Invalid Report against ooo and eeeee (if i can find the steam id of eeeee)

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by, Dec 27, 2019.

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  1. Now you just somebody that I used to know VIP Silver

    Name of Staff/Player:
    ooo and eeeee (if i can find the steam id of eeeee)
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Which Map:
    Mc Serious b5
    Which Round:
    Time of Occurence:
    3:15 and before
    Reason For Report:
    Omega toxicity, harrasment, metagaming, and mass rdm because ooo got karmaed​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
    Metagaming: camping on fun rounds and delaying Together when its was only us left
    Toxicity/harasment: only one picture, but as soon as i went into knife room to check if it still worked I left instantly (while camping)
    also i found him following me around and targeting me
    Delaying: refer to metagaming section and
    Mass rdm: him getting karma banned

    When ooo got karma banned, eeeee left during the server change, but ooo's profile is private so you cant see what friends they have, i just have to suspect them as being friends on steam

    if you can find eeeee's steam id pm me on discord at: The Bad Adult#9047​
  2. Now you just somebody that I used to know VIP Silver

  3. dazza

    dazza Banned VIP Bronze

  4. Now you just somebody that I used to know VIP Silver

  5. Those two are notorious for metagaming/delaying together, and for targeting. Also, they are in fact steam friends.
    I suspect they ghost together as well, but haven't been able to collect much evidence in regards to that. Im working on it though.
  6. They are, indeed friends on steam
  7. Racerboy

    Racerboy VIP

  8. He failed 1 shot, that means he has a bad aimbot or he's not hacking

    The private profile doesn't help
  9. -Vader-

    -Vader- VIP

  10. Now, the 2 videos above seem kinda legit. But that third video is really high sus <.<
  11. Racerboy

    Racerboy VIP

    Dug this clip up from before I fixed my in-game audio recording so it's very ambiguous cause you can't hear the shots, but basically he and Chainedlord were facing 2 Hiddens and he scouts both of them back to back (Chainedlord dies before the 1st Hidden gets scouted)

    Not sure how he knew both to turn and where to shoot to hit the 2nd Hidden in the head... immediately after killing the first one

    Last edited: Dec 27, 2019
  12. Now you just somebody that I used to know VIP Silver

  13. DarkShiny

    DarkShiny Just guilty me NOW, boi VIP Silver

    I see no metagaming here. We also left soon after that (when it just got to be only us 3), so we did not delay.

    Dunno how this is harassment or toxicity.

    Just because I got karma banned does not mean I mass rdm'd.

    ok cool looking forward to it

    If they friends they metagame

    ah yes should have used ak sorry, so I classify as good player and not an actual hacker

    ah yes I remember this one, was a nice shot in the dark, after missing 10shots at the start I surely must hit him eventually in the area where I have not shot at yet

    My disappointment regarding the choice of clips is immeasurable and my day is ruined:cry:
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2019
  14. Noctorious

    Noctorious Your Best Nightmare VIP Emerald

    Hello, This is a multi-part report so I will handle each accusation separately

    Meta-gaming: There is insufficient evidence of ooo and eee working together on opposite teams. This will be INVALID

    Delaying: Without video evidence I cannot tell how long they were hiding behind doors to abuse that they can't be opened. This will be INVALID. But I do warn both parties that it could be considered camping/delaying to abuse this mechanic and could lead to more disciplinary action in the future.

    Hacking: After reviewing the videos I do not see sufficient proof of hacking. It seems like a lot of practice aiming at head height. To specifically address the hidden video, there is a simple trick that lets you know when the hidden is in front of you, combined with good knowledge of where the headbox is it is possible to headshot the hidden, the video also does not show first person perspective. This will be INVALID

    Harassment: Asking someone once not to delay does not constitute harassment. Following and targeting can be considered harassment but there is insufficient proof. Without further evidence this will be INVALID

    Mass RDM: I will be looking into the mass RDM claim later, this will give time for any further evidence to come forward. But I will say that being karma ban in itself is not sufficient proof of any rdm.
  15. Noctorious

    Noctorious Your Best Nightmare VIP Emerald

    After looking through the logs for that map, I've concluded that ooo did not mass rdm. There were several time ooo defended himself from being RDM'd which is most likely what lead to the karma ban.

    Without any further evidence
    This report is INVALID

    The thread will be locked in 24hours if no further evidence is brought.
  16. Now you just somebody that I used to know VIP Silver

    How is the delaying section invalid when the first time they camped untill 3 people left, and the second time until just me and him?
  17. pekka26

    pekka26 god im so smart VIP

    ehhh. it'seens high-quality evidence, You win.
  18. Noctorious

    Noctorious Your Best Nightmare VIP Emerald

    Without a video or multiple screenshots throughout the round there isn't enough evidence for how long they were standing behind the door. If you have this evidence, then I can possibly give 1 slay for each time camping.

    This is not an indication of whether or not I believe you. I don't want to deal out punishments without sufficient evidence.
  19. Anonymous1

    Anonymous1 do you know how it feel to feel alone VIP Bronze

    delaying is something that takes multiple minutes if actually delaying, so would require minutes of recording or multiple screenshots showing them never leaving. you don’t have that so it’s invalid quote simple
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