Completed Report against Navi(The Moderator) and Raiq(Legendary Donator)

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Mumble, Apr 24, 2016.

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  1. Mumble

    Mumble New Member

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Navi(The Moderator) and Raiq(Legendary Donator)
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    None I am banned
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    West 2
    Which Map:
    No clue new to the server
    Which Round:
    No clue just joined
    Time of Occurence:
    I am banned
    Reason For Report:
    Navi was being very unfair with not punishing anyone except for me even when Raiq was being verbally abusive. Also Raiq had called me a ghoster for no reason, Raiq has gotten me banned twice in 24 hours all while being very abusive and its very frustrating because he thinks he's invincible and he is when he doesn't get punished for breaking rules.

    You really need to pay attention to the audio and text chat a LOT is going on and people are screaming a lot. You need to understand when I said fuck off and stuff like that it was out of frustration and annoyance of Raiq.​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
    Unrung was there he was also calling Unrung a ghoster
  2. Darth Gorgamel

    Darth Gorgamel A Dark Lord of the Sith VIP Emerald

  3. Mumble

    Mumble New Member

    8:30 Ghost accusation..
  4. Ajani

    Ajani I'm a poet now! VIP

    Hey there mumble the for the time for filing a report against me but I do want to let you know that you were banned for harrasment I have a few players that felt the same way. I didn't feel that what you were saying was OK with the false reports and calling other players stupid I didn't appreciate that not only that but saying "slit your beaner wrists" is not OK i do not appreciate that
  5. Raiq

    Raiq VIP

    Lets go ahead and rewind with exactly why I have a problem with you.

    On Friday, 22 Apr, and towards the latter end of the night I personally witnessed you attempting to prop push people off the top of the map, Canyon. He was an innocent, and I killed him for the fact he was trying to do it to me. This is where the shitfest begins.

    Right after I killed you for this, you lied on voice and claimed I was shooting at you, to kill me as an innocent the very next round within 10 seconds of start. When an admin asked you for proof later, you admitted that you fabricated that story and "will not lie again"

    You then started constantly spamming the microphone with racist comments and other trash until you earned yourself a full round gag, and got banned from voice for it. To include "slit your beaner wrists" and constant N bombs.

    Now, watching your video now, there's nearly solid proof of the fact you're here to be toxic

    First time I killed you, I run into you firefighting, and continuing to shoot someone who was innocent, as an innocent. I killed you for this.

    2nd time you instantly snapped right to me, which is suspicious as fuck and you've said on voice that you're friends with unreal.

    If any admin looked into your history, they'd see that you're nothing but constant trash on this server, and it's fairly damning when almost everyone on mic was telling Navi that you constantly do this to people.

    Also this "Raiq has gotten me banned twice in 24 hours" Quit pushing the blame on you. YOUR behavior ended up getting you banned, and frankly you should have been banned a lot longer based on the fact you've openly lied to admins and don't give a shit about lying. Watch around 4:30, "Raiqu is a dirty jew, and noone likes you, slit your stupid beaner wrists"
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2016
  6. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    Just commenting here as a character witness to Mumble and his terrible attitude. See videos:

  7. Mumble

    Mumble New Member

    The only reason you think I am toxic is because you freak out for no reason I am being 100% honest you might have some anger issues last night you screamed at the top of your lungs fuck off mumble. Everyone in the server laughed at you because you are being ridiculous and honestly you aren't a good addition to the server what so ever. I never did say I was friends with unreal in the video either. Also if you think I am hacking you can go make a player report with evidence.
  8. I'm just going to chime in here. I just joined this server last night and as for Raiq. He seems very dramatic. Within the first hour of me playing and me killing him he was already saying I was running a hack or lua script because there's no way I could make the shots I am doing. He also loves to be very agressive toward other players in the server, even started gloating about prop killing as soon as finite left the server. I was not able to get a demo of this part as I was not prepared to already start reporting people on a server I just joined.

    As for Navi, I do not think he knows how to properly admin, or atleast respond to people with rdm reports. I've reported several rdm's he has messaged me and no one has ever gotten slayed. Even after logs showing an inno randomly shooting. I'm sure there are other RDM reports but I've only seen one person slayed since I've been on (for an hour now). he seems to favorite the regular reports over new players. He hasn't slayed one guy that has RDM'd me, but when a regular has reported a player they get slayed.

    Now related to mumble's report. Like I said before Raiq is very aggressive. As the video shows he does insult them a lot, with the two reporting not doing much better. Sure it could of been a moment of anger for both sides, however unsung was only trying to defend himself after mumble got banned. Even now Raiq is saying "2nd time you instantly snapped right to me". He does not think before he talks.

    All the videos of mumble show people that are trying to get a rise from him. So both sides are in the wrong here. But if mumble was to be banned for harassment during the video present, then Navi should have warned or banned Raiq for being so aggressive and harassing him when he was trying to state his case.

    Mumble should wait out his ban, but Navi needs more training, or to be retrained as what to do imo.
  9. Raiq

    Raiq VIP

    Except for the fact that Mumble has been the one who started the constant harassment and following me since Friday? Yes, I will be aggressive when there is a person of that caliber that says stupid shit like "go kill yourself" and other blatantly "edgy" racist terms. Also, I was asked by an admin if I felt you were a bit too good, and I said yes. You hit nearly impossible shots 100% of the time, so I'll assume what I want to assume.

    "even started gloating about prop killing as soon as finite left the server. I was not able to get a demo of this part as I was not prepared to already start reporting people on a server I just joined." Don't bring up stuff you don't have proof of, because I only stated that it was EASY to prop kill since I have my punch boost maxed out. But twist it however you must, haha.

  10. It's not just a person that's breaking a rule It is a constant thing. Also saying that "it's easy to prop kill" is because you tried it out. So say it's a lie if you want. But you cannot say it was only Mumble that is "toxic". You have even admit that you have toxic behavior. However being a regular Navi did not warn/kick/ban you like he did Mumble, which is a major point to be brought up. Admins should not show favortism. Both sides should have been punished in this case.
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2016
  11. john redcorn

    john redcorn strangers like me VIP Emerald

    Although external community activity should really never be considered in a report, Mumble has gained quite the following this week in various communities.
    A seemingly innocent ban request on a 'scummy' casino owner who apparently ripped him off since he 'won'. Turns out he can't fathom a loss and reports the casino owner for doing his job, eventually degrading to the point where mumble is mentioned as the subject in statement of "I'm starting to think everyone should just avoid you within a fifty yard radius."
    More contempt towards staff members in the same roleplaying community for doing their job to uphold their given rules, flustering staff members in the process when he gets angry with their process of gathering evidence. He is currently banned in this community under the given reasoning of "RDM x3 | Attempted Mass RDM | Trying to bribe | Extended by Jeff | Changed by Div"
    Yet another roleplay community where he shows ignorance to the given ruleset and use 'chillax dude its a stupid rule' as the go-to defense.

    This is very notable since this has all occurred within the last 7 days, showing that this isn't just a specific issue for this server. I'm not saying his word should be discounted based on his current merit, I'm just throwing this out to be considered.
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2016
  12. Mumble

    Mumble New Member

    Yeah on Divinity what I stated was true and on SantosRP I stated what I thought of the rule it doesn't make a difference on what server I play on what happened here is wrong.
  13. Ajani

    Ajani I'm a poet now! VIP

    So I do want to say that I don't appreciate the way you said things that we're very inappropriate like," slit your beaner wrist" and that you are," getting a mod with authority " you and other players have shown this evidence. Also you have been banned by other mods for the same offense of harassment.

    Also, I do realize that I should've warned raiq for the harassment he was showing towards you, but at that time I realized he was the target from your harassment and he was defending himself. Again I should've warned, but I will learn from this situation and I do thank you for pointing this out.

    I will now leave the final verdict to my admin @kynwall
  14. Mumble

    Mumble New Member

    I joined 2 days ago and Raiq was the first person I ever met and he was literally the most ebola person ever. He screams into his microphone and likes to throw temper tantrums yet isn't punished its stupid.
  15. kynwall

    kynwall "Painting Roses" VIP

    Alrighty, if you would kindly give me some time to review this report that would be fantastic! I'll be sure to get this done A.S.A.P, your patience is appreciated.
  16. Infinitely Finite

    Infinitely Finite The future is always blank. VIP

    Hey @Rice and Chicken , I was moderating when Raiq accused you of Aim botting. I too was very cautious and made sure to record multiple videos of you playing (before Raiq even joined ) because of how swiftly you were going about killing people. There weren't any snap-shots (quickly targeting the head and shooting), which are common with most aim bots. Since there weren't any snap-shots I decided that you weren't botting. But I'm replying with this to show that Raiq wasn't the only one. From my time playing with Raiq he seems to get expressively angry, but he gets mad for the right reasons, like people breaking the rules.
  17. Mumble

    Mumble New Member

    He literally screamed at me cause he said I was ghosting when you watched the video I was literally looking at him. He literally ALWAYS screams at anyone and everyone he's very toxic....
  18. Yea, I remember you telling me that you recorded videos of my gameplay. It happens quite often in most FPS games that I get accused of hacking. Have as many people as you need to record/spectate me as you need.

    I am currently uploading a video of Raiq prop damaging a player after he responded to me saying he would not prop damage/prop kill. The player was a traitor, and any sort of prop damaging is against the rules no? I will edit this post with proof shortly.
  19. kynwall

    kynwall "Painting Roses" VIP

    Alrighty, I'll be locking this thread until I can give my final verdict.
  20. kynwall

    kynwall "Painting Roses" VIP

    Alright, now that I've looked through everything said and the video I've come to my final conclusion.

    I would like to start off by saying that
    Navi was not at all bias in his decision to ban you and not punish Raiq, he and I spoke about the situation already and what it came down to was that he was simply more focused on you due to your reputation for being toxic. Was this the right way to handle things, no it was not and he understands that. He expressed his distaste for how he handled the situation in hindsight which I commend him for, because this means that he will be learning from his mistakes and I apologize on both his half and my own as he is my moderator and therefore my responsibility, he and I well be having another conversation on how to handle a harassment situation and reviewing what happened here so it does not happened again. For this part of the report it has been deemed valid.
    As for
    Raiq's side of things, he has said, in the video provided as well as admitted to, more then a handful of rather colourful things which should have been handled then and there, so I will be handling it myself in the form of a one-day ban; as for this part of the report, it has also been deemed valid.

    Thread: Locked
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