Invalid Report against Mr.Rogers

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Batman47, Oct 14, 2015.

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  1. Batman47

    Batman47 Member

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    West 1
    Which Map:
    Which Round:
    First Round
    Time of Occurence:
    About 6:05PM PST (I didn't get the actual in game time)
    Reason For Report:
    @Mr. Rogers Possible RDM; Straight MetaGaming(or whatever it is called when a 'Friend' helps in game as a traitor.)

    After what I believe to be RDMing (Throwing a known traitor explosive [Exploding turtle] at a player and getting them killed) He then gun downed another player and ran into a traitor room. How it opened just as he ran to it with no traitor inside was too well coordinated, hinting that he was metagaming with another player who was a traitor.

    Rogers was inno, so I believe going into the traitor room is also traitor baiting.

    Let me know if I am looking too deep into something stupid or if I am wrong about anything. What happened that round just doesn't feel right and that's why I brought it to the forums.​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
    My video edit skills are very poor, such as no sound and choppy (it is a recording from a stream since I don't archive which I will from now on.)

    A run down: He grabs turtle, throws it, it blows up on an inno. He begins to gun down inno. After he kills him, runs to traitor door which instantly opens for him, with no traitors on the other side. Gets gunned down, IDed as inno.​
  2. Rek

    Rek Ø

    @Mr. Rogers and his admin @BmTron will handle this report.
    Rogers will provide his defense and explanation then his admin BmTron will conclude whether or not it is valid or invalid due solely to the evidence provided.
    Thanks for the report, please be patient!
  3. Mr. Rogers

    Mr. Rogers Lil Tokyo VIP Silver

    Good evening Batman,

    From what I understand, your main argument behind thinking that I was meta-gaming is the timing of my actions. I can assure you I have no need or want to meta-game or ghost with anybody on these servers. I simply saw the Traitor room open right after I killed a player; so I went on inside not to bait any innocents into shooting me, but because of the chance of Traitors being in there. This was not an attempt to purposefully ruin any one person's Karma.

    As far as the fact that I possibly RDM'd is concerned, I killed the player "bro ski ski bro, bro" due to the fact that he killed an Innocent. Yes, the player he killed - Turquoise - committed a Traitorous act by throwing the turtle, but the player I killed did the same by killing an Innocent.

    I'm not quite clear why you think I was meta-gaming, as the timing of events in TTT is often a coincidence and is not enough to convict a normal player of any sort of meta-gaming punishment. Hopefully what I have explained here eases any worries you may have had about me breaking the very rules that I am upholding while I am present on the servers.

    As previously mentioned BmTron will mark this report with a verdict of her choosing based on what was stated by both parties.

    Have a nice night.
  4. pup

    pup Princess Pup

    Do you have anything else to add or say before I finish this?
  5. Batman47

    Batman47 Member

    Due to poor quality of evidence, I don't think much is going to happen. The frames where it shows Rogers flinging a turtle are gone because he does it so quick.

    The only reason I made this report is because I felt that something was wrong and, in no way, am I targeting Mr. Rogers. I enjoy playing on the server and want to keep it safe! That's all. Whatever verdict you come up with I will agree with and continue to play.

    My apologies to @Mr. Rogers ; I even told him I was going to file this report because like I said, it didn't feel right. Sorry for wasting everyone's time if nothing was wrong.
  6. Turquoise

    Turquoise Princess of Vanilla VIP

    I felt like this was the case, as far as the turtle incident goes. Y'see, I tried removing the turtle from the scene to not cause harm and amongst my terrible throwing skills it landed in that poor terrorists face just as it had been triggered. Rogers didn't fling it at all in this scenario, Batman. I'm the one wearing the Terminator/T1000 skin. Rogers is wearing Joker in this scenario.

    EDIT: And to conclude, I think I deserve a slay for this even though it doesn't record me as killing that poor inno.
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2015
  7. Mr. Rogers

    Mr. Rogers Lil Tokyo VIP Silver

    No need to apologize Batman, I don't feel targeted in the slightest. You suspected a Staff Member of a wrongdoing and reported it. Reports against Staff Members are often a learning experience for both parties and not a bad thing in the slightest.

    I will arrange a slay with @Turquoise later on today as I had not realised that thrown turtle had actually killed a player who would have otherwise not died had it been left alone. (Thank you Turquoise for coming forward about that)
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2015
  8. Turquoise

    Turquoise Princess of Vanilla VIP

    With @Pacifist and @Mr. Rogers as witnesses, I took a slay on East 1 earlier for what I believe to be RDM on my part, since nobody has posted here since then. Not sure if they took screenshots, as I didn't.
  9. Batman47

    Batman47 Member

    That is fine, I must have been mistake with the turtle. I wish to close this report.
  10. pup

    pup Princess Pup

    Rogers did nothing wrong in this case and I feel he gave his side sufficiently enough for you to see why. In no way did you waste anyone's time here, so no need to apologize for anything, alright? This won't count against you. :) Thanks for sending a report, but Mr. Rogers had no malicious actions here.

    If you have any more questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me!

    Report: Invalid
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