Invalid Report against Mcgodinater/Mr Rogers

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Rdme, Jan 9, 2016.

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  1. Rdme

    Rdme Member

  2. pup

    pup Princess Pup

    I'll be looking into this report. My moderator, @Mr. Rogers will respond soon.
  3. Mr. Rogers

    Mr. Rogers Lil Tokyo VIP Silver

    Just to have this on record I'll give a quick response to this Report.

    Here is the RDM report that you sent in. Just from your accusation alone, I could not slay the player as I had to wait for their response, which I had not received till about two rounds later.

    When I received the response, I put two slays on the player as it was his Second Offense of RDM in my session.

    In the future, I would suggest you keep in mind the message you receive when we investigate a report. Not all cases can be handled in one round, and if you are curious about the status of your report you can always contact a Staff Member in @chat.

    Have a nice day, @BmTron will finish this up.
  4. pup

    pup Princess Pup

    Like he said, try communicating with the staff member handling your report first before jumping to a forum report. Either ways, Player was slain so that would be marked as Valid, but against Rogers, Invalid since he did slay the person.

    Have a nice night! Pm me if you need anything.
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