Invalid Report against Onion Cactus

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by D1scoInferno, May 28, 2017.

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  1. D1scoInferno

    D1scoInferno New Member

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Onion Cactus
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Which Map:
    Not sure the map name, but was big room but minecraft
    Which Round:
    not sure
    Time of Occurence:
    Roughly 3 pm Germany time
    Reason For Report:
    Onion Cactus had started harassing and abusing his powers pretty much the moment he entered the server. He killed me when I threw a discombobulator that affected nobody within the round, claiming that it was a "traitorous act" and that I must be a traitor so my life was fair game to him. A few rounds later, I got stuck due to the map being a bit trash, and requested for him to teleport me to help me. He teleported me and then proceeded to kill me because he was a traitor. This was a blatant abuse of his powers and he refused to take the blame for it until many members of the server badgered him into accepting his responsibility. When he gave in, he slayed himself for 1 round and put the reason as "misclicked" opposed to the real reason. Further into the playtime on the server, our ever so loved Onion Cactus killed me yet again for using a discombobulator. He claims that since I used it I am eligible to kill, and he kept referring to the rules about how it is a traitorous act and is killable. I did not throw it at all, but held it as the rules state "Throwing frag, incendiary, or discombobulators" is traitorous. He has been interpreting the rules for his own game and so he can play it off like he is always correct and never in the wrong. Once all of this was brought up to him, multiple people playing on the server took issue with it and requested that he link us to the forums so we could file a report and he refused to do so. It eventually took an ex-staff member to link us and let us bring his transgressions to light. On top of all of this, he has been generally rude, abrasive, and unhelpful towards any and all players on the server during the duration of his playtime today. I would like to request that a higher level staff member than a mod look into this and take the actions necessary.​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
    No direct evidence other than the other reports made against him and the players that were on the server for the duration of his playtime today.​
  2. Deepsea1508

    Deepsea1508 Hyuman VIP Emerald

  3. Orion

    Orion He is Exalted Administrator VIP

    Hey there. I was out for a while and was only able to respond now.

    Let's start off with the discombob thing.
    I killed you twice in 2 maps because you cooked discombobs. One of them was in the vents in Dolls. The other one was near lava in Mineshaft.
    No matter where you cook/throw lethal grenades, it is always a traitorous act and killable.
    I told you multiple times to check the motd, to which you refused.


    Then, a round later, you said you were stuck. I quickly responded with a teleport because of it. You then began to bash me for teleporting you and when I looked behind (as if to talk to you) I misclicked, which ended up killing you. I told you quite a lot of times that you didn't need to report for it because I already took the slay. Yet you still felt the need to "call me out on it".


    Now my part. I'd like you to prove that I was indeed harassing you because all I remember doing is telling you why I wasn't going to slay myself because of the discombobulators. In fact, you were the one constantly bothering and indirectly offending me every round by throwing grenades in places with no one and saying it in voice chat, mocking me.

    I was told that if you kept doing it repeatedly I could warn you for harassment. I'm not posting it here to avoid possible drama with the admin.

    I kept telling you that killing for discombobs is allowed but yet you kept ignoring me. It was until @Alice Lumenia joined and heard you complaining that she also said the same thing about discombobulators, to which you listened. I don't know why you didn't listen to me, but when it came to a regular you decided it was important.

    Since Pacifist resigned, I'm tagging @Falcor.
  4. Miss Alice

    Miss Alice winky face VIP

    In the first minute I signed on all I could hear was a passive-aggressive trouble maker that in my time would've been gone within the first few minutes of a staff member joining the server. Onion never "harassed" you as you put it. Through your constant passive-aggressive remarks and attempts to rile up other players, all he did was remind you of the rules in a fairly respectful manner instead of banning you like he was well within his rights to do. Before coming onto the forums screaming abuse, make sure you aren't the issue yourself.

    Kay, thanks, bye.
  5. D1scoInferno

    D1scoInferno New Member

    Sorry about my passive-aggressive behavior, but is that not better than me screaming the n-word or other racial slurs? Apparently condescending/passive-aggressive speaking warrants a ban, so you mine as well ban anyone who gives the slightest amount of sass or anyone saying swear words in chat as that could be construed as "harassment". The way he was treating the whole playerbase on server and bending rules to fit his own agenda.

    Here is just blatant lies. You classify a discombob as lethal when it does 0 damage to any player at all, unless they fall victim to a part of the environment. The same can be said for a smoke grenade which obstructs the players view and can make them walk off a cliff. I read the MOTD and then cooked a discombob in my hand, not threw it. If you would like to be such a stickler for the rules, then follow them to a T because I did not commit any traitorous act by cooking a discombob. This seems more like an oversight in your knowledge of the rules than anyone's direct fault. I'd advise you to further read up on them or to request an admin to update the rules and provide further clarification.

    This part is absolutely hilarious. You never "accidentally" killed me. I remember clear as day how it happened. I got stuck on the fan because the map is shit, i requested you teleport me, you teleport me, I make a condescending comment along the lines of "finally you do something helpful", then about 3 to 5 seconds later you shoot me. After I make a fuss on the server and the rest of the playerbase backs my side up about 2 rounds later, you finally give in and admit you did something wrong and slay yourself. Had the rest of the players not come to my aid in the issue, you would have just let it go and not done anything about it because you're a mod and you feel you are above the rules.

    Please do post it here so I can have proof about an admin telling you what you could do.

    And throughout your entire response, you do not touch on the fact that you would constantly refuse to escalate the situation to a higher power or provide me a link to bring the report to the forums. It was only until Alice here, not even a member of the staff, came and linked me that I was able to make this post.
  6. Hyper ✿

    Hyper ✿ peace lata VIP Bronze

    Tagging @Falcor as they are now Onion's superior.
  7. Falcor

    Falcor ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ VIP Silver

    Hi D1sco

    After reviewing these reports of this game time Onion has show he followed the rules and protocol. And I see no evidence of harassment or Mod abuse.
    I also have spoken with his previous administrator and there was approval to warn you for harassment if you continued your aggressive comments.
    As for the Tp and kill, Onion instantly knew he made a mistake and tried to appease this situation the best way he could. Slaying himself.

    Cooking or throwing a discombob is always Traitorous and you can be KOSed for doing so. Even if you are throwing it off the map or into a "safe" location. Only grenade that is no KOSable is the smoke.

    Onions actions on the server and during these situations are completely justified and reasonable. If you have any other evidence or would just like to talk about this please start a conversation with me.
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