Completed Report against noble six

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by CivilProtection, Oct 26, 2014.

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  1. Name of Staff/Player:
    noble six
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Having trouble finding it, heres his account on the forums
    Which Server:
    West 1
    Which Map:
    Many different maps
    Which Round:
    Many different rounds
    Time of Occurence:
    Middle of the map
    Reason For Report:
    Noble harassed me over multiple maps, and revenge rdmed me/rdmed me multiple times​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
    I killed noble for shooting at me in rooftops a1f2, he got angry and began yelling about how he was going to revenge rdm me next round anyway and "take his revenge"


    He then made attempts to harass me in the following rounds be he died every time, a note worthy time was at dolls when I was the detective and he began to shoot at me to evoke a reaction, when I called shot back he called kos he killed me, here is that happening

    Frostedblade dealt with him at dolls too and advised me to post my problems here. He was very helpful and even linked me to the correct page​
  2. Noble Six

    Noble Six VIP

    lol I'm sorry about that "revenge" (still, i didnt kill you xD) , and about that detective kill... i was T baiting you :D , and you shot at me (and called a false kos on me...) soo because of that i killed you.

    Btw you killed me 2 times for no reason l. l :
    1) I shot the box you were holding ... i only destroyed it and you pushed me , aand because of that i fell (im not so sure if this counts as T baiting,)
    2) You prop damaged me (We were Detectives..) and i was like "you only damaged me for 1 hp soo idc" , but after that you killed me just because i was trying to get a prop .... and im 99% sure i didnt hurt ya l. l (ugh i hate words vs words reports)
  3. Enigmatica

    Enigmatica The Song Lives On Banned

    @Noble Six did he shoot you and do damage or did he shoot near you?
  4. Noble Six

    Noble Six VIP

    I think he did damage to me , im not sure, can you help me with the damage logs? o_O
  5. First off, the first time I killed you was because you started shooting at me, "the box incident" and the second time was because you were pushing the trolley prop around both me and the other detective and you damaged us, If I prop hit you at all it would have been in an attempt to get you to cut that shit out, I never damaged you when you killed me during the detective round, I know that for a fact, because I had the intervention and if I shot you, you would have either died or been wounded, but you were healthy, and on rooftops a1f2 your buddy acidic and you had a lengthy conversation about revenge rdm, that was only the end, either way you come off as really immature and when you harass me over a multitude of maps it makes playing ttt a pain, and as a VIP you should definitely know better.
  6. Sinz

    Sinz crumble VIP Silver

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