Completed Report against Pan

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Broski Joe, May 2, 2020.

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  1. Broski Joe

    Broski Joe New Member

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Which Map:
    Which Round:
    1 round until map change, I think
    Time of Occurence:
    8:50 pm-ish in game time
    Reason For Report:
    Harassment, Toxic, Targeting​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
    Probably the most of the server could agree, maybe not​
  2. Jabba the Slut

    Jabba the Slut That's Kinky! Lead Admin VIP Silver

    Seeing as I'm on the server, and he's being just fine, do you have any evidence at all?
  3. Broski Joe

    Broski Joe New Member




    Multiple times in voice chat, they called KOS against me even though I was just resaying the other people's KOS against them

    Many offensive things in both chats
    Last edited: May 5, 2020
  4. Lovisa

    Lovisa His queen :3 VIP

    Hello yes i do have screenshots of me and two other players receiving sexual Pms, but i dont think it is grounds enough for a ban as its just trolling. Although this player consistently baits other players to call false koses and puts on a fake voice to annoy others into harassing them,if this was enough to ban they would be banned already.
  5. Indy226

    Indy226 Banned VIP Silver

    I do have a clip of Pan borderline micspamming.
    Also what Lovisa stated is true. He acts like a saint when staff are on but once they're gone Pan just turns into a troll.

    - Pan spam ( maybe ) [ Poke did review this but he didn't feel like it was enough ]

    Let me remind everyone how Pan has been let off with only an 8 hour ban in these reports

    Honestly at this point I'm surprised Pan hasn't gotten any warnings or serious bans

    Can you drop your act. This is a big reason to why many people on the server are so toxic towards you. Trolling is not funny and you pull this off time and time again and play victim everytime staff come on. Just please stop. I can get that it does kinda go both ways with you and others, but a vast majority of the time, you start the fire. Please stop this is not funny. We could all get along, but you need to quit starting shit if that is to ever happen.
  6. Sir Ody

    Sir Ody VIP

    I don't have any proof here but I have been in plenty of games with Pan and when ever i play with them it seems Pans goal is to provoke some kind of reaction so they can get people in trouble, Mic spamming, Bugging people, Kosing people, Saying "Yay i'm the bad guy" every time they are T so someone will kill them and they can complain and loophole someone into a ban and I had an experience where they tried to get me Karma banned by attacking me (I was detective they were inno) at the start of the game to get me to kill them and get me karma banned (I was low karma at the time cuz bad Kos's the last round)
  7. Reference for a recent second event on Pan RDMing to get someone karma banned. Inno v. Inno but clearly targeted considering it was a crowbar, 20hp dmg, and they ran off immediately. Video available upon request.

    Pan has already been punished for the RDM, but it goes to reinforce Sir Ody's allegation and shows pattern/intent.
  8. john redcorn

    john redcorn strangers like me VIP Emerald

    I have loopholing evidence featuring pan recently too, told a dude on Jondome to pick up the sword so he can Id a body as a detective and then killed him for it
  9. I dont have any evidence too, but i have seen most of the things you say when i play and pan is on the server, when he says ''yay im the bad guy'' he gets instant kos and then he complains about it by his own fault

    i got false kosed by him 3 times 2 days ago because someone called kos on him and he reported me but i didnt got slain so that pissed him off i guess
    in the 2nd false kos he stated in the report that he called off the kos when that was false, the last thing he said in voicechat was ''kos papa'' then in the 3rd he called off the kos on chat but i got shot anyway

    needless to say that his fakevoice is worst than meheezy talking when he is angry
  10. Indy226

    Indy226 Banned VIP Silver

    If u give me a time i could go back and check my recordings
  11. Tony Danza

    Tony Danza Regular Member

    I'll back all of this up as well. He's a huge troll who has time and time again gotten away with loopholing, the most egregious example being the ban on Nilz which was totally unjustified.
  12. Frost

    Frost Frosted Pun King VIP

    If anyone else who can come forward with more evidence just to stack it up, that would be greatly appreciated
  13. beep boop, bump, boop
  14. Frost

    Frost Frosted Pun King VIP

    If y'all can DM or post on here, whichever you decide, the evidence so I can go ahead with this report, thanks
  15. john redcorn

    john redcorn strangers like me VIP Emerald

    sent the evidence before to mods in-game and got confirmation they reviewed it with an admin should be in notes or somewhere in discord
  16. Indy226

    Indy226 Banned VIP Silver

    I checked my recordings and unfortunately I couldn't find anything of note. Pan was micspamming last night and I fucking forgot to press "start recording" @Pokeben10 however was there so he might have a recording
  17. Pokeben10

    Pokeben10 tell me pretty lies Moderator VIP Silver

    I have not been recording in my time off.
  18. Sir Ody

    Sir Ody VIP

    just adding some stuff, Pan is a fan of blocking which is marked as harassment in the rules, I made Pan aware of this on 67th way when I trying to get into the music room but pan was behind the door making it impossible to get through, another place Pan loves to block is the corner room in hotel, they block that room LOTS (too close to the door to be harpooned making it impossible to kill baring a C4 i believe), so when i heard pan was in that room again i went ahead and recorded this blocking

    You can see the name at the very end, but like very last split second.
  19. General Retard

    General Retard New Member

    A bit unsure if this falls in line with porn but basically Pan dropped two porn subreddits on reddit which are in the description.

    I should add that pan made the second subreddit sound as if I was for music when it really is not. Like really not for music.
  20. Indy226

    Indy226 Banned VIP Silver

    Two things.
    If @Bad Adult was there was anything done?
    Also the times Pan says both of those links are 0:18 and 0:30
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