Invalid Report against Puggy

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by DocFox, Nov 12, 2015.

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  1. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:

    Which Server:
    Which Map:
    Which Round:
    Time of Occurence:
    0630 pst
    Reason For Report:
    For some time now, myself and @C.A.Anna have thought that the player @Stabby Puggy :3 has landed some suspicious shots and had some god-like intuition when it came to finding players.

    Well, this morning, as @Kawaii staffed, and Anna played, I collected a little evidence.

    Please see below.​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
    Here we see Puggy suspiciously follow Kawaii to her exact spot right after she shoots him in the back. Later, Kawaii shoots him in the back, he turns around and Kawaii is out of view, but he manages to call her out. Now, I know Puggy has Traitor callouts bound and he would have had to move over her with his crosshair to see her name, but he still somehow knows it's her. Either he has some kind of wall-hack, traitor finder, data display or omniscience when playing TTT.

    Here you see everyone getting ready for a round of HS wars. At the start of the round we see the alleged hacker type in chat that he was going to use aimbot; please see the below video for further evidence.

    Here we see the alleged hacker pull of a fairly quick headshot on a player. The crosshair quickly goes from mid chest to head which is pretty amazing considering that he was just focused on another player.

    The oddest thing I find with this player is his inconsistency. I say this meaning that one minute he is nailing people left and right and then as soon as he gets spectated by one of the regulars, he gets potato aim. Hell, if you're going to hack, be consistent with your aim. I encourage anyone who has witnessed and has been suspicious of this player's "skills" to come forward to testify.

    Thank you for watching.​
  2. Why would u do dis to me mango. BTW i play csgo and im dmg so i play atleast a decent bit m8 and i have 1000+ hours in csgo
  3. Rozboon

    Rozboon Forgive and Forget, or just forget. VIP

    I'll take a better look at this when I get home. I'm glad to see you here puggy you may be needed to answer a few questions.
  4. I'll explain the videos by 1 2 , Video 1: I knew kawaii was a traitor because i heard shotgun shots coming from him but i had no proof, and i saw shotgun bullets coming from above me.Video 2: I usually joke when I'm using hacks because i don't know how to get hacks and i sometimes give up killing 1 dude and kill another dude instead
  5. Rek

    Rek Ø

    Sorry @Stabby Puggy :3, I have to admit in all my times staffing, whenever I had to staff over you, I watched you a majority of the time.
    I'm amazed that you got such good evidence @MangoTango , I have always had trouble as Stabby seems to, like you mentioned, get potato aim after I start spectating.

    It is truly sad to see a long time member like you do such things Stabby. The third video is evidence enough because the person was obviously out of your FOV but you seemed to lock onto them instantly.
    I'm saddened by this and I will give my testimony that I have always suspected you of these things and I really hoped I was wrong.
    Best of luck.
    (Don't you dare give me a warning for this, I'M A WITNESS)
  6. If you like to check corners alot you can find ppl that are out of your FOV.
  7. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    Kawaii was in a location that anyone could have been. You saw the shotgun shots come from above you, yet Kawaii came up a ladder at you. Then, after the shots rain down on you, you immediately know it's Kawaii even though 1) The last interaction with Kawaii she was walking away from that location and 2) You did not see her name. You also hear the panic in your voice the first interaction with Kawaii; as if you knew she was a traitor and the one that shot you.
  8. I'll finish this with you later i gtg to school for now pls wait for my response.
  9. Mereduck

    Mereduck VIP

    I admit the first one seems like bullshit hacking. But honestly he just killed on location and suspicion due to weapon. Second Everyone says "lol i gon use hacks" Unless you are winning everytime with crazy kills I doubt it.... Exhibit 3 he misses previous shot so if he really had aimbot it's shit (Seriously would have to be shit with 2 other persons who he could have shot prior) or he just is good at aiming at head level and shooting that person in the head, like many CS:GO players who are paid to win games. (He is asian after all). This feels like an attack on a person who is just good at the game and people upset they "Lost my T round ;_;" or similar feelings of contempt towards said player. Only first video holds any true weight and I get fucks killing me all the time because they heard a weapon in the area or knew I was the only one there previously (Check vid only Kawaii was upstairs in that area previously....). If Kawaii wants to put in some input on what she/he thinks of the video it would be appreciated. @Kawaii . This I feel is an attack on a person, the server should have as i've seen on other servers a programme to allow them to view clientside (Hacks and all) what the other player is doing. This is poor evidence and hatred.
  10. Rozboon

    Rozboon Forgive and Forget, or just forget. VIP

    I see no "hatred" or "attack on a person", all I see is a normal report on a suspected hacker.

    Anyways, back to the report, I'd say the first video shows the most suspicious activity as its just a little too coincidental as he had no eyes on Kawaii at anytime during that whole thing besides when Kawaii came up the ladder. As for the other video I do not see any form of an aimbot.

    I'll ask for a few other opinions on this before I make a decision, for now please do not turn this into a flame war or I will be locking it up quickly.
  11. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    Hmm looking into the 1st video, like @Rozboon , I can definitely say that this is suspicious. How did you know Kawaii was there when you didn't even see her shoot? You only saw bullets, but she ran away before your reticle could even land on her name. So she got away from you. Yet you mysteriously KOS'd her? I wouldn't automatically call this hacking though. Considering Puggy admitted to kosing on suspicion and all.

    Provided Image: everyone else can say that they're using aimbot, but not actually use it. I even remember a few months ago, many players (including myself) would always type !sp_aimbot 1 as a joke. Not enough concrete evidence to condemn someone for hacking.

    2nd video shows no form of hacking or recoil control whatsoever. He didn't lock on immediately to the guy contrary to what @Rek stated. The guy ran straight at Puggy during this instance in time and let's be honest: anyone with decent aim in this game can land that head shot easily if you're running towards someone.

    All and all, there isn't enough evidence to call out Puggy as a hacker.
  12. Rek

    Rek Ø

    I disagree with the last part. Puggy was clearing taking someone out and was in a gun fight, considering the guy on the right was out of Puggy's FOV and there would be no logical reason for Puggy to simply cancel the gun fight and instantly move toward a person who they did not know was there. If the person was in Puggy's FOV or perhaps Puggy wasn't shooting at anyone else, I'd agree, however with the circumstances given, it is very fishy.
  13. Pleb

    Pleb VIP

    the only suspicious thing is the last video, as Rek already said he wasnt on his screen at first place but that's some really nice habilities, i dont think he is aimbotting, and also probably he knew he was in there, we dont have the whole video to prove it, theres only those two secs, he might have know he was in there

    the evidence A is a usual case, i get butthurt when ppl kill me on that or call kos on me, he knew it was him for listening and knowing he was there or so, honestly that happens sometimes, you could say he killed on suspicion
    the evidence B-1 is just Puggy going gongos
  14. Communion (1989) Putlockers HD Stream Eng Sub

    Communion (1989) Putlockers HD Stream Eng Sub i'm thinking i'm thinking VIP

    Have to agree on the aim thing a little. I've found myself on multiple instances being almost entirely sure of the aimbot, then spectating to see him miss nearly every shot... It's strange, but I don't think the evidence for the aimbot in this report is proof enough. But it is pretty interesting that multiple people have all experienced the same things as me with this player.

    In the first video; however, it is pretty apparent that he never saw Kawaii actually do anything traitorous, but if he's saying he KOS'd on suspicion, then I'd say since she was in that area previously, it would seem likely that it would be her. Wouldn't personally call anything for sure hacking based on this evidence, but it is all very suspicious, and it looks like we'll need to pay a little more extra attention to this player.
  15. BlueCore

    BlueCore Onward and Upward Banned VIP

    I'll have to agree with both Rozboon and Guilty, the first video given is the only evidence that leads me to a suspicion of hacking. However, even in this video as Puggy has responded with, it could easily be a KOS on the previous location and weapon of a player. Whilst in this situation it would be RDM, it's not enough proof to issue a Hacking ban of off. Kawaii was seen by Puggy, and despite her leaving the location, with the amount of people left and the suspicion that was already cast upon her by Puggy and other players, it is possible to jump the gun and call a KOS on her.

    Evidence in B-1 is not evidence at all, and doesn't give any more or less proof that Puggy is hacking. For the last piece of evidence, I will have to agree again with Guilty, I see no form of hacking, and I can't convey even suspicion of hacking with a clip that lasts no longer than two seconds. It is very possible for a player to aim and headshot a player once that is openly running directly to them. His cross-hair had no 'snapping' motion, nor do I see it go from mid-chest to head; it looks like it lined with just under his head and Puggy waited a moment for his head to come into position, which is probably the result of spectator smoothing. Furthermore, as this clip provides a lack of before and after events, I unfortunately cannot condone the statement of 'Puggy did not have the player in his FOV and so why he suddenly changed target is suspicious'. This is because I can't confirm nor deny that Puggy hadn't already known this player's location, or even hadn't already tried to kill them. The corner of the wall next to the player had blood splats, so for all I can tell it's well possible they were in a prior fight before the events of the above video.

    Unless I can see more proof against Puggy, and perhaps also the full events of that Fun round, I don't believe the above is enough yet to warrant a Hacking ban; no matter how suspicious.
  16. Sinocchi

    Sinocchi New Member

    As A CSGO Over watcher, I see no sign of hacking, the 1st Evidence was just killing on suspicion based on direction and gun used. Evidence B-2, I can say it was just a flick shot to the head, CSGO players normally do that, its not even a big of a deal flick shot. Unless you can show more evidence of crazy flicks like that I'd say it was only mere luck or coincidence.

    To spot a waller and aimbot user, you need to show evidence of consistency, like he aims his crosshair through the wall a lot directly at player's X-ray, not only on one occasion
  17. I heard shots coming from him, so it kinda gave away abit but i don't enough evidence to prove him a traitor,i know he is using a shotgun and i saw shotgun bullets above me, and i coulda sworn he followed me but i did not minded it, so i knew it was him and if i did not had enough evidence, kawaii would have just slain me.
  18. Noctorious

    Noctorious Your Best Nightmare VIP Emerald

    I think it should be brought up that someone's race does not determine if they are guitly of hacking or their skill or lack there of at video games.

    Almost every time Puggy is on a server I get many complaints that he seems to be hacking. I have countless times tried to get evidence of this, but nothing consistent. I have witnessed Puggy do a few cool things while I was watching him, but nothing that seemed higher than suspicion of hacking. Your Exhibit A seems pretty good evidence considering an experienced player should know not to KOS based on gun type. I would say the Exhibit's B aren't that good of evidence as all I see is someone joking about hacking (as many who are accused often do) and then taking their time and aiming towards someone's head.
  19. Anna

    Anna before we fade VIP

    This statement is completely redundant. Not all people with wall hacks will aim through walls and directly look at players like that, even more so if they are trying to be stealthy about it. Some people may use a wall hack to know where players are in the vicinity, like a radar but won't look at players directly so claiming that evidence like that is not consistent merely because he does not look at players through the wall directly is, in my opinion, mistaken.

    In regards to the report at hand I will stand by and admit that I have had high suspicions of puggy from way back when I was a trial. He has a knack for amazing shots whenever I am not spectating him and even has a knack for knowing/avoiding/following traitors until he has a reason to kos them. Regardless I myself have no evidence to support this as much like the others who have commented here.

    Exhibit A would have been the best evidence available to us but even so, puggy has already admitted to doing the wrong thing here, that is KOSing on suspicion. As a regular he should know not to do this which, for me, raises my suspicions more so. Whether this explanation of his is just a way to cover up his tracks or not we cannot say but regardless I believe this video is more than enough to raise some suspicions on the player.

    Exhibit B is one I have been mulling over all day. I have watched it slowed down over and over and over again and I am going to agree with those who say this isn't proof enough if at all. A very lucky shot it may have been but nevertheless I would still be keeping an eye out on this in the future.

    @Stabby Puggy :3
    I know that you play a lot of csgo and the likes and you claim to have a lot of hours across our servers but even so, that really does not mean much at all. Just because you play those games and have done well in them does not dismiss the possibility of hacking. The fact that you also have a public profile means nothing. This was mentioned in shoutbox earlier but I would like to reiterate that not all hackers have their profiles as private, if anything a lot of them will have them as public as they do not care very much. So again the concept of you having a public profile and lots of hours on both csgo and the servers means nothing in this respect. Hacking is still a possibility and it will not be ignored simply because you claim to be a good player. Just thought I would clear that up too.
  20. As a CS:GO player flickshots are one of the most important things in aiming and shooting, i applied it in Gmod in video 2. Alot of hours can improve certain players so it kinda does count.
    Oh and i have certain moods sometimes i can aim like a hacker or just have potato aim.
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