Invalid Report against Lord Momo

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Tybe, Jun 12, 2020.

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  1. Tybe

    Tybe VIP

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Lord Momo
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Which Map:
    Which Round:
    was my last detective round on that map
    Time of Occurence:
    before 9:00 pm est
    Reason For Report:
    I'm reporting for a slay I firmly believe was wrong.
    I killed an innocent because of what I thought was GBA, Guilt By Association. A person that was actively called out as a traitor who was shooting me as a detective but was not shooting at an afk that he had a clear shot at and ample time to do so for an easy kill, There's no doubt in my mind that that is common sense enough to kill the afk for Association.

    To put it as a another example, imagine being at the stairs under the bed In the map of Dolls. Player A (you) sees Player B who is a traitor and see them kill an innocent under the bed and runs to lower vents, Player A witnesses that kill and the killer running away, promptly following player B through lower vents. There Player A sees player B walking past an afk Player D, also noting that player A sees no one else in lower vents.

    You're telling me no matter what, Player A CANNOT kill Player D for Association?

    I believe that GBA is not just literally only for witnessing and not reacting and can cover more than that.

    Reason for the report is only to challenge the slay and nothing against the mods.​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
    This video shows where I was and where I was being sniped from, The afk in question was directly behind me. also shows where the sniper was and how he had an angle on both me and the afk behind me. please bear in mind that the scenario being reported does not last only for a few seconds, it lasts for at least a minute. most of which is past the limit of my recording which I activated too late after the fact.

  2. Tybe

    Tybe VIP

    Tagging @Lord Momo for being the Mod that handled the report
  3. RyanHymenman

    RyanHymenman Conscript the women and kids Administrator VIP Silver

    Also tagging @Irish Momo's admin
  4. RyanHymenman

    RyanHymenman Conscript the women and kids Administrator VIP Silver

    Also gonna throw in the rules for GBA for reference
  5. Tybe

    Tybe VIP

    Note here that it does not say anything about my scenario, GBA Rules in context mostly displays scenarios that are invalid and mine is not listed. So that should be enough to prevent an instant invalid.
    And, Again, I believe that GBA should cover more ground than JUST Witness and not reacting.
  6. Logan.

    Logan. Greatest admin alive ever VIP Silver

    Hey Tybe,
    [​IMG] this is the report you are talking about, I added the slay to you because you killed him for not being shot at as you said in your report, and when questioned about it, and asked about the unideds around him you said no i killed him for what i said in my report [​IMG] . Now because of your response, I talked about it with other mods and we came to the conclusion that if you had said, I killed him for the unideds or I killed him for not doing anything about me being shot, it would have a valid kill, toxic but a valid kill as he was obviously AFK. Sadly my recording did not capture the death scene. I do understand that this is a tricky report, hopefully we can get a solid answer out of this.

    I will let @Irish handle the rest of this as I have added all the information I have.

    Last edited: Jun 12, 2020
  7. Tybe

    Tybe VIP

    Pictures are broken @Lord Momo
    And i believe
    was automatically included in a GBA response. at least that was the case two years ago as many others including me have killed afk players for surviving a traitor attack and not getting killed.

    If times have changed then so be it, I just want a definitive reason why my scenario is invalid should it be invalid.
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2020
  8. Logan.

    Logan. Greatest admin alive ever VIP Silver

    Yeah sorry Im fixing those pics right now not to sure what happened. But there is nothing in the rules that states not being shot at is GBA. (if they are just saying image right click and open in new tab)
  9. Tybe

    Tybe VIP

    Nothing in the rules that states it's not GBA
  10. Logan.

    Logan. Greatest admin alive ever VIP Silver

    Well I hope this clears it up!
  11. Irish

    Irish SGMs Residential Frog-min VIP

    Hey Tybe, after seeing the evidence provided by @Lord Momo I'll be concluding this report.
    As you say the AFK was directly behind you when you were being shot, If the traitor was shooting at you it wouldn't it be in his direction as well? Regardless of that, he was not GBA, the traitor was trying to snipe from afar. Furthermore not being shot isn't a t act. If you had killed him for the other reasons provided by @Lord Momo then yes your kill would've been valid
    I hope this clears up your confusion, the slay was correct

    Report : Invalid
    Thread : Locked​
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