Invalid Report against Lol, Humancowcakes & Poke

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by visiblepain, Sep 3, 2019.

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  1. visiblepain

    visiblepain Member

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Which Map:
    Doll house
    Which Round:
    second to last round
    Time of Occurence:
    4:45 pm
    Reason For Report:
    Lol, Poke (STEAM_0:1:166081429) and Humancowcakes (STEAM_0:1:42068074) were meta gaming, ruining the experience of the game. Mulitple accounts of lol rdming and killing innos were reported but all were justified in the eyes of Humancowcakes because there was "reason" the reason was always Poke a T that round starting fights and then running away and when the innos retaliated Lol would slay them down, and when he had chances to kill poke he did not.

    The really upsetting thing is how humancowcakes the mod went on to slay everyone else for doing the littlest thing but refused to slay or even say anything to Lol there were multiple people complaining about mass rdm and metagaming. I hope that vip is taking away from Lol I do not think you should take any of his money from now on, since it literally ruins the game to have him play, let him pay for his own server where he can hack and cheat by himself.

    I also want Mod Humancowcakes to have his power taken away from him as he was using it to please his friends rather than be a proper mod for the people.​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
    As far as witnesses and evidence I hope it is kept by all the reports, there should be multiple reports against Lol during that map, including mine which I believe to be the most damaging.​
  2. Cash

    Cash I staff the proper way Banned VIP

    tagging my admin @Fiz seeing as this seems to be a report against me as well. Give me a bit to gather all the evidence of lol not rdming.
  3. Racerboy

    Racerboy VIP

    Was there, can confirm.

    Dude had 699 karma all from RDMing
  4. -Vader-

    -Vader- VIP

    Was there as well, can agree to his confirmation.
    Kid was shooting left and right without being stopped by an admin.
  5. I mean i was there, but it sounded like cowcakes had the logs messed up as he sent me and it shows ThePaleRider as a t when in the round with the "mass" rdm ThePaleRider was innocent
  6. Can confirm, i was there as well. Although when i was killed, some1 called a false kos on me at the start of the round, so it wasnt counted as RDM, Cowcakes says everyone Lol killed was Kosed, so... yeah.
  7. Its as simple as Lol was killing people for committing traitorous acts and they happen to be innocent which would explain his low karma. I was only a traitor once if I remember correctly and I usually finish my targets off unless they run away and get to cover so I don't really know what you're talking about. And if Lol saw them commit a traitorous act that is up to him to kill them. Humancowcakes was just dealing with reports how did he play a part in this when Lol simply didn't rdm? If the people Lol were kos'd then he just followed it report the person who kos'd you.
  8. Peach

    Peach sweet c: VIP Silver

  9. Cash

    Cash I staff the proper way Banned VIP

    Will go through my footage in a bit here to find the deathscenes I grabbed

    Last edited: Sep 3, 2019
  10. Cow, i was killed for the KOS that was put on me at the start of the round.
    There were no unid bodies near me, now youre just lying and its pissing me off.
    The reason that Lol stated he killed me in the report was "You were kosed".
    If you cant keep the facts straight, and if you cant or wont tell the truth, then you dont deserve to be Mod. Stop painting things in a way that makes it seem like you didnt ignore the blatant RDM.
    Lol obviously committed mass rdm.
  11. Tea♥

    Tea♥ VIP


    Thanks for making this report.

    I will go over each kill Cowcakes has listed with the logs

    SweatyROD - Shot someone right in front of me, so I killed them.
    ThePaleRider - was called KoS by another player.
    Chad From Accounting - Shot me in vents despite seeing me kill sweatyROD, a traitor.
    Ryrax - Also shot me despite me identifying the body of the traitor I killed.
    PapaNordGuy - Shot at the person in bookshelves. I initially planned to kill him. I realized Ryrax was there, so I switched over.
  12. Tea♥

    Tea♥ VIP

    Also, you claim you have evidence of me metagaming. Where is the evidence?
  13. Tea, there is a rule "Grace Period" where you can be killed within 5 seconds of killing and iding a traitor. it applies to everyone, inno, Traitor, or Detective.
  14. Smh, if you people cant even read the rules, then idk what to think. I guess this server really is P2W.
  15. Cash

    Cash I staff the proper way Banned VIP

    I'm going through video evidence so please be patient
  16. they are allowed to kill you back for shooting at them regardless of scenario.

    My problem with the situation is Tea calls me a T then ignores it ESPECIALLY when TEA called me an innocent earlier in the round. I dont think it was mass RDM I just think it was meta gaming and I dont have chat logs, but look at the difference between our "first fight" vs the second in which you couldve killed me throughout the whole entire minute, but chose later because Reasons???
  17. visiblepain

    visiblepain Member

    In this report it does not show accurate damage logs as I was shot just before that by poke
  18. Cash

    Cash I staff the proper way Banned VIP

    You can still be killed for shooting someone, regardless of whether you got shot at first by them or not
  19. visiblepain

    visiblepain Member

    Yes but that's how you meta game to win. Why didnt lol finish poke once he found i was inno and why didnt poke shoot lol when he could have? That's meta gaming 101. It's obvious Lol is trying to loophole the rules, which in the extended rules is against the rules.

    1. Playing the game how it's not meant to be played; ruining the fairness and enjoyment.
    2. Playing the game in a malicious or unfair way.
    3. Helping the enemy team win the game (Metagaming).
    4. Loopholing our rules.

    5. PUNISHMENT: Admin or higher tier discretion.
    * Enforcement of other rules will take priority. *
  20. I agree, Lol was definitely looking for any and every excuse to kill people.(kinda like what Chad does sometimes :p)
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