attempted to harass me simply because of the fact I am a furry, but I guess I can't sarcastically reply when people do that, huh? Also, with all this claimed prop blocking that I am doing after staff members leave, which I have not done, you should post proof of such occurances. Side note, I have no idea where the T room door even is on innocent motel, the only thing I've done with vending machines was crowd the main hallway and that was with two other people (the last time I did that, which was when I had my punch boost maxed out)
  11. Bogdanoff

    Bogdanoff VIP

    I am not trying to add any fuel to anything. I am simply stating my experience of playing with you. This was noted at the bottom of my original post if you looked.

    You prop blocked the vents on cs_assault and then crowded the bathroom area where the t room opens with the vending machine prop. I do not have proof of this and I don't expect the staff team to take this as hard evidence, as I have stated in my original post this is purely my experience from playing with you.
  12. Raiq

    Raiq VIP

    And I am clearly stating that I don't even know the location you're claiming I crowded/this "bathroom area". If you could screenshot the area, I'll gladly tell you if I've done it or not.
  13. Bogdanoff

    Bogdanoff VIP

    It is the bathroom trapdoor that you can open as a t. You and 2 other vending machines (I do not know the names) were blocking it. I don't have my desktop handy so you'll have to wait
  14. Raiq

    Raiq VIP

    I'll go ahead and input that if in fact I was, the vending machines are exceptionally easy to shoot and move. Prop blocking means it's impossible to get to the location, and the only real props that can block entire locations are the table in assault, if spammed, and the forklift thing in the warehouse map, in the vents. And even those are easy to move if you simply pull it with your magnet stick
  15. Bogdanoff

    Bogdanoff VIP

    That is still not a reason for you to propblock in the first place and be a nuiscane to the other players who a ecurrently alive.
  16. J.T.Ripper

    J.T.Ripper Ughuuuu. VIP

    Before this gets out of hand, I will state this now: personal experiences aside, you are coming across as toxic in many ways @Raiq. There is quite a lot of information here, of which you have in one case stated that you were told by @Highwon himself that you can prop-kill while dead if you were a T while alive. Not only this, but I have witnessed on many occasions you taking a prop and blocking an area of a map, especially on island where you have taken a large rock, flown it up to the top of the tower, then pushed it into the stairs within the tower. I will have to upload the evidence, but at this time I will ask you about why you continue to do what you do, despite what has been both asked of you from staff (stopping certain things) and the fact that you have had these reports against you, not only this case, but the previous case by @Mumble. I am not saying that you are innocent or guilty yet, but I am asking, with all the information provided lately, have you not considered the possibility that this is something you should look into?

    I am also not sure as to why you feel the need to bring this up, in fact this is the second time you have said this, if you would, tell me who this moderator was. Aside from that, it has no actual need to be here as it does not pertain to the instance or issues at hand.
  17. Raiq

    Raiq VIP

    I'll go ahead and bluntly ask then, what is the point of ghosting props, let alone allowing the punch boost to be maxed out, if you can't do anything but dance around in circles with props? As I've stated, prop blocking is making it impossible to reach a part of the map. I've yet to find a prop that legitimately allows you to completely and utterly block off a part of the map, because the magnet sticks allow you to remove and push props too. If a moderator told me what I was doing was excessive, I stopped. Period, but up until then, I will use the perks that I purchased with the points I had. Also, I do not understand why you're bringing up Mumble whatsoever without knowing the full context. Mumble was constantly spamming racist stuff into the mic, and baiting people into killing by either saying I shot at (not true) or just outright being a dick. If you want to bring in other peoples opinions, then I openly welcome you to ask regulars on the server how they felt about him, because he was very openly disliked. I was just the target of him until he got banned for RDMing, and then banned again for ban evasion on a 2nd steam account.

    While I might get a bit dumb with my comments, ultimately I am not here to ruin other peoples experiences on here like I've witnessed many others to do. And in regards to claiming @Highwon told me, I remember specifically being on a server where I was prop killed and asked if that was allowed, to be told that it's only okay if the person was a T that round, and @Highwon was ON THE SERVER when that comment was stated, so I took that as fact.
  18. zomborg

    zomborg "She's like a little Satan." - CDriscoll 2015 VIP

    I am not involved in this specific instance, but @Kyogre can attest that the other night while I was playing, Raiq and a few other members were harassing me via PMs and through voice chat. I repeatedly had to ask Raiq to stop and he only did when he was threatened with punishment. He has repeatedly harassed other girls and younger-sounding players and is generally toxic. He purposely prop blocks, prop kills and trolls on the servers with or without staff present.

    People aren't editing the videos to make it seem like you are doing something wrong, you are doing it on your own. Blame yourself, not biased editing. Be a better player and person and no one will have anything to edit.
  19. Raiq

    Raiq VIP

    I've seen you on once. I asked you your CS-GO Rank in which you flipped your shit. Please show me proof of what you're claiming, as I've only ran into you once on the server.
  20. J.T.Ripper

    J.T.Ripper Ughuuuu. VIP

    I've locked the thread, and I had a chat with @Raiq, and will wait for the full videos that he claims he has. I want the full information instead of small snippets, and I mean FULL information. I will not pass judgement until I have all of the relevant information needed. Please contact me when you have it, until then I will leave this locked.
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