Completed Report against Jld

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by xxsh0td3adxx, Aug 10, 2014.

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  1. xxsh0td3adxx

    xxsh0td3adxx New Member

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Report Against: Jld
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Which Server:
    Time of Occurence:
    Reason For Report:
    I was harpooned and the guy says he "warned" about it while i was his T buddy harpoons are not warning if you hit you die you aim it yourself. I asked twice to know why he wasnt being slayed and asked twice to see the report and know why i got no responce. I feel this was very frustrating i need to know why or have some feedback. It was extremly unprofessional to not hear anything back in game when i typed to him in admin chat.​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:

  2. ThatBox

    ThatBox Not this box, that one. VIP

  3. Darktooth

    Darktooth I was #1 VIP

    Hey there sh0td3ad! @Jld is my trial mod, and he was on the server with @urisk2 and @Kenny, who were the mods who issued the slay. They will respond when they can.

    Just know that harpoons are able to be deemed as crossfire if they were meant for someone behind the target. Based on what you have typed and what I heard from my staff, it appears that this is what happened. Regardless, they will respond soon.
  4. JonD

    JonD VIP

    Hello xxsh0td3adxx I hope your day has been great.
    Your report was found invalid by kenny and myself. We looked at the logs and we determined you were killed by crossfire, which can easily happen when someone uses a harpoon. The harpoon throw was also a triple, which made it a higher possibility of crossfire. We decided to not slay him because of the crossfire, which is protocol usually. The reason I might not have replied to your messages in chat is we had a surplus of reports and I had to deal with all of them. If you need to contact a staff member you can do @ and the question. If you would have did @ kenny or urisk would have told me. They also might not have seen you trying to get my attention in chat.
    Thank you,
  5. daddy

    daddy おじいちゃんファック VIP Bronze

    Hi there xxsh0td3adxx!

    The reason @bSun Sora wasn't slain is because he has the Triple Harpoon upgrade (you can buy it in the point shop) and occasionally one of the harpoons may hit a T buddy while you try to aim for an innocent, this is why we considered it crossfire. Logs and report below.


    As you can see, he was aiming for me but one of the harpoons hit you in the process.
  6. Darktooth

    Darktooth I was #1 VIP

    After reviewing the evidence given in this thread, I have determined that this report is invalid. The triple harpoon upgrade does have the negative where you could accidentally kill a T buddy in crossfire (which does not happen very often) and this was the case for you. Since we do not slay for crossfire, the person who you reported was not slain.

    In the future, please try to talk to admins with @ chat by typing "@Hey why did you not kill x" or something of that nature.

    Thank you for making this report. It will be locked and marked invalid at your acknowledgement.
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