Completed Report against Nox

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Legato93, Jun 25, 2017.

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  1. Legato93

    Legato93 New Member

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    West 1
    Which Map:
    Not fluent with map names but it was occurring for the entire session
    Which Round:
    Time of Occurence:
    06/25/2017 Between 12AM EST - 3AM EST
    Reason For Report:
    I've played multiple servers, but this mod in particular is playing favorites to
    other players. Miss using her Admin powers to slay people for RDM, returning fire to someone who shot you isn't RDM. I as a detective witnessed a player SHOOT an Innocent so i shot him, come to find out he was innocent as well.. We're playing a CS modeled game, If you shoot in my direction or another player that sends up hostile warnings to you being shot. This MOD needs her rights stricken from her and placed on probation. Ended the night being BANNED for RDM when i was detective returning fire. I will not be playing this server when this MOD is active..​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:

  2. andrewca79

    andrewca79 Malteser Forever VIP Silver

  3. Wendy

    Wendy Chaotic VIP

    Please be patient while I gather my evidence.
  4. Wendy

    Wendy Chaotic VIP

    Okay! Thanks for being patient
    Lets begin!

    Thanks for reporting me this will only make me better in the future.

    First Offense:
    I did a mistake here since the attacker reported you and I got mixed up. (This is my fault)

    Second Offense:

    Third Offense:

    Again I apologise for the mistake I did on my first slay, but saying that the 2nd and 3rd where valid.
    Since it's only two offenses I will unban you.

    Unbanned and Voided.

    @Agent A will finish this off.
    Thank you for your time.
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2017
  5. Agent A

    Agent A Veni, vidi, vici VIP Silver Emerald

    NoX explained which slays is invalid and valid and apologized for his actions. Furthermore, he voided the ban as soon as he realized his mistake.

    I'll explain them again if you are still confused.
    1. NoX didn't pay attention to the report fully. For that, he realized his mistake and unbanned you and voided the mass rdmx3.
    2. You didn't put a response that explains your side. All you said is why break a window, which is not traitorous thing to do.
    3. You claimed crossfire. However, the deathscene shows that you just straight up shot him where there were no traitors around.
    Report: Valid because for 1. The rest is invalid.
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