Invalid Report against mrbarnes

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by White Hare, Jan 1, 2015.

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  1. White Hare

    White Hare New Member

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Which Server:
    West 2
    Which Map:
    terror train
    Which Round:
    Time of Occurence:

    Reason For Report:
    mrbarnes called a false kos that you can clearly see he typed in and was not a key bind near the beginning of the round.​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
    You are playing Trouble in Terrorist Town, version 2014-06-22.
    TTT: The Traitors have been selected.
    You are: INNOCENT
    Round state: 3
    TTT: The round has begun!
    Herp_Derp_Fap_Slap: thanks:) i'll still try OBS out and compare though
    You are: INNOCENT
    mrbarnes: kos white hare
    You are: INNOCENT
    TTT: Detective Doge found the body of thalnos. He was innocent.
    Revoked: Yes.
    Revoked: Yes.
    Grains: no kos on hare
    hallowedgrave: False kos?
    You were killed by RoboKop, he was a INNOCENT.
    TTT: Vlad Lenin found the body of mrbarnes. He was a Detective.
    TTT: cmdpunker found the body of hallowedgrave. He was innocent.
    TTT: The Black Guy found the body of White Hare. He was innocent.
    *DEAD* (TEAM) mrbarnes: lolwut
    RoboKop: there was a KOS
    hallowedgrave has voted to Rock the Vote. (1/22). Type !rtv to vote.
    *DEAD* (TEAM) hallowedgrave: !rtv
    Grains: i called it off and it was before round
    *DEAD* (TEAM) mrbarnes: rip
    TTT: Revoked found the body of brionlee97. He was innocent.
    Revoked called a Detective to the body of brionlee97!
    Revoked: crazylilwhiteboy acts suspicious.
    *DEAD* (TEAM) OprahWinfrey'sAsshole: sorry i saw my chance
    TTT: Alpha-Excalibur found the body of {SuN} TwinkleToes. He was innocent.
    Revoked called a Detective to the body of White Hare!​
  2. Brahma

    Brahma Homecoming. VIP Silver

    I am having trouble finding the logs to this event, do you know what time this event occured?
  3. Brahma

    Brahma Homecoming. VIP Silver

    Apparantly with the lack of evidence and this is a single rdm report, i have found this report invalid.
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