Invalid Report against lost.ouiji

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by DasSauce, Dec 23, 2015.

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  1. DasSauce

    DasSauce Member

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    (Wasn't able to find, as he wasn't in recent games)
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    East 1
    Which Map:
    Which Round:
    Last round
    Time of Occurence:
    ~9:35 EST
    Reason For Report:
    I am playing on TTT East, on ttt_metropolis.

    lost.ouija got offended because I made a joke about autism. Sure, it was in bad taste; however, how he entirely singled me out which was extremely impulsive and unprofessional. He gagged me, despite the onslaught of homophobic and nazi jokes being spout by others. You can not single out a player you do not like solely because you felt their joke had more bearing than others.

    Now, onto how he was abusive. We were playing on ttt_metropolis. He was trying his very hardest to find any technicality he could to slay/punish me because of his impulsivity. I do not believe that a "serious" server should have such an impulsive and emotional moderator.

    He claimed that he had killed Bird (which was a lie, because I did). First strike of a lie he was caught in. I had killed Bird previously, about 10 seconds before (despite the report where I stated "1 second" which obviously wasn't meant as literally 1 second); he was likely a traitor because he didn't ID the body. Now, on top of this: it was obvious he believed he was being RDM as a traitor because he, after I shot him and missed his head with a scout, asked "who just shot me?" However, he didn't ID the body and he was where the recently-laid-dead Bird was.

    I explained to him I understood he was offended by the joke that I made earlier, but he shouldn't be so impulsive and should listen to me explain myself further. (I like to keep my report answers brief) So, I did; I explained myself. I am calling him out, and he claimed that he had evidence to prove me wrong, so I believe the burden of proof is on Mr. lost.ouija. Please, show this proof you have sir.

    I find it especially impulsivethat the rules clearly state harassment punishments as 1 time.) Warning, 2 times.) Kick, 3 times.) Ban, but he skipped directly from 1 to 3 in his impulsivity and irrationality.

    We do not need moderators and administrators who look for loopholes and/or any ways to kick or ban players they dislike. That is not a fun environment.​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
    The server at the time; burden of proof is on him to show that he didn't impulsively slay me or single me out since he claimed he was recording and had video evidence to prove me wrong.​
  2. Communion (1989) Putlockers HD Stream Eng Sub

    Communion (1989) Putlockers HD Stream Eng Sub i'm thinking i'm thinking VIP

    @lost.ouija will respond at his earliest convenience, and his admin @Guilty will make the final verdict of this report.
  3. Paradox

    Paradox The One Eyed Ghoul Banned Elite

    i was on when this accured @lost.ouija he gagged you for jokes that people felt harassed by, then you proceeded to call him impuslive, and quick judging and bad.
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2015
  4. DasSauce

    DasSauce Member

    It's easier to single out a player who you felt made a more offensive joke than is it to fairly and rationally punish all who are spouting other offensive jokes. He gagged me for another player making an autistic joke. Many in the server had to say that it wasn't even me who made the joke, because he was hasty and impulsive in his gagging of me.

    I had even brought this to his attention by saying that you can't just punish me for saying autistic jokes, what about those making nazi and homophobic jokes?

    Those players were going unpunished while I was singled out because my joke offended him more.
  5. Paradox

    Paradox The One Eyed Ghoul Banned Elite

    Das, no one ever made a commet about the other jokes that were going on at that time so he didn't act on it plus he was also busy with reports.
  6. DasSauce

    DasSauce Member

    So, because no one was openly offended by the nazi or homophobic jokes they should go unpunished? My autistic jokes were NOT harassment (like he claimed) except for the last one I made, because they were not directed at anyone. Of course I am going to get frustrated from him singling me out for my jokes (which were not directed at anyone).
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2015
  7. Hacker Nation Anonymous

    Hacker Nation Anonymous The Voices Have SPOKEN! VIP

    We are going to get right into this report.
    Your behavior over several rounds with us was intrusive and very rude. You were asked twice to stop, then gag, then needed a mute to get around the gag, and finally banned due to the excessive nature of the specified behavior. I have several screenshots here to go with this, let's take a look at that.


    Now while this shows us just some of what you say in chat it cannot recover the audio of the same thing you were doing to deserve some of this as well. To further this we have the remarks fellow players were making in regards to your "joking"

    After the repeated behavior it was apparent the ban was going to be needed here and I still stand by that decision to push for a DENIED. Let us look into your secondary concern here where I have so kindly made a Video of the incident along with the report of a player who also reported you and you claiming that you shot a T.

    In this second report you claim to have been shooting a terrorist and then report Ronald. This is easily detectable as false here. With the RDM report as you see I Identify the body and move up to the fence where I am shot twice and killed.

    The behavior you exhibited today was rude and damaging to players who even on mic were saying they had disabled family members that you merely laugh off and continue to say the harmful things. I feel the rights were used correctly here to handle a toxic player among our servers. With all provided I can say I still wish the have this case marked DENIED.
  8. Harry Potter

    Harry Potter The Boy Who Lived VIP Emerald Bronze

    I would like to say that I have played with DasSause in the past and he makes autistic "Jokes" all the time and he has told someone "What are you Autistic" clear harassment. I have no evidence of this I just felt that it should be added to the record.
  9. DasSauce

    DasSauce Member

    No, I wasn't saying "What are you, autistic?" I was saying "What are you, gay?" In reference to Filthy Frank and his friends.

    1.) "Warning" Clearly that isn't regarding me at all. You said I was making jokes about autism, which I was. That says racial remarks. But, this said: you didn't go as far as to gag those who were making them. Only me.

    2.) "Continued bashing" I didn't mean this in a bashing way. I didn't mean to write "a lot of".

    3.) "Final Time with the harass" this was one of maybe two times where I was actually targetting a person, so I don't know how this was a 3rd time.

    4.) "First" Fair enough

    5.) "Second" Nothing in this?

    6.) "Video" and 7.) "RDM report"

    I told you, I killed Bird. I didn't even mention that person you ID. He was right near the scaffolding behind/underneath you. You didn't ID his body. That's why I killed you.

    Again, though, you clearly skipped the kick and just straight up banned me, when you know the rules say to kick first. It was hasty and impulsive.

    8.) I was wrong, I saw him shooting at a player(s) and assumed he was shooting at innocents so this was a mistake on my part.

    People make mistakes...and so do you.

    The MOTD clearly states that you must Warn, Kick, and then Ban. You skipped Kick because you were overcome with emotion and acted impulsively and irrationally.
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2015
  10. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    Good evening @DasSauce . Thank you for making this report on my Moderator. Reports on staff members regardless of whether they're valid or not are still used a sign to see a staff member's capability of handling a situation on our servers.

    I'm gonna go over some of the points that you have raised in this report as well as tag my Moderator, @lost.ouija , as far as how your experience on the server.

    The entire point that you admit to targeting autistic players is showing poor taste in your behavior as far as how you act around the servers. If a staff member asked you to stop making those autistic jokes, you should have stopped in the first place. It doesn't matter if people are making jokes about homophobes or the German Nazis in the end. If those jokes can ruin a player's experience, then it can cause problems for that player, which causes more discontent to rise as a result. What I'm getting based on lost.ouija's side of the story and your admission is that you continued on making these jokes despite being warned. The fact that you continued showed that you disregarded the warnings from the staff member and created a less enjoyable environment and broke the rules in regards to harassment. As far as how he's targeting you, if you continue to make those kinds of jokes and cause other players to have a less enjoyable experience, then he can take action. It's not because he's specifically targeting you, but rather because he's enforcing the rules of the servers.

    If you feel that this was the case, then it's unfortunate, but I would like you to provide evidence of this in this report.

    As far as how the ban procedures went, I agree that did make a mistake in this point (if it was for straight harassment and not spam) and he will be spoken to about it. Though to call it impulsive and irrational is incorrect as you have been causing problems as stated on your side and lost.ouija's sides.

    However, the entire point of this report, which is to show lost.ouija's negligence and unprofessional behavior appears to be invalid based on your responses and his response. Though I will be asking my moderator about this situation regarding the player named Bird and ask him to post another response.

    Until then, cheers!
    Sincerely, Guilty
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2015
  11. DasSauce

    DasSauce Member

    So does that mean I am going to be unbanned? ;)

    On a side note, I agree I was rash and inappropriate. However, I don't believe these behaviors should have been (or at least felt) mutual. I bear no ill will towards ouija as I am also at fault. I just hope this is a learning experience for both of us. I would like to apologize to ouija and the players I offended, so that we may be on good terms in the future. I will try to keep my inappropriate and offensive jokes to a minimum, but there's no way I'll have the ability to cease them entirely; I love me some dark humor.
  12. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    As far as your intentions for the report on my Moderator, which was to cover abuse, negligence, irrational, and impulsive actions, this has been found to be invalid. My Moderator has shown that he hasn't acted in those kinds of actions. I have spoken with him in regards to the mistakes I have mentioned and he has learned to avoid doing this again. Though this report has been found invalid.
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