Completed Report against kynwall

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Shrek, Oct 5, 2014.

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  1. Shrek

    Shrek Active Member

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:

    Which Server:
    East 1
    Which Map:
    Time of Occurence:
    about 2:30pm Est
    Reason For Report:
    not fulfilling his duties as a mod. me and awesomer were repeatedly telling him we were stuck and to tp us, but he continued to not do anything then eventually kill me while i was stuck. (he was a t)​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
  2. daddy

    daddy おじいちゃんファック VIP Bronze

    Moderators are not required to teleport you out when you're stuck, it's a privilege which can be revoked when needed. He was a traitor when you asked to be brought, so if he did bring you, you most likely would have died anyways due to the fact he was probably traiting, or you might have just killed him as soon as he brought you since he was probably committing multiple traitorous acts.

    Regardless, @kynwall will respond at his earliest convenience.
  3. kynwall

    kynwall "Painting Roses" VIP

    Hey there Shrek, so the reason I couldn't TP you was because I was a T, who kills innocents. I was going around murdering the server, and doing my job as a T, yes you asked me to TP you, and I told you/the server that I was a T and couldn't TP you do to ethics, there was also another moderator online @Taco_Rocket , who was sitting in the spectator list, and if I recall he said "brb 5min". So regardless it came down to a code of ethics, TP the person who knows I'm a T and could kill me when I do it whilist in the mix of shooting others and committing T-acts or let him sit stuck for the time being while I'm being hunted down like a dog. Sometimes its impossible for me to TP people when I'm a T and I apologies for the inconvenience.
  4. Shrek

    Shrek Active Member

    i don't think anybody had taken dmg, let alone died when i first said i was stuck in admin chat. so im not sure how you cant just tp me and let me run off. you weren't kosed or anything. im also not sure how moderators arent required to help people who are stuck. thats pretty much like saying "you dont have to moderate if you dont feel like it at the time." me and Awesomer were just stuck right off of the bat and we both had our rounds ruined because you weren't fulfilling your duties.
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2014
  5. ThatBox

    ThatBox Not this box, that one. VIP

    @Shrek, teleporting stuck players is not moderating it is a privelage given to you. Also, just because you don't think something happened, doesn't mean it didn't.

    Tagging @Disruptionz to deal with this report when he deems it ready.
  6. Enigmatica

    Enigmatica The Song Lives On Banned

    Doesn't seem like it was at the very beginning as you say, either. Your screenshot shows bodies being identified before you message that you're stuck.

    Staff aren't really obligated to have to teleport players, and they can use their discretion. In Kynwall's case, he was a traitor and was allegedly put on a KOS. his situation would only give him 2 options: kill you as soon as he brings you, or let you stay stuck and get killed otherwise. If you knew he was a T and let him go because he brought you, it could be considered meta-gaming and such.

    I've also had players in the past message @stuck when they are in a traitor trap, so I usually wait 15 seconds or check to see if they're really stuck before TPing them.
  7. Just as @Event Horizon and @ThatBox said, it is a privilege to be be unstuck, not a right and therefore is not something kynwall was obligated to do, by any stretch of imagination.

    Kynwall was KOS'd in chat by the 2nd time you had asked him to TP you, which means he was committing traitorous acts. He knew that if he brought you, it would have potentially ruined his round and yours, because you could not just "walk away" if he was surrounded with unID'ds/holding a T Weapon/etc, because it could lead to meta gaming if you two just went opposite ways when he brought you.

    Therefore, this report will be marked Invalid. Hope you have a great day!
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