Invalid Report against Noctorius

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by lukus, Oct 19, 2015.

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  1. lukus

    lukus VIP

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:

    Your Steam ID:

    Which Server:
    West 1
    Which Map:
    67th highway
    Which Round:
    i believe it was round 5
    Time of Occurence:
    around 8pm
    Reason For Report:
    I play under the name of The black guy. I went down the ladder on the floor of the T tester. I heard shooting in the room that lead to the Traitor room. Tenortone and heinrich were in the room with a unidentified body. Tenortone didn't look like he was going to identify the body so I decided to kill him for no iding. Heinrich identified the body like one or two seconds before for I killed Tenortone. heinrich killed me because he was inno and I was reported.

    Tenortone didn't even describe the situation in the report. it was just a plain rdm report. I tried my best to explain the situation in the report and even after. Noctorius didn't believe anything I said and just assumed I was loophole trolling.

    he said this
    " it was ID'd 1 second after he died, by the person who killed him"

    I responded with this
    " i dont get what your saying. i was in the wrong or in the right?

    He responded with this
    "you're being slain next round. Don't try to loophole troll"
    "diamond died 27 seconds before you killed the guy"
    "and the guy you killed didn't even kill him"

    I responded with thie
    " i walked into the room and diamonds body was in there"
    "he didn't identify the body so I killed him for not iding"
    "are you a new mod or what"
    "how about you unslay me so we can figure this out"

    I called him retarded and he slayed me again because I was slain last map for jihading the last inno alive with out warning and killing a t buddy

    So what he told me was diamond was dead for 27 seconds before he was identified, and I killed Tenortone 1 second after the body was identified. yet some how I'm loophole trolling for playing buy the rules.

    I asked him to unslay so we could figure it because it might not have been diamonds body, there was three bodies in that room and I thought it was diamonds body. there was a unidentified body in there. If noctorius just talked to me there wouldn't be a problem. instead he thought I was a troll and ignored me and became a jerk to me

    This type of behavior from mods causes players to have hate and anger to your staff.
    I've never had a run in with Noctorius before but now I have no trust in This moderators abilities​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:

    Last edited: Oct 19, 2015
  2. Pandora?

    Pandora? Alcoholic in Training VIP Silver

    Tagging @Noctorious to present his side
    and @Salisian to give a verdict
    Please be patient in the process
  3. Noctorious

    Noctorious Your Best Nightmare VIP Emerald

    Screenshots! You should take some for reports, makes them look much much nicer.

    Anyways, here's what happened. You were reported for killing a player for being by an unid'd body. When I checked the logs I thought it weird that you did not ID a body after killing the player. So, when I checked the logs I saw that only 3 players had died, and they had all been ID'd very shortly after death. So there was no time for someone to be accused of not IDing them because they were almost immediately ID'd. Here is the report and the logs.


    So I asked you which body it was that had been unID'd, you said it was Diamond's. Diamond's body was ID'd 1 second after he was killed, by his killer, and that happened 27 seconds before you killed @Tenortone. There was no way tenortone would have had time to ID it himself in less than one second so I put the slay on you as it looked like you were using the excuse of an unID'd body to try and loophole your way out of a slay and warned you not to loophole troll. On the previous map you had been slain for not warning for a jihad that killed a T-buddy, after you were slain you sent to me "The Black Guy to admins: dont take it wrong but i find you retarded". On this map I had forgotten that you had been slain for that offense on the previous map. When you called me retarded again, that's was what reminded me of the Jihad incident and that you had been slain for it, meaning I should have put 2 slays on you this time for the second offense of RDM, so I added on the extra slay and told you why the extra slay was added. Here is the conversation we had. I apologize for any overlap in the images as I did not want to edit them too much and make it seem like I was trying to alter evidence.

    @Salisian will finish this up. Apparently you misunderstood the time frames I was trying to tell you. I was swapping between looking at the times in the logs, talking to you, and dealing with other reports.

    I apologize for not letting you know you could leave earlier, I was doing reports and scrolled up in console to check on if a player had been slain on the previous map and would need 2 slays for his second rdm. I didn't see you asking until after and when I tried to tell you that you could leave you had already left.
  4. lukus

    lukus VIP

    well you basically explain the situation perfectly except the fact I wasn't trying to loophole troll. I hope you can believe me when I say there was a unidentified body in the room with Tenortone and hienrich. Maybe you can look into the logs and see which body hienrich identified because he killed me about 10 seconds after that because I killed Tenortone. If Noctorious explained everything to me better we could have figured it out. I think everyone who plays understands certain events can become hectic and crazy. I thought diamonds body was the one but i guess it wasn't. I know for a fact there was a unidentified body in there

    If Noctorius would have spent a little time trying to understand me and explained what the logs said this could have been avoided. Instead Noctorius lost some respect from me. He has a attitude of I'm right you're wrong, I'll tell you what happened even though i wasn't there.
    I might have said the wrong body, it doesn't mean I was loophole trolling.

    #Noctoriushasnoswag #realcombatvet
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2015
  5. Noctorious

    Noctorious Your Best Nightmare VIP Emerald

    You can see in the logs I provided that Hienrich had ID'd both bodies 10 seconds before you killed Tenortone. Only 3 people had died before you killed Tenortone, Musty_chimp had Id'd the first body, and Hienrich ID'd the other 2. There were no possible bodies left unID'd by the time you killed Tenortone.
  6. lukus

    lukus VIP

    so you're saying I'm not justified in killing tenortone for iding the body? It takes a few seconds to decide to kill someone for a traitorous act. what i thought was a few seconds was ten seconds. he was in the room with a unidentified body.
    I can understand the 5 seconds rule for certain events and I was a little slowing trying to understand the situation at hand. If im in the wrong I understand. what made me angry is you basically blew me off as a Loophole troller. I was on the server with you for a short amount of time. only slain once for jihading the last inno alive and killing a t buddy and not warning. which I've never seen (or thought I've never heard of)someone being slain for winning the round for traitors. My seconds slay with you was a liitle blurry and we both didn't understand what either was trying to explain. so you just say stop loophole trolling. Buddy if you think that is loophole trolling you're blind. I don't like you for you're attitude, and if I join a server with you on it i'll hop to another one

    #Noctoriusneedsanattitudeajustment #militarymighthelpbuddy
  7. Noctorious

    Noctorious Your Best Nightmare VIP Emerald

    First, I asked you which body. You responded with no confusion as to which body was unID'd. If you did not know for sure you should have told me you weren't sure, because killing someone for a body that was ID'd 27 seconds prior that was ID'd in 1 second after it's killed looks like a loophole troll to me. And instead of trying to get you immediately banned, I warned you against loopholing. Second, by your own story you entered after the gunfire had ended, and Hienrich ID'd both bodies within 1 second after the gunfire had ended. Are you saying you are justified for killing someone 10 seconds later for not IDing a body in less than a second when another player was about to ID it?


    Edit: If you have any more evidence you may present it in your next post, if you post without evidence and do not have any further evidence I will lock this thread until the admin can look at the reports, logs, and conversation.
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2015
  8. lukus

    lukus VIP

    Ya I see this is going no where, just close it pal.
  9. Noctorious

    Noctorious Your Best Nightmare VIP Emerald

    Thread Locked until Salisian can give a response. If you have any other evidence to post feel free to message me or any other staff member to have it unlocked.
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2015
  10. Unlocking this thread as there was no reason to lock it.

    Please allow the player to give any final thoughts, in the chance that he felt the need to reply.
    Evidence is highly suggested, but any concerns/questions are welcomed.
  11. Salisian

    Salisian An unbroken series of successful gestures VIP

    The issue here isn't just that you used the wrong player's name when trying to identify whose unIDed body you killed Tenortone over; it's that you used the unIDed body reason at all when Noctorious was looking at logs in which all bodies had been identified for ten seconds before you shot Tenortone. Then, both in the ensuing conversation and the forum report, your depiction of the timing of events is incorrect. It casts doubt on the whole explanation, and that level of doubt is how mods typically identify loophole trolls.

    However, first I'm going to assume that you got confused, and you're trying to tell the truth as you saw it, and address that situation.

    The logs clearly show what happened- someone randomly crowbarred someone else, a small RDM chain ensued. After the fighting was over, the bodies involved were identified within one second. I can think of extremely limited circumstances in which anyone in that room should be shot for "ignoring an unIDed body." Heinrich, being the clean-up crew in the room, got to it before him, while this inno didn't know what to do about all the teamkilling that just happened in front of him. If this is the case, and you'd shot Tenortone immediately, things might still have gone differently, but instead you opted to wait ten seconds to shoot him. You can't just pocket this kind of traitorous act to act upon later, for this very reason- it makes your behavior look suspicious, since by the time you shot him for not IDing a body, all bodies had been IDed.

    In a situation like this where the evidence in the logs is stacked against you, and you're stating things that turn out to be incorrect, it's not hard to see why the mod you'd insulted before would now feel you're lying intentionally. So, I can see why he'd treat the situation as RDM, although I'd caution against the use of the term 'loopholing' so early in a conversation.

    If you were recording the incident, you might be able to prove your side. If you weren't, then I'd recommend starting; you've been punished several times in the past for various forms of trolling, and if you're innocent, this is the best way to clear your name. In the absence of such evidence (for which I'll leave the report open for a bit,) I will be marking the report invalid (although I will still have a brief word with Noct about communication like that.)
  12. Noctorious

    Noctorious Your Best Nightmare VIP Emerald

    I apologize for hastily accusing you of attempting to loophole. After discussing it with my admin, I won't be so accusatory in the future.
  13. lukus

    lukus VIP

    I can understand from my past of so called past of trolling it might look like that, But I haven't had a issue like that for awhile. Im not trying to bring up an old issue but I've had a issue with a off and on admin advisor called sir lemoncakes who I assume wrote many things about me in admin stats. I've had ban appeals that lemon cakes wrote saying "the black guy is treading a close line of trolling the rules". I always thought it was funny that someone can be a troll playing within the rules. But I know now that if you're playing with in the rules just to be toxic of ruin anothers fun it can be considered tolling I definitely wasn't trolling that game Salisian, there was a lot of things happening in that round and some things can become confusing. I tried to explain myself further to Noctorious but he blew me off because he thought I was a troll. I'll avoid Noctorious on all servers so I don't have anymore false claims written about me in admin stats. Obliviously I'm not getting anywhere with this report so it can be closed, I'm glad a admin wrote in on this before the mod that was reported closed it.
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